And russiabros or people with experience in traveling? How hard is it to become a russian citizen as a current american
Id post in /pol/ because flags but that would be easy derail bait
Sell me on russian citizenship
easy, lets trade citizenships
you'll regret, asshole
why? shit choice user
Not if he's wealthy
Russia will be the white flight capital of the world, why do you want to live in america?
russia is a shithole even moscow. live in a SE country
if you're wealthy it's good to live everywhere
this is where you need to go commie fagit boards.Veeky
I am getting rid of my Rus. citizenship as soon as I can. Getting EU soon.
>he fell for the putin propaganda so hard that he wants to move there
Guess what, i don't, you are fucked too.
Russia is a big fucking mess though i'd prefer burgerland out of those shitholes. No amount of wealth will outweigh terrible government that fucks you hard on every corner. Also, hello caucasians.
not true. Haiti.
Do you want to be surrounded by ignorant, uneducated, arrogant, deluded human garbage that is absolutely incapable and unwilling to learn a second language? you'll fit right fucking in. getting citizenship is way, way too hard, to backwards, and too soviet to be worth the effort. you'll be standing in lines being processed for medical and documental checks with the mexicans of Russia (whereverthefukistanis), and you'll be the only civilized human there. you will have questions no one can answer because no one speaks your language. take it from a European living in Russia. do not fucking think about it. ever again. there is nothing good to be found here
faggot move to Ukraine rather
>EU visa free
>150% better looking girls
>dollar high value
>no anti-american propaganda and fuking idiotic always drunk ruski
>you are fucked too
I know thats why i want to leave
Tyrannical government is the only way to combat the bleeding heart liberal problem affecting western civilization
How bad is it specifically? Your crime rate is fair, life is simpler, less materialistic and fairer to raise a family
This is from what i have read at least. Is it not true?
Unless you're Putin's friend or rich as fuck you'll fucked by the Federal Security Service.
exactly this
what u said is kinda true, but u forgot the bad parts, of which there are too much 4 u 2 handle
zhiza. where is your traktor headed?
Thank you ill try googling about this
I am autistic so the bureaucratic paperwork of citizenship goes over my head, but i believe i have had enough success in meme coins that the country would help guide a willing taxpayer through the process
Brit here but just stay home. Russia will eat you alive.
Been there for a total of 2 months.
If you want Russia-lite, move to either Latvia or Estonia.
I'm probably going to live there. Met Russian qt3.14 and don't want to bring her to here where she will be corrupted and inevitably divorce rape me and take half my shit. You can slap your wife there and police won't intervene because they realise men, not women are the backbone of civilization. You guys can talk shit about Russia but at least they look after men there. You worship your Anglosphere countries but they cuck you and cock block you from your own women. Your women don't want you anyway, they want Chad, not some rich NEET with a big house and a Lambo.
I am permanent resident of Czech Rep.
Last competent Russian ruler was Alexander II and he died like 150 years ago. Since then Russia is only characterized by "and then things got worse".
Why would you ever want to move to Russia if every not brain dead Russian wants to get the fuck out?
We even have a meme for it "Peter the Piglet is getting the fuck out of fucking Russia on a stolen fucking tractor"
Are you fucking retarded?
At this point it seems like best option, aus/uk/usa are screwed and asian countries from what i read is near impossible for american to gain citizenship
if you not fucking trolling here I can fucking help you with ukraine, I lived there for long time
>ukraine legalized cryptos, favors westerners and invest in technology startups right now - one of the best crypto brains there
>russia is fucking complete shithole and shit is only getting started
>they just default on their own gov funded banks, social support and pensions stolen, only like 3 banks left not bought by putin's mafia who set for another 8 years fucking his own people
>people brainwashed completely and loving putin cult but everyone feeling shit is going south right now
>zero future for you there bud
Also meme makes me think of happy pepe for some reason
True fact:
Russia one of only two countries I've ever been robbed.
Some gopniks in the fucking McDonalds at the Afimall in financial district
Whatever burger, you can see how many anons are unhappy (SMART CRYPTO INVESTORS). Want to feel misery? COME ON IN.
Unless you are brainwashed, but if you're not dumb, it won't be for long. My end goal is to leave this shithole once and for all. No other options.
russia is a complete shithole man
Russian citizenship is near impossible unless you plan to make a long career or marry a citizen, which is also difficult as all fuck relative to normal countries. and even then you have to wait three full years before they grant you the POSSIBILITY of applying for citizenship. after successfully applying, you have to pass tests in Russian language (near fluent level), Russian law and Russian history. i shit you not. there is too much Soviet communist shit here that refuses to die. FORGET
as a current russian citizen, studying in US - dont do it
looking back even Ukraine is full of shit that will take 50 years to eradicate
>why not west europe somewhere or south tropical America ?
