Tfw will be living off THOR power

>tfw will be living off THOR power

Anyone share this based feel?
Also Vechain thread instead of low effort fud threads

what node senpai no bamboozle

Strength, just trying to get to 20k atm.

youll be living off a 1 dollar token a day. how funny is that

Gonna lol hard when Thor ends up being worth a few pennies and "moons" to a dime.

Just loaded up on this last dip, why is making money so easy?

AAAAA can only afford 150 VEN, thor better hit $200

It's gonna be great. People still don't realize that anyone with a strength node will be making half a million dollars off THOR in just 5 years time.

thor will not be anywhere near 200

Strength node reporting in. Pretty comfy user.

What might thor be worth end of year?

Ven $15-30
Thor $2-10

Nobody knows. It's literally all speculation.

You’re delusional if you think vechains limit is 30$ lol

vechain will hit $1,000 - 2,000 in ~5 years

Shove that shit coin up your ass

This, if it becomes the industry standard and DNV's entrerprises all start using Vechain then FOR SURE it will be 1000 coin unironically and most of the big companies will be holding the nodes,

imagine the price of VEN when DNV starts to recommend Vechain to their clients? you think these billion dollar valued companies care if they have to drop a few million on VEN to produce their own THOR? They won't care even if the price of VEN is a few hundred dollars cause the gain they get in efficiency and cost savings will be exponentially higher than the the cost of buying the VEN they need

most of the coins are already in nodes owned by corporate and government entities that got in first, if other companies, industries want to use vechain which they most likely will there will be fierce competition to buy the coins held by plebs like us.

Price will sky rocket and I'm not selling till $2,000 even though $1,000 is enough for me to retire

t. 6k holder

yeah more like 10$

>Selling your VET instead of leveraging it against other income producing assets.

DNV saying they will implement VEN across all sectors. Gas, oil, renewables, maritime, supply chain. 80k clients. I'm so fucking comfortable OP. Plz supposed some more I wanna buy the weak hands.

be happy 30 is great you highschool moon faggot

Smiled thinking about this because I got my parents to buy vechain last night, not much but I'm glad they stand to make a lot of money (and me of course with my art student investment)

Same boat as you user 6k, feels life changing, comfy, life is good

They made it clear that they plan on implementing Vechain. The fucker stated blockchain themselves aren't that mind blowing but rather it's a public blockchain like Vechain which can handle logistics, database, and has IOT tech is special and that VECHAIN SHARES THEIR VISION.

DNV's yearly revenue is 23 billion, people seriously don't realize how huge this is. VEN doesn't need that much capital to do a interstellar moon. People take market cap as "THAT MUCH MONEY IS INVESTED HURR DURR"

Slowly convincing my dad to, him and I might be able to share a strength node.

Can’t implement across all sectors if the tech isn’t there. VENs great at marketing & partnerships, what about tech?

>So many strength node LARPers in this thread. 82 VEN master race reporting for duty

Ven is being shilled to hard to reach a 1000 coin in 5 years. It seems too good to be true
I own 20 Ven right now. If it does go to 1k/coin then I'll be extremely happy but I really doubt that'll happen.

fuck off newfag

If they have mass adoption, it can happen bud.

>i really doubt that will happen

The reason you can only afford 20 ven right now is because you dont know good money making opportunities if they slapped you in the face.

>can happen
will happen

Crypto market will reach trillions in the coming years, vechain only needs 400b market cap to be worth $2,000, 200b market cap to be worth $1,000. The circulating supply is ~200-300m due to the rest being held by corporate/government entities that will by no means sell them as that would be counterproductive for them.

>Crypto market will consolidate
>normie and institutional money will flow to cryptos that are functional with real world use
>scam coins, pajeets and the rest will be left behind because why would people invest in vaporware

Do you really think in an overall market worth trillions in the future, that VeChain wont be worth 200b?

200b marketcap is all that is needed for $1,00


Insiders are projecting $300 - $500 range by the end of the year. Very possible, if trends continue as they did in 2017.

Or I’m just not too retarded to know that a 8 billion valuation for this coin is completely undervalued ????

also vechain would survive any sort of crypto crash and become a bigger powerhouse as a BaaS as the shitcoins fade away.

Sittin so comfy with my node. Die poor waltcucks.


Yeah but this is like one of three cryptos that is actually, right now, working and being adopted. The partnerships are staggering.

say it with me:



I'm jealous lol but also quite comfortable with my 422

Traded 40ETH for 16500 VEN at $2.5
Did it in the morning in my bathrobe. Fapped afterwards because I was so happy with my strength node.
That is the story of I became a millionaire.

