For me it was being convinced to buy INT. FUCKING HELL WHAT A SHITCOIN.
Be honest
For me it was being convinced to buy INT. FUCKING HELL WHAT A SHITCOIN.
Be honest
stop posting this nasty roastie
> Dividend Token
Still +93% in the last month. Not too shabby I guess
>being this retarded
I haven’t been scammed because I’m not a fucking idiot.
telcoin liveedu
however, made 3x from dbc, 2x from sophiatx, 2x from req and 3x from link
thanks biz some of you are ok
People here shilled Ripple hard, then I bought it and it dropped half of the value. I'm still holding these bags.
She has a regular sized torso but midget arms and legs.
lol telcoin, invested 1 ETH in this fucking shit, the moment I pressed ''BUY''- I got fucked in the ass and lost about 30% of my investment. Been going down ever since....
Veeky Forums told me VOISE would be listed on Binance. kek, now on Telegram turns out the whole project was a scam... luckily only $500 lost... still hodlin though... ya never know... fucking pajeets
Dat nigga said INT
India superpower by EOY i will poo in your loo
fuck you I love this roastie
Lol at the int regrets, I tried warning you retards to go with cnd and ARCT instead
This I think we got pajeet’d user
Trump coin and milo coin
tfw no high test qt gf
You never know, maybe you are a Pajeet as well. But yeah, INT really hurt
Wht int? I got a 2x out of it
No you bought high
Lmao loving this thread
Fucking Telcoin. Luckily I only put like $200 in that shit
TRX was a lost cause, but not by much at least. If it goes up a few more cents, I can at least take out what I put in and throw it somewhere else.
Link and the SIBO thing lmao, lost 30% on this delusion.
Freeze a piece of shit and fuck her with it
signatum (only $100 kek, fell for the good community, miner coin meme) and obsidian (muh platform)
I made a LiveEdu account but I didn’t buy in once I noticed someone posted “This is on y combinator?! Fuck it I’m 2 eth in!” in multiple threads. That and referral codes up the ass.
I wonder how these pieces of shit can sleep at night knowing they're scamming people
I bought Potcoin lol
I askd on reddit of tokens contract address maan... where to send tokens and he scammed the fuck outta me by telling his own wallet address.. da fucker got ma money bitch
Fuck that guy
All you fucking retards deserve it for being this dumb. None of you deserve any gains. Fucking retards like you are laughable, dumbasses like you are what we make fun of daily.
HAHAHA get scammed more. And will continue to scam you for free money. Faggots
Joining the carTEL. But it’s early days. Maybe it’s a money making scam. But confirmed scam
Who is he?
I put .37 on live edu.
almost did .5. I'm hoping I didn't fuck up too hard.
buying canya at 4.68 never buying anything on KUSHIT EVER AGAIN
Eh, I'm still holding INT. I only put in 0.14 ETH into it, so the loss isn't massive.
Someone told me about CMT hours after it hit binance. Said it has a good team and price was at the bottom.
Well, of course it dumped to half price within hours and stayed there for weeks/months.
But I only put in 300 cause I didn't really trust it.
VEN however, fuck me, the FOMO got me bad with that.
LINK has been treating me better than most of my shitcoins.
REQ has been horrible and also APPC though that was also a small-amount crapshoot.
DBC and APPC, boy those bags are heavy
VEN is not a scam, not profitable for now maybe but not a scam.
INT is fucking shit, worthless coin and people openly lied about it only to scam
It's a girl
I'd tongue punch her fartbox, if you catch my drift
If you give me .37 eth I’ll see if I can get you back your money
Bought 50k CAPP at 3600sats...
Yep. Appc and xrb.
i was shilled into MNE via Veeky Forums at the end of the day i only have myself to blame
Veeky Forums told me NEO was a scam when it crashed from $30-21....I dumped 5k NEOs and went all in on Confido ...
I invested in Live EDU, got banned from Telegram, sent email about refund and now I can't log in to the dashboard or reset my password.
Thanks user.
Got shilled into buying COSS and POLL
>panic sold all XLM for BTC
>realized BTC wasn't going anywhere and XLM could keep going up
>bought back XLM
>lost 60 XLM for fucking nothing
People create groups of investors and they create FUD campaigns as they start dumping, price goes low, regular people sell it and then they start buying low price bags not giving a shit for the people’s lives... welcome to biz...
joined a pump and dump group. Got scammed .18btc by the leader trying to do an off exchange sale.
Come on, Breh...
Get fucked
i will never forget the day someone made 1 thread about lomocoin when ada was 500 sats and i decided to buy lomocoin instead
what's this?
INTchain right now. I am seriously getting fucked in the ass by the elaborate chink scam.
The telegram admins are faggots too.
Thanks Veeky Forums
lol this was at EDC 2016, one of my friends hooked up with this thotty.
supposedly she gives good head but idk.
will dump instagram for some eth..