Why are you pathetic NEET virgins spending your crypto gains on finding a girlfriend and making her happy with...

Why are you pathetic NEET virgins spending your crypto gains on finding a girlfriend and making her happy with expensive presents? Look at this MAN, spending his hard-earned crypto gains to propose to his girlfriend. TAKE NOTES NEETS.

Other urls found in this thread:


>spending 4 moth salary on a overpriced ring just to have her take 50% you own 5 years after

guy sure did good

lol what a cuck, he was never gonna make it anyway

>been with gf 3 years.
>tell her about crypto and she doesn't expect me to buy her things or cash out because its my money and she knows it.
>entertain the though of cashing out a fraction to get married..

Are you just against marriage and women in general or are you just a virgin?

India superpower by EOY i will poo in your loo

Also, prenup has been discussed and agreed


i don't even get how the fuck did we arrive to agree on such a shit deal, as a society i mean

>worth even wiping your ass with
they get thrown out all the time for being "inequitable" or "signed under duress"

at least here in Canada

Maybe realize that your specific situation is an anomaly. Most people, male or female, are greedy and will try to leech off of people who have money. Are you naive, or just retarded?

if she doesn't take % after divorce then it's an ok deal

can't wait for prenups to be determined by immutable smart contracts

My GF ist doing a degree in CS, I tried to get her into crypto but she doesn't really get it. Even thought about whoring her out on yt/insta to shill some low cap shit for me since she really does look good.
What do?

I dont think so, if you lay out the parameters of your relationship and discuss finances with them like a (((man))) /biz would have better luck with women. Instead of being a cuck and buying them whatever they want.


Do it

bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks


Veeky Forums 2018
fuck off

realistically you're better off making your own twitter / discord and getting a good following based on your trading calls. you can even start charging money if you get good enough

but that would require effort on your part

> What do?

If you're not making $ to get puss what're we all doing here


>unironically getting gouged by the vaginal jew

He's probably just a faggot, they tend to get extra angry when people get married and have families and stuff.

They call them "breeders" or something, sounds racist desu.

There is only one person for me, he completes me


we don't. we get a prenup or plan to neck ourselves if divorce

Let me guess:
>she has her own money/skills
>she has daddy issues.
>someone close to her got hurt by a golddigger.
>she has more/get along better with her male friends than her female friends.
>she knew you and liked you without knowing you had money.

Just tell me if that rings any bell to you

getting freed from the wagecuck life motherfucker

>not just hiring escorts and then killing them to avoid paying


Freedom you dumb subservient cuck

Being married to a roastie and feeling socially obliged to "provide" for her is the exact opposite of freedom.

are any of those things bad? No male friends or golddigger probs

I'm glad my GF is smart enough to know rings are bullshit.

I could never be with a girl long term that was not intelligent and reasonable.

Why didn't he just buy cubic zirconia

Women, not even once.

Seeing as men are providers throughout history, who's the real subservient cuck wanting "muh freedom" from doing any real work?



god bless CARLOS!

I wouldn't even dare to tell my gf about crypto. Rather tell her that I am a wagecuck then have her riding my dick for my internet coins.

>Seeing as men are providers throughout history
>muh tradition
nobody gives a fuck

nobody wants to break their back for an ungrateful slut, go be a white knight cuck elsewhere

>in 2018


>needing a woman to make your life better.
>not having any self esteem to be happy alone.
fuck off op

Jesus christ what a delusional cuck. He deserves what is coming for him. Pathetic

also youre a naive cuck, you realize women change after marriage right? You realize they drop that "its your money" act and it becomes "what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine", right?

Don't tell me you're this bluepilled.

Those digits!

That's basically the only way a womyn won't try to rip you off.
Even then she may try to open you a new asshole if she is hurt or angry

>guys see no ring
>decide to hit on her

The only ring that would stop me hitting on a girl is a cock ring. And that wouldn't be a problem to some anons. Maybe a bonus for some

If you disagree with tradition, and turn around to complain about the current state of faggotry and neetness the US is in (which im sure you do), take a step back and think about how we got here.. Its not bluepilled to have a womyn. if you think that neck urself

its bluepilled to be so naive as to think that women stay the same before and after marriage/kids

get a grip

after you get married and have kids you'll be a workhorse and/or ATM, have fun.

>Appeal to tradition
>Appeal to tradition (also known as argumentum ad antiquitatem,[1] appeal to antiquity, or appeal to common practice) is an argument in which a thesis is deemed correct on the basis that it is correlated with some past or present tradition. The appeal takes the form of "this is right because we've always done it this way."[2]

Do whatever you want though. If you want to be bled dry by a whore that's your problem, but you can't expect everyone else to jump off of the bridge with you

No shit they change, I'm not retarded. If you're equipped with the balls to handle that its not a problem. "No" is a word that seems to be absent from current day marriage cucks which is a good example of what you're talking about I assume

> fallacy fallacy

>Spends time fucking the same poon until it turns into powder at the age of 35


Yeah good luck with that. The disappointment will be huge when all her married friends with nice rings ask about hers kek

>hhaha you just don't have enough balls to put up with an annoying boring woman for 40 years!
wtf i guess i hate having free time and money now

>she has her own money/skills
>she has daddy issues.
>she has more/get along better with her male friends than her female friends.
Holy fucking shit, why does this hit so close to home, like she doesn't care about my money, but I feel like she could cheat at any moment

Marry her then you fool, just be aware 50% of marriages end in divorce and there is literally no reason to officially marry this day and age anymore


nice meme. kek

We both want different things from life, and thats okay. Free time and money won't make you happy (John McAfee), and maybe being married won't either.