If it does go to a 1000 per coin then great. I still. Made momey
If it tanks I only lost 50 dollars.
So either way Im happy.
Was initially going to sell at 10 dollar mark but I'll hold til EOY and see what happens.

hahaha similar story here user we are on the same wavelength. Also we both have green ID's. Cheers my fellow fap brother. See you when we are rich. Don't forget about the Bitocean partnership and Japan.

Who are these insiders perchance?

t. 4 Walton guardian masternotes
I never did have a real job and i never will.

That’s a big if.

>their biggest announcement was being part of a partnership consisting of 140 different companies

So what's a realistic price expectation for VEN? 1000 USD doesn't sound realistic


At least they have a whitepaper :D

They also make their own patented chips that are more secure, fail less and are 3-4 times cheaper than other chips.
Why would businesses choose to pay more for less?


$1,000 is ~5 years give or take is as realistic as america having another mass shooting...

3 month and 1 year for now, just realized i got green ID and good digits so it might get to 1k

honestly cant say 1year from now.

But 1,000 in ~5 is pretty much guranteed, be happy with that knowledge

You got link to this tweet?
Can't find it anywhere.

Market cap just mooned, why? Did they increase coin supply?
Rank 15 now.

CHECK his replies

>Why would businesses choose to pay more for less?

You're right, why would businesses choose to pay for a waltcuck specialized chip when they can use secure encrypted RFIDs that cost nothing?

thats the thing.... they won't

anyone noticed how fun it is to say waltcuck

Supply is now as it should be.
They finally included coins from private and corporate offerings.

isnt all VEN being converted to VET tho?

Is this a good thing? Also is going to public blockchain a good or bad occurance?

>cost nothing
source? Do they make them out of thin air for free?

price will go down for sure, long-term potential has been halved. use your brain

This may cause dip but it's actually good in my opinion.
Imagine if VEN went to 6B and it's actual cap was 11B.
That would artificialy lower the rank.

Literally nothing has changed. Those coins were always there and always would have been there. Now CMC just shows the accurate number.
The good news is normies will sell thinking the market cap is too large so I can pick up more in the dip.

if anyone has doubt just thin about this:

- overall crypto market cap going to multi trillions in the coming years
- vechain is setting the standard for functional non-pajeet cryptos
- vechain only needs a 200b marketcap for $1,000

use ya brains

you idiot, circulating supply just doubled. VEN would need a market cap of 400billion to hit 1000. FUCK U

>being this much of a brainlet

Bitch shut your tits . I'll fuck your dick, you are a very stupid person

Shill me on salt Veeky Forums

Never see anyone posting about this despite it beeing a top 100 coin, chart has bottomed out and it looks like it actually has a decent usecase but no one ever mentions this coin?

Sleeping giant
it's current price is a great window to get in

It was shilled a lot just a month ago but i think i remember some fuck up from their team or something, really couldn't tell you much more

Supply has always been there.

>being this much of a sandnigger
please explain how i'm stupid? did cmc not just update the circulating supply to double what it was earlier today?

>Supply has always been there.

3.5 billion is fucking nothing. This will be 10 billion easily.

>>>>hurrrrr i need 6 million to retire
Do not buy this coin.

Seriously guys?
This is a /comfy/ Tron thread

Get out (pic related)

stay mad cuck boy 6m USD is 7.5m aud and enough for me to retire

fudders latching on to anything right now lol
i hope they can drag this back to 2 dollar

Your fight I just coming to terms I'll only make a couple million instead of several, sorry for snapping at you.

>Your fight I just coming to terms I'll only make a couple million instead of several, sorry for snapping at you.

laughed my crypto trading hoodie off

Team just released 200 million tokens to the markets

thanks, just sold my position. Thank god there are good people on Veeky Forums

I am looking to buy in, whats a good price

Same. I heard Jim Breyer is into cuckolding. That's why I sold

it might go back to $2 since the team doubled their coin count. Basically they printed coins for the team to spend on fancy cars

nice math, double? and its always been this amount circ, just wasnt updated on paper. Still $30+ by march

Found the teenager with $400

Best way to increase stack of VEN?

bought 6k at $2 stay cucked

sell before big announcements, buy a day later when it has dipped 20%


>has no idea how any of this works apparently

You fucking saltie waltie. They FIXED the number on coinbase they did not print coins. Seems the pajeet fud is working on the burgers and chinks waking up

not if your entry is lower than a 20% drop

Buy more?