sell you weakhanded faggot.

Mainnet launch was priced in.

Now a bunch of impatient cunts just like yourself are waiting for a moon that isn't coming, and will begin selling off as the price drops because of other impatient cunts selling.

I'll be the one, if you want me to

who else /iconed/ here?

I guess koreans are only good at starcraft and not at crypto

GMO Time asshole

Everything is fine! No need to panic. Just one more week

I got gooked on this one

Holllld Faggost I was Fudding hard this morning too, how ever from a very reliable source pleas read the following and make of it what you want, if you sell in my opinion your fucking up lads:

"I see some panic and worries over the Mainnet of ICON. Welp, things are pretty simple:

Korean government pushed final rule day from 20th-30th.

So ICON's big release was pushed back until their annual summit on the 31st.

Korea government pushed back the final regulations to 30th. ICON's Annual summit is 31st. It is just logic. For example, initially the Korean government date for release was the 20th and ICON said their mainnet release of ICX would be the 24th. However, since the Korean government changed their date it makes sense that ICON changed theirs as well."

Its from Peter from Bite Size Bit Coin one of the sharpest guys in the industry

not worth selling before 31st anyway

fucking gooks, they knew it was delayed days ago and said nothing until now

31st my ass

Weak handed losers, gtfo

Fuckkkk we got gooked again boys. We never learn. Never invest in Asians.

I was hoping for a delay. Now the market has more time to recover, thus ICX will get more attention and a better price.

Who is this? Fuck she’s hot

got gooked haha shit son, gooking started since the China ban

not sure bro I am a addict to saving all those pics from /b/ have massive files

if that is true it makes sense, what doesn't make sense is why i had to comb through Veeky Forums to learn about this. did they announce it officially?

it's fake

Stfu pajeet

Warning friends
Sell now mainnet delay to February
Tam never update ever bad way
Buy cen for tobacco on blockchain and good twitter fun. So much free if you hold. Had to build shed for myvtobacco so good friends listen and buy

go finish up your homework kid

do you know if i have to move my icx from my ledger to binance before the mainnet lauch?

Be greatful that the company have employed above 100 IQ people that knows basic strategy.

if big true

>above 100 IQ employees
>fail at deadlines

lol at those who buy back at 8000 gwei, this is still very far from the floor at 6500

>thinks we are hitting 6500 gays

>I don't care about fundamentals
>I'll just "hoooodl" hurrr
>Look at me I'm Wurren Buffett

What the fuck are you even trying to say you pasty soyfuck

It's actually fake though.

I'll break it down for you. My three main points are:

1. ICX will go even lower
2. You're dumb as fuck
3. Kys

You took one of my copy pastas REEEEE

The buy walls are massive at 730 Sats and especially at 700 sats. It's literally impossible. If you want to sell at the bottom, go ahead though.

Already sold.

As soon as whales remove those fake walls this shitcoin will be in free fall.

>already sold

nice job faggot

Lol who would put a fake wall so far back. It's just a bunch of people who are trying to catch a major dip. You're fucking stupid m8

I'm sure they'll reach their goal of a nationwide korean blockchain. It's not like they've missed their deadline once again. Oh wait... kek

Pajeet tier fud

>fake buy wall

What a fucking disaster. Just dumped all my icx at a 700% gain at least.

i feel pretty dumb spending time researching this shit when i lose all my money because chinks

Just wait a week retard