>but I feel like she could cheat at any moment
Do you know where she is right now? Is she out with "friends"? kek

>You have 1,000,000$ in cash
>you marry
>have fights with wife because she changed
>she asks for a divorce
>judge throws out prenup so she can keep her quality of life
>pay alimony for kids and wife or loose 500,000$ to wife

You are so fucking naive. Why do you MUST marry? Just have kids and live together.

>getting married


Nice passive aggressive cuck language, you're ready to hand over your balls to a woman for sure.

Various reasons which you probably wouldn't agree with, but if it were totally useless it's a wonder why faggots fought so hard to infringe on it though.

>and thats okay
And you're saying this right after saying

>If you're equipped with the balls to handle that its not a problem
>if you think that neck urself
>who's the real subservient cuck wanting "muh freedom
>Instead of being a cuck
>are you just a virgin?

So you talk shit but when your shitty normalfag argument gets cornered you take the reddit way out and go "lol let's agree to disagree". Kill yourself normalfag. I presume you'll be doing just that when you get divorced in 3 years

Holy fuck Veeky Forums has been fucking infiltrated, faggot cucks everywhere. fucking niggers REEEEEE


Note to self: OP provides a good example on how to be poor by mismanaging investments and potentially losing 50% of his net worth. Avoid at all costs.

Planning on spending about 6k soon for a high end sex doll. Not even kidding

Sure, never been on reddit. I don't feel cornered at all. Your peers have differing opinions, sorry thats strange to you. Go ahead and follow the virgin meme mentality though

There are soyboys out there thinking they are "men" falling for falling into the oldest vaginal jew trickery.

>the year is 2018

Some of you are really pathetic brainlets, enjoy being a cuck and financially raped the rest of your life in a couple years, the odds are against you, would you like to bet?

I can't tell if you agree or disagree with me, but atleast we're not having sex with goats. Muslims are disgusting

Does Veeky Forums not actively hide their wealth from women or do you flaunt it?

>Your peers have differing opinions, sorry thats strange to you
>spends the entire thread insulting those with different viewpoints
Nice hypocrisy

>atleast we're not having sex with goats. Muslims are disgusting
>trying this hard to fit in
You're about to propose to some whore, which is basically the same thing so you're not that different from them anyway. tomato tomahto

Shes fucking perfect.

How was I insulting anyone? If you took offense it wasn't my intention. I can REEEEE and post wojakz all day long but not when I'm having a discussion

Same here in the United States. Pretty worthless unless you have some supreme Jew lawyer

Yeah back when women were virtuous and remained pure until marriage and such.

I see no point in providing for some loose roastie.

>and discuss finances with them like a (((man)))
Like a jewish man?

>equating goats to a woman


>getting married means you literally hate your money

The deal is outdated. Used to be that you got a wife for life that would give you children, cook for you and clean your house.

Marriage in 2018 is like paying for a dead pajeetcoin weeks after it was pumped and dumped.

lmao thinking you're safe with a smart girl

she fucks you over even harder in court if you get married and divorce

better at covering up cheating too

>entertain the though of cashing out a fraction to get married..

You realize that having an after-party isn't a requisite of getting married right? You can easily just save your money and have the ceremony at a church.

Shhhh, let him go. He thinks it's bluepilled not to have a woman because no women want him. In essence, he's pretending as if his stake in life is his choice and not by design of him being absolutely undesirable.

That's what around 75% of men like him are. They use the excuse of "potential" to escape the reality that is their shit selves.

topkek, you haven't heard user?

a prenup is absolutely useless.
all the woman has to say is that she "signed under duress" and the thing is null and void.

>marriage is a scam invented by women to get free shit so they dont have to work



too fucking true

You're gonna learn the hard way son. It's ok though, we all learn one way or another.


Marriage as an institution is dying and decayed. Prenup or nothing.

>The deal is outdated. Used to be that you got a wife for life that would give you children, cook for you and clean your house
I agree with this to some sense, although I don't care about trivial things like that. If I really made it I could hire a professional to do all those chores anyway. Personally the reason why I choose to stay alone and spend my money and time on myself is because what I would really want is a woman to love who would love me back just as much, and not rip my heart to shreds. Even the best of marriages are riddled with pain and suffering, and if my life is any indication I don't think I'll ever have the best of anything, so I'm not going to put my happiness and well-being at risk like that. To love is to suffer in equal or greater measure, so the winning move is not to love

Hence my "topkek" there.
>marriage is a scam invented by women to get free shit so they dont have to work
This is only true of modern marriage, it used to be that women were completely at the mercy of their husband because they couldn't have careers and support themselves. This is obviously no longer the case and needs to be addressed because so many men are opting out of marriage due to the favoritism toward the woman in divorces. The only women that should still be protected by these laws are those that forego a career in favor of becoming full-time housewives.

You know she has to bring that up within a very short time frame after she signs it right? You're not such a dumb cunt to think contracts can be voided by those claims right? Especially if someone is coming out better? RIGHT?

BTW it would void the wedding as well not just the prenup so you will technically never have been married.