You fucks must've moved out to the muddy,snowy,shithole boonies
I grew up in a resort town for rich Russians on the coast of Crimea and it was pretty awesome desu, once I have my millions I'm probably going to live there at least some of the year if I can get a dual citizenship. I'm a full-fledged burger currently.
I never saw a single nigger in my life until I landed at O'Hare, something to think about
>don't want to bring her to here where she will be corrupted and inevitably divorce rape me and take half my shit.
I've seen this happen more than a couple of times, it's interesting. But I imagine she doesn't want to stay there, unless you're both somehow deluded enough for the love meme and you actually think you're gonna have a good existence there
shit hole country. GPD is like 1 million rupels.
nobody mentioned poverty or infrastructure you spoiled little shit. a fancy Russian resort eliminates many things, but pointless Soviet bureaucracy and NATIVE RUSSIANS are not among them.
inb4 little did you know, you were seeing niggers the whole time
Noted and screencap, thanks
>why not west europe somewhere or south tropical America ?
Stories of rich people being kidnapped and murdered in south tropics, and western euro is beta testing islam
I'm wealthy enough to buy an apartment in the center of Moscow to live with my 3.14qt Russian. We're planning to marry and I don't want to bring her to The West. She's extremely traditional but the Stacy culture will most likely subconciously get to her.
here are your countries that still somewhat white :
Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Norway, Poland, Czech, Bulgaria, Portugal
really? I haven't been there for a while, but I'd imagine they are similar to Sweden in that regard
>a fancy Russian resort eliminates many things, but pointless Soviet bureaucracy and NATIVE RUSSIANS are not among them
So why not move to a fancy Russian resort then. Sure it's a pain in the ass to immigrate, trust me I know, but if you do make it in and you have enough money, the bureaucracy is not too much of a concern.
There's really nothing wrong with native russians in a place like Yalta or Feodosia - our family was poverty-tier by Western standards but both my parents were college educated, and their parents before them. The backyard to our nice home was separated by a 3 ft tall wire fence with an unlocked gate to another housing community and a major street. Never feared for our safety or security. Had a dalmatian and an old land cruiser. Most people were just like us, there was no "white trash" class until you reached rural farmlands
Female to male ratio is high as FUCK. You can find a 10/10 wife who doesn’t care that you’re a soy neet as long as you let Tyrone fuck her on the weekends
Norway has it under control unlike Sweden where it's total loss
>see Breivik
if you want russia balkan slavs and poland and the baltics are russia lite, and poland and bulgaria are part of the eu so you have those benefits, but less ahmeds, bulgaria does have a sizeable muslim population but it's like 500k total and they all live near the border with turkey and are not radicalized, but yeah we also have gypos, but only 10% flat tax, I've heard Norway is getting cuked more and more by the day and oslo is basically sweden lite
enjoy being banged by that chick sidefuker group of 6 drunk peasants with knifes
Ukraine sounds cool. Any idea if they are going to not tax crypto?
>in the center of Moscow
ugh, why man?
you have so many better options, it's a fucking disgusting congested shithole that's a pool of mud and slush for 3/4 of the year
anyway, if she has a cellphone or a computer the stacy culture has already gotten to her. They act really modest and shy and cutesy when attracting their sugar daddy Western male neckbeard, but there's no bigger cunts than Russian women once you put a ring on their finger. There's something about an upbringing by soviet mothers that makes them have incredible mental issues.
russia is best :DD and natalia :DDDD
a fancy Russian resort also eliminates one major advantage of moving to Russia, which is being dirt cheap. a place like that is meant for people who can be considered as fucking loaded in any decent European country, so you might as well skip the Soviet federation and just spend the same amount to live in a place that will give you the comfyness and peace of mind that you want to get from your cryptogains.
also, I'm sure as fuck that even if your college educated family spoke a lick of English, the overwhelming majority of the neighbourhood sure as fuck didn't, and still doesn't to this day. nobody who is set for life has any interest in learning a Slavic potato language.
college educated in Russia also has a completely different meaning, I visited a biochemistry department in a major university where the fucking tenured professors don't speak English.
Noted, i forgot to mention i have trade experience with caulking and lesser experience in carpentry, so i would have no problem working. I didnt mean to imply i was NEET with the autism comment
Tax and women are not too big of a priority, i would just like a place that isnt at risk of becoming sweden/germany in the next few decades
I'm from a whereverethefukstanis country and most people I met speak good coherent russian.
>ywn have cutie russian waifu
>i would just like a place that isnt at risk of becoming sweden/germany in the next few decades
throw darts at eastern europe, it might not get much better any time soon, but it ain't getting much worse either, we're kind of on the backstage of the world right not with the cold war over, now it's the west vs. shitskins and chinks, slavs are mostly pulling a switzerland type of deal atm.
