The future of the ChainLink project

Alright Veeky Forums I realize there has been a lot of fud recently, some of it nonsensical, like the ridiculous idea of a shadow fork, and other posters just generally making up fud as they go. This place is one of the very few that has caught wind of this project, and has put money into it. I am going to set the record straight on where this project is, and where it is going or not going. To maybe help you decide if your money is safe in chain link, or if you should seek NEW investment opportunities, and wait for similar projects to pop up in the near future.

A little background on myself so maybe it will lend some credit to the information I am providing. I have been in contact with POTENTIAL partnerships with smart contracts and the use of decentralized oracles, companies looking to use this along with SWIFT. I, working with a particular company that also deals with transactions, examined the practical usage of smart contracts within the companies network as well as reviewed the whitepaper and talked to some representatives of the project themselves. I do not know whether I was speaking to Sergey himself, just that it was someone with knowledge on the project. This is all very recent dealings and discussions, within the past 2 weeks.

First, the project is in a stasis, essentially not moving forward. This is to a few issues from what I discussed with their representatives. Personal issues were cited along with funding and hiring issues for further development. What this means to the company I work with, is unwillingness to enter partnership with a project they believe is not progressing forward, and has too small of a development team in place. There is absolutely no further discussions planned with the chain link project from the companies end.


Here we go, another shit larper.

Nice larp. Your english is far too pajeet-esque for me to take you seriously, dumb sand nigger. LINK has so much happening in Q1-Q2 that your fud is downright pathetic. 115k link at .17c and holding for life, cuck.

sage goes in the option field

I don't even care if LINK makes me rich anymore. I just want it to moon so all these LARP threads will stop.

I also spoke about their Swift partnership. Apparently it is not as firm as their own webpage would have you believe. No signed agreements to use chain link and smart contracts is in place on Swift's end. Swift using this type of new technology is not set in stone, and they may easily move to a different team if they feel their team is further along in development.

What this means for the future of Chain Link is simple. Price devaluation will begin to set in since there will be next to know further news or even development taken place for the foreseeable future. I suspect within the coming weeks, larger investors(whales) will begin dumping once they begin to realize that this project is stalled out. It wouldn't be unreasonable to see below .60 in 2 weeks, below .40 in a month.

Now, this may come off as all doom and gloom, but that's not necessarily true, what I am here to tell you is the ideas behind the project and tech is brilliant. It's just that this team has not put in place the tools to succeed quite yet. Chain Link can possibly be the project that brings this tech to banking, but that is still maybe 2 years away with their current pace. A new team could easily take the idea and be in a better situation within a year.

The current price of chain link is overvalued, and a such, will dump to correct within the next few weeks and months. I would advise anyone to move out of this token and into other investment opportunities. Their is plenty of money to be made, just not in chain link. My position on this could easily change if in the coming months the project moves forward. So wait for news, but don't hold, as it's price drop is certain within 2 months.

Good luck to all.


>next to know

You won't get my bags

this is a legitimate request

can anyone explain why Sergey hasn't tweeted since november?

you would know why he isn't tweeting if you did your research on him

if you ware working then you shouldnt be tweeted.

Id be more suspicious if tweets started

As I explained, there are personal reasons cited as to why this project has not been moving forward and news has been limited.

What those personal reasons could be are anyone's guess.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

The language used by this person reeks of larp. Nice try. Lacking in detail, lacking in jargon, lacking in plausible claims. The structure of all this bullshit is based on discussions that have happened on Veeky Forums, which were in turn based entirely on speculation. The fact that you are offering nothing new in terms of information that has not already been speculated on is a dead giveaway.

suit yourself. I am just giving a fair warning that the price will drop within the coming weeks and months. Doesn't mean this is a dead project, just overvalued at the moment.

No shit Sherlock. Any other obvious information you'd like to share?

>The price of LINK is not expected to rise until >any significant news is released.


Who the fuck is Fox Larcel? Is he working with Chad O'Fork and Jason Parser?

>it is not as firm as
your stools, littered upon the streets of mumbai.

I'm not saying that at all. I am telling the price is about to drop over 80% within a few months. This project is stopped in it's tracks.

fuck off pajeet, you won't get my cheap link

>the personal reasons FUD

Haven't seen this one since the post-Sibos depression era.

You have a well written FUD, but that's about where it ends. Your posts are too thought out and manufactured. You're trying to hard to convince in although you play it off like your just trying to tell us. You're a good writer but need to work on the approach. Good execution poor delivery.

I give you a 7/10.

>t.around the clock fudder

The only thing stopped in its tracks is the train from Mumbai to Dheli because the tracks are clogged with your shit.

OP isn't smart enough to realise why. You can tell they really tried their best though.

lol larp

He's a good writer that confuses it's with its? C'mon man.

His gut has expanded to a size where the keyboard tray cannot be extended out from the desk he sits at.

thanks just sold 100k

>I do not know whether I was speaking to Sergey himself

So you didn't even think to ask the name of this person you were taking to?

This is some next level pajeetery

>A little background on myself so maybe it will lend some credit to the information I am providing

If you want to lend credit to your information you have to provide something more substantial than your word.

The way I see it, you are incentivized to FUD on LINK because a drop in price in the short term allows you to accumulate more. Prove me wrong.

As over the top as a lot of the ChainLink hype is, at least most of it has had an actual document or something to point towards as evidence. FUD like yours meanwhile consists of "because I said so."

I'm willing to listen, but I need more information.