Great Business Opportunity

Penis Englargement Surgery

Dr. Elist has this implant that you can put on your dick to be 8 inches.

What if a few of us invested with him and allowed this technology to grow?

I'm thinking 500k-1M investment and at least break even on monetary returns.

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OP has a tiny dick

i would never - ever let someone cut my penis open. NE-VAH.

jup, but he has the point

4.7x4.7 and I'm a grower ;_;

All this money, all this fitness and I can't fill a fully aroused girl

I was circumsized at age 6, so I'm used to surgeries on my dick

god damn user, you should sue your parents for that.

Puss was everywhere, I had stitches on my dick and I had to sleep on my back for weeks. My bro was circumsized at age 11 lol

I can go through the same shit if it means I can grow 3 inches ;_;

>Because Elist then reached in and pulled the body of his circumcised penis—circumcision is a prerequisite—out of its skin. You know the way a condom turns inside out when you peel it off after sex? The skin of your penis, which is attached only at the glans, can be rolled off just like that. (Party trick!) Once Elist had the inner penis exposed, he wrapped the implant around it, added a layer of surgical mesh, and used a fishhook-shaped needle to attach it, right under the head of the penis. Then he rolled the skin back on, making sure the implant was positioned correctly, rinsed everything with antibiotic fluid, and closed up the incision.

>dicklets are actually desperate enough to do this

Satisfaction is at 95%, the 5% are just really insecure.

Some dude with a 8 inch dick did the surgery, I'm not on that level.

Listen dumb fucks. There are two places you want to really avoid surgeries. The face and the dick. The reason is because there are a lot of nerve endings, so any surgery will leave you with numbness for life!

Just pay bitches to suck and fuck your tiny dick. No one cares.

There is no sensitivity loss, all the nerves are on your skin.

>tfw sex will be better because you can feel more of the girl's pussy ;_;

just use cialis then..

wouldnt every girl you fuck after feel the implant when theyre jacking you off or blowing you?

Just Jelq
it's not that hard, it's free, and you don't have Dr. Levi Chaim Dreidelburg Shekelmeier slicing up your cock for fun

It would seriously be better than my current dick.

Also the implant gets hard when you get hard.

Reason why I want to invest is so that it's as real as possible. This guy has been using this implant since 2004 so it's been improved over 14 years.

>reddit spacing
>baby dick
>literal FOMO with his penis


It as useful as the chinese tiger urine recipes

I'm gonna keep my 6 inch Dick, no woman ever complained

I jelqed 3/4" onto my dick. That's enough to go from small to normal, normal to big, or big to huge. Capillaries grow and contract just like muscles, so why couldn't jelqing work

Why don't you also post your portfolio with 1 million btc?

I'm in... let us "forge a-head"

>There is no sensitivity loss, all the nerves are on your skin.

Are you pretending?

But he's right, it's not overnight gains but if you do it consistently for a year you can easily add an inch of length and a half inch of girth. May not seem like a lot but that's like 23% increase in erect volume. It makes a difference when your going to town on some pussy.

Do you want me to post a pic of my 8" penis? The odds that I was born with it are incredibly small

Meant for

Thats pretty horrifying. I can see liberals going for it though.

great article

Someone’s experience with this the implant

You saved my life. We need to invest more into stem cell research my dudes.

Damn, how much pussy do I have to go through to find the right one?

Also, finding girls with the right pussy will be 100x easier with money.


What the hell is wrong with this guy? Why didn't he get a second opinion before trying all of this?

guys, I'm moving to Brazil... don't hate on me


One day user

And they say money doesn't buy happiness

Dicklet confirmed.

Isn't this true though??
Ignoring those lying on the mean, half the population falls below the mean anyway

You can pay poor people $10k a pop to try out these surgeries. I'm fucking on this shit right now.

Who's with me? Lets make a stem cell start up. I don't care about credentials in the medical field, I will be loaded. We're talking billions. I have a new drive for life.

All the patents, all the fucking money from this alone.

Serious question. Did it get thinner since you started aka did you lose girth?

suddenly cancer everywhere

Guys, stem cell stocks are very cheap now and they will increase once all the other technology surrounding it is taken care of. Expect huge gains on stem cell technology.

My main technology investments are now

>stem cell research

If you're 4.5 inches you're fine guys. You'll never impress a size queen slut but you will keep a nice girl happy.

t. above average

>mfw dick is already 7.5" and girthy
no thanks faggot, somebody's dick is gonna get mangled at some point doing this

im 4.5" and can confirm
never had a complaint

Naahhh, I need a big dick

Everyone invest in StemProtect, they're on it right now. I'm going to make an investment deal with them once I make my first million and hopefully I can get a return on my money.

Alright guys, I contacted them. Looks like I'm in the stock game now.

Apologies for being annoying.

This is what I emailed them

"Hello, I read your article on DailyMail about penis enlargement through stem cell procedures. I would like to invest in this company in the next few years. Do you have stock options? What is the most effective way to speed up your research on this topic? Thanks."

>mfw 6 inches and feeling below average

where's the pics?

velly sma peenisss

dude fuck that, aint no whore worth it if she gives a fuck about it

>people pay for surgery to do what africans do for free and get 14inch results

buy an african dick weight or google how to make one and sit on a chair that u carved the middle out of to let the weight hang ur dick down.

google jelqing and penis exercises