Worried you got pajeeted again ?

Worried you got pajeeted again ?
Get in here fellow hodlers and post your comfy memes, i will show you why we are gonna celebrate and have FUN next monday, see the pdf screencaps im gonna reply with proof.

hint 1

>Worried you got pajeeted
No, I believe in Jez.

Post what you wanted to post

Gotta be honest, seeing it go sideways so close to february makes me regret this.
Hodling until then and gtfoing on ICE.

Nice just bought 100k

25k reporting

Hint 2

20K checking in. It hasn't been comfy, but I refuse to sell until at least EOY

Post more hints

Yall got pajeeted

LTC & UFR masterhodler reporting in, 100x my money only by hodling since 1 year ago.


What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I'm Norwegian, this is the state-owned Norwegian gambling business (Selling scratch cards and lottery lots). There's NO way they'll ever use FUN, they're as conservative/bureaucratic as it gets.


you sad child

Meget KEK

Jez has got connections with Åsne Havnelid. You poor child

this is a medium to long term hold boys, don't forget that. confidence will be restored come February, remember EVERYTHING has been in a slump

This is linky logic

wasting even your attention on this shitcoin ... whats wrong with you?

this shithole needs the flag function like pol

>buy FUN
>get SAD