Hey Veeky Forums, I have a few burned out video cards like pic related. Any tips on how to sell them to schmucks on local classifieds?
Hey Veeky Forums, I have a few burned out video cards like pic related...
Take out the plastic and heat it in oven for a while. See if that fixes it, then sell it with price depending how scumbag you are.
Only do this if you're ok with never using the oven again for cooking. Capacitors have toxis shit in them, and will leak once you heat them up.
capacitors are delicious bro don't know what you are talking about
Those cards have 3 year warranties.
Kill yourself jew.
Just replace capacitors, they are cheap
Not worth it to get your house molotov'd at night over 200bucks nigger
Hey man, I'm looking for advice on to sell pretty much dead cards so I can acquire new ones for little expense.
Learn to fix boards online. it's fucking easy.
you are a fucking idiot if you burnt out multiple 1070s, learn to undervolt you fucking dumbass
Get a fake pinger number with your area code.
Post on craigslist
Meet at a local coffee shop.
and then just talk about how great the card was and insist that you want to test it but are in a hurry or something. Sell it for cash and delete the longer number.
You fucking faggot. I hope an angry gaymer burns your house down in the middle of the night.
>complain about pajeets and their scams
>make threads about scamming people
Veeky Forums you really are retarded
Lynch yourself
>liking to scam implies I like to be scammed
Fucking brainlets and their logical fallacies
>Veeky Forums is one person
RMA them you retarded fuck
how did you manage that? genuinly curious so i dont make the same mistakes
It's easier to sell to people.
I overclocked them because I thought they'd mine more faster/efficiently if I OC'd them.
kill your self op
get what you give, faggot. "nigger" etched into your forehead
did you flash them and fuck with the voltages?
or just the clock and power settings on msi afterburner?
MSI Afterburner
>>MFW user never cooked capacitors cakes before
msi has pretty good rma program. rma those bitches.
You're full of shit. You didn't burn out any cards. It's barely even remotely possible and only happens when the manufacturer fucks up, like evga did before november 2016.
You're salty there aren't any to buy. So you came here and lied, because you're a shit person from a shit board, so do us a favor and find the nearest door and hang yourself from it.
Note I said "like pic related". They are dead R9 390s you fucking shill.
Pic related is a MSI 1070, r9 390's are most definitely not "like pic related" you unwashed cretin. You have dandruff in your eyebrows, and your excessively large clothes washing intervals cause people to leave the room when you enter. Get the fuck off my board.
Lmao so mad
why even bother wasting the time to post this stupid lie?
I'm just playing around son. You're like one of those posts wrapped in rope and I'm a fat old tomcat. I'll drop some dead birds on a doorstep and sidle up to you like you're not even there, sink my claws into your doughy flanks and pull little scraps of your flesh out, a bit at a time. SKRITCH SKRITCH BITCH. Stop looking at my sexy tail, faggot.