Im gonna commit suicide. What should i donate 2 million dollars to before i go?

im gonna commit suicide. What should i donate 2 million dollars to before i go?

I wanted to make a donation to my favorite anime company, but not sure how to do that

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Don't be silly user. With 2 million you can buy lots of help, surely in the world there exists some remedy and you can use the money to find it.

just buy a lot of there shit

Don't commit suicide. Go to Japan and fund an anime or manga or whatever the fuck with your money.

Fly to Japan, go to their headquarters, tell them you want to fund a new season of your favorite anime that never got a second season. Write them a check. Then kill your self before you get to see it.

it's a larp
idea being we poorfags are going to be so triggered by someone not appreciating what we don't have. the tossing the 2 million to some anime company was a nice twist, but its still a pretty basic trolling

donate 2 me so i can watch animu all day

Why are you killing yourself?

Don't do it dude. That's never the answer. With that kind of money you can really make a difference in the world. Go get involved, start changing things and be the difference you want to see. Things will get better man. Just hang in there.

>the tossing the 2 million to some anime company was a nice twist, but its still a pretty basic trolling
this, 6/10 just for the originality

We meet again 3DPD user.

nice /a/ and Veeky Forums integration, whats next? Shilling Otaku Coin?

Child's Play.

They donate video games and consoles to children's hospitals. I donate to them every month.

short with 100x leverage, maybe you get lucky

Another day, another dollar.

Except no dollar for me because no ICX main net launch. You doing fine?

Same here, I'm watching as my portfolio slowly bleeds into nothingess. Thinking maybe I should make "cash out half" bot for these situations. Too late.

Nonsense, I have had worse and it always comes back. Sure it sucks watching your portfolio go -50%, but you need to have strong hands to make gains. I don't believe that very many people can make money by playing the market here, and then they always risk to be left out of moon mission.

Gambling sucks.

Hello, this is your favorite Anime company. How can we help you today, nya?

or fund a varg approved pagan organization
pretty pleaasse

Call Takahiro, ask for Nowayu or Yuyuyu S3.
Then kill yourselves while watching the anime.

Trust me, I have strong hands. Just thinking long term downtrend bot could've cashed out half and get more coins by reinvesting them back after certain amount of dropping. However, of course you'll never know when it reverses. Long term hold plan is always going to win in the end.

Forgot image

Don't do it user, you have too much to live, watch tokyo ghoul manga

not larp. i have 2 milliom in fucking crypto and i still cant get a fucking girlfriend. im done with this world. im cobsidering flying to philines first to lose virginity, and then going to japan to do this.

money means shit when youre born an autist.

>the tossing the 2 million to some anime company was a nice twist
Some dying guy on /a/ funded the second season of an anime. I can't for the life of me remember what it was.

What company op?

Give it to Chippai so they can make some dank ass lolicon animations.

Why not fund an anime adaptation of your choice from the studio of your choice? Imagine the possibilities. Wait to off yourself until after the anime finishes.

>not getting a personal trainer to get fit
>not getting a personal coach to help manage your autism
>not just buying girls
What do you even use the money for, not for getting girls

Well, atleast you don't have to eat rice and bread everyday because your country and your life sucks

>also, I like gosick too

The horror! Why you do this?!

fuck off you disgusting 3rd worlder

donate it to making supergood katana so you can teleport behind your back and sudoku in style

you can donate to my wallet

just hire some dating coach dude
but I can tell you right now that pussy is overrated and youll probably still want to kys once you realize that

Anti suicide group! I've had 4 suicides in my life in the last few years, including my brother, it fucking sucks! So donate to helping people, then help yourself!

Give it to me and I'll be your gf for a month or two. Any kind of sex you want. I am qt and am not bothered by autism.

What studio?

Posting for Spice and Wolf S3.

me, I'm a NEET, but my funds have ended and now I'm fucked, I strongly identify as a NEET and can't continue to be a NEET, this is opression

>Spice and Wolf S3.
The books get shit after the anime ends. Holo finds a new guy and tells him she is the first man she ever loved and it implies she has been doing that for centuries. No wonder they only translated the first few.

