Veeky Forums today is the day I visit this board, I couldn't cash out for a Lamborghini but I could cash out for something far better.
Veeky Forums today is the day I visit this board...
Nigger nobody buys gold engagement rings.
Can't be real. Please tell me this is bait.
Ultra cucked
lmao that is the ugliest engagement ring dude please do not give that to a woman you love
Thats an expensive brass nuckle there user.
You're not cucking yourself, right?
Can't wait for the pink wojack post in 9 months, OP
Oh my god its real
Bro it looks great. Fuck these haters.
sweet, hope you're white and will make at least 3 babies
Enjoy your crypto gains OP. It's your money u can do whatever the fuck u want
ugly ring
Why would the file be named "image"? Just because it's not indexed on google doesn't mean it's not larp.
Everyone point and laugh.
OP, you just made me realise I am never buying the mother of my children a ring. If loyalty and a loving family isn't enough for her, she's a vapid whore and not fit to be the mother of my children. Thanks for the epiphany, matey.
“Something far better”
As I sit back and think about the ratio of lambos:women in this world.
Smh OP
Thanks just gave away 50% for the rest of my life
This is the 2 ct i just bought with some of my crypto gains
lol 3D
>gold engagement ring
Tacky... sorry bro...
she needs the ring so she has something to sell when she trades up. by the time the ring money is gone in a couple months she'll have her hooks firmly sinked into this new man who will provide for her until she trades up again. the ring is important, its a symbol of how she'll get paid once she dumps you