>tfw got to lamboland

>abused as child
>buy le magic meme money with my student loan + all savings a few years ago
>now a very young millionaire
>can't relate to normalfags
>can't date 99 percent of people to have a chance at paying private schools + inheritance
>don't even have expensive tastes meaning it's worthless, live in a shared house and still use a gtx 670
>don't enjoy anything, focus on nothing but ensuring my children will be millionaires and normalfags
>sometimes when no ones around cry and think where it all went so wrong

Show me your anus for .05 eth

It's never too late to change user

Are you fucking me user? Jesus Christ.

so fucking tired of you normalfags pretending to be le different
you CANNOT be a /bizbot/ if you are unhappy with 7 figures

post proof

No sympathy for these people, wah I'm rich and sad like wtf be grateful you made it and get.a new graphics card dummy

>>abused as child
What kind of abuse?
Americans use this word for 213219E^3414 different things (here we use only for sexual abuse)

It;s not good. Even my old friends are turning away from me, the amount of passive aggressive nocoiners is ridiculous and I know they are all hoping I get btfo.

What does it change? You can buy expensive crap to impress normalfags and that's it. For example even if I owned a big house I'd barely ever use the rooms.

Ledger nano s stored in bank private box. I'm sure that a lot of people start realising this happens when they get to 100,000, you just never realise until you actually get there

Don't worry, you'll find your way eventually if you keep trying.

Buy a fuck machine and a dildo, get prostate orgasms all day

Shouting, never really feeling loved, witholding food, although I can't remember clearly I used to sleep with a knife with me for a few years when I was about 12. I lived with me, mum and brother barely know dad.

Not gonna act like it was truly outstandingly bad but it was worse than almost all normies and enough to fuck me mentally for years/

Bad parents, some deserve respect, most not.

I with good things in your life man.

I wish*

I literally won the lottery then made some money in Crypto. Get on my level.


7 figures is enough for a comfy house and passive income until the rest of your days
that's all a true NEET needs to indulge in his patrician hobbies (and fuck wagie's gf every now and then)

You are of course allowed to send me some btc.
If you have less, you will get happier and more satisfied with what you have.

money will never fix your attention deficit disorder. do us a favor and pick up a prescriptive drugs addiction (benzos and synthetic opiates) and kys :D.


tip top kek. You didn't even get beaten?
lel, that's the americans that make fun of pajeets here. lel, such a hard life you had OP.

That sounds tough, user. I hope the best for you.

Find a pasion .
It's watches for me :)

You obviously didn’t get beaten enough