Because I can

>Donating money to an entertainment company
user that's fucking stupid don't even kill yourself.

donate it to those eastern europe far right groups that intercept refugees on rafts and send them back to africa

>giving money to the only source of happiness in your life

Well fuck, just kill me.
Kino and Mushishi both got S2s already. Slayers is getting a new LN, LotGH is getting a remake. What's left to pine over?

you have no idea what rock bottom looks like

I actually have a whole team at my college that want to make cutting edge high quality immersive anime. You should donate to our team

When I was still student, I got desperate and tried to eat ketchup + tortilla roll only.

fuck you i don't have anything ;_;

A second season of Shojo Shumatsu Ryoko or Made in Abyss would be nice. Another season of Yuru Yuri or Haganai is always welcome either.

pic is half a year ago im worst off now
want to see my fridge?

I can't believe how many times I've seen you post your fucking fridge on Veeky Forums. Why are you not banned? Why do you continue to beg?

FUCK off.

Stop being poor on the internet.

You will still be miserable after you lose your virginity

Your problems are internal, not external

spend a portion of your wealth on therapy

good luck


Getting laid is fun tho.


i own 5 potatoes and two pounds of white flour at the moment
neet salary on monday

>neet salary on monday
Spend it on kneepads.

Do you want some cheese user?

Hey OP, before you kill yourself, can you send me some ETH to pay my rent ?


Hey OP, think about it

If this world is so terrible to you that you want out why in hell would you like to donate money to the living to perpetuate it? go down with your money and don't give a dime to anyone

If you are not going to need the money, a poorfag like me would be grateful for some pocket change

Or better.
Store your money somewhere, cash out $10 and go to street. Try to survive a month.
You will then understand.

i would kill a man for some cheese

>Empty fridge
>Ask for donations
Works everytime!

Dollar get!

You stupid subhuman, killing an other man for material possession !

But I'm forgiful tonight, post your monthly income / depenses and I will help you.

>being a beggar
my income is about $900 monthly in neet money and i spend literally all of it every month, i've got plenty in crypto so im hopefully cashing out a lifetime worth of money later this year

I'm not above posting my ETH address in this thread, just in case OP feels like being generous to another autist. I'm so fucking broke all the time.


I don't want you to kill yourself though ;_;

>asking for details
>getting only income

M8, where do you live?
How much for rent?
Any credits?

If "neet money", you don't have any spending to do, so you can buy fucking cheese.

Me neither, I need money for comfy items like pillow, sheets, and comfy bed, would be nice if some kind weeb would understand the need!


fuck off
i've got rent and other monthly bills draining 3/4 of my income



Donate to StemProtect

Do it for us dicklets

Get spice and wolf season three animated, faggot.

First off, if you're being serious then don't kill yourself. Live life and see how much shitter it can get.

If you are going through with it, then I'd say donate the money to a children's hospital.

This is a lie.


Call Kadokawa and fund season three of spice and wolf.

>tfw you have more money than most of the people but too scared to go outside because of asperger
I would rather be normal than autistic rich boy.

Try to fund some animu with your dosh my dude

Give to tranny fund, make the world less benis.

Really? I'd rather be an autistic rich boy than normal.

So is despara out yet?


user these songs are for you.

Fuck you I can't even afford hot dogs

Easy for you to say. Mental health is worth so much more than money.

t. wealthy bipolar user


He should make a patreon, kek.

The rest of the Banner of the Stars series adaptions.

Sorry user, no offense meant.

move to portland and start a fight club house, i'll help

you will find meaning

If you end up feeling generous OP

Don't kill yourself (yet), go watch new animes

With a bit of encouragement from OP's wallet sure. Otherwise no never

I promise if I make $100 million in crypto I'll make sure Despera happens.

I live in portland and there's a rich dude who has basically done that, except that it's more like a fight club for Magic nerds.

user any reason for u committing suicide? stop being such a pussy, i swear i know some guy with no legs no arms, still enjoys life happily more than i do, please tell me ur excuse

>toilet paper
>ceramic knife
>shit food
Are you me?

>no arms, still enjoys life happily more than i do
That's probably because you spend your life in a masturbation induced haze while he can't
>inb4 projecting

It doesn't have to do anything with the circumstances in his life, could just entirely be mindset/psychologically related. You don't have to be a starving nigger in africa to want to kill yourself I'm not really saying OP is right or wrong in wanting to do it that's entirely his choice after all