OPs native language is probably not Russian you dumb tajik
> implying Russian women aren't gold digging whores.
Dont worry user, I'm sure your special little snowflake is different.
why the fuck are you living in russia if you aren't going to speak russian? most russians have shit english as well retard
that's the whole fucking point, мoлoдeц tovarish now go back to buying high and selling low
the fuck you daft cunt, Op says "how get russia citizen", user tells him whateverthefuckstanis speak russian fairly well, you respond with "OP's native language isn't Russian".... top kek
>might as well skip the Soviet federation and just spend the same amount to live in a place that will give you the comfyness and peace of mind that you want to get from your cryptogains.
I see your point, it's not that expensive though still
My mom speaks english fluently now, and my dad and I practice his english on skype sometimes
You'd be surprised, most younger russians make an effort to learn or end up knowing it pretty well just from using the internet. It's also been mandatory in schools for years now.
And yeah, most of the college-educated people would've grown up in isolationist Soviet Russia where English was probably ignored or even rejected. Still I'd say the rigor of the academia was just as thorough.
Imagine buying the white power and decline of western civilization memes so hard that you move to fucking Russia. My fucking sides, autist user. You're selling your county high and buying very, very low. You're like the mirror image of the American commie fellow travelers of decades past. Pay your goddamn crypto taxes and marry an american girl, thank me later
>t. Ex-Soviet burger
what the fuck are you taking about you spoiled Soviet soyboy, I've been living here for 3 years in a pharma company and the only people who speak English are the department heads because guess what--they don't let you become one of those unless you have extensive experience abroad. everyone below that level speaks garbage level English, barely enough for a normal conversation. you can go to the check in counter of an airport (vnukovo) and get a dumb cunt who also understands zero english. what do you think you'll get from a McDonald's worker (young), a massimo duty clerk (young), or even someone who works at a computer parts store?
you're totally disconnected from the reality your parents removed you from, there's a reason why you're not living in that shithole of a country anymore and you clearly don't know what that reason is.
academic rigor is not in any way at the same playing field of most European countries
what is wrong with you fucktards. I thought western media showed you well how Russia is a "terrible evil cold dirt with evil authority and oppressed society"
Healthcare is mediocre, Education is terrible, no social support overall, Authority is corrupted and always against you. Here, You are worthless. here, you are nothing. It's not going to get better, it's going to get worse. Enjoy your $500 paycheck and daily misery.
Лyчшe бы пpoпиcaли кaк вaлить oтcюдa.
lol why would you even move to russia retard, my parents were smart to get out.
Our women are worst golddiggers of them all. Just marry some slut, and divorse in a year.
этo мoй пocлeдний мecяцa в этoм щитхoл, can't wait to get on the airplane back to civilization. best of luck to you on doing the same asap ивaн, yдaчи
I would intend to learn, this plan is still 2-3 years out
I already pay the american crypto tax, tax is not my reason for moving. a civil war 2.0 is very realistic in my lifetime and my race is majority anti gun
Haven't you heard? Media is fake news. Only memes are true now.
i never denied mainland Russia is a complete shithole, I spent 2 weeks in Moscow last summer and visit my family often
As I said I didn't grow up in the complete shithole, we had a mandatory English class in school since 3rd grade. Just because the McDonalds worker can't understand spoken English, doesn't mean the Russian youth don't spend their time on Veeky Forums and Youtube and Instagram
You obviously don't really know anything about it, so it's pointless arguing, but I'd argue that the academic rigor placed on technical professions was even higher than the west during the Soviet era. Even like 15 years ago, when I came here as a 6th grader I had to twiddle my thumbs for 2 years because of how far behind the American schools were.
What is the other country?
all I ever said, was that if I had millions of dollars, I would live in Yalta for a couple of months a year to hang out with my dad
I'm not defending anything about Russian bureaucracy, Crimea was still Ukraine when I left, I was always a Ukranian but Crimea is obviously culturally Russian
I've heard from several Russians/Belorussians that have moved to Burger land that the education there is far better. USA's education is shit
next time you're there, ask any mcdonalds worker in Germany, Netherlands, France or Denmark if they speak English. ask any teen, early twenties dude in the street вы гoвopитe пo aнглийcкий and they will say нeт without any resemblance or shame in their face. good job singling out the McDonald's worker out of all the examples i mentioned. i obviously don't know anything about reviewing immunology papers produced in the Russian university i worked at, obviously i know nothing of the fact that Russian university programs contain LITERALLY 3 times more courses than the university I attended (hint: that's not a positive), so why bother bringing up your sixth grader observations against me.
you are as arrogant as all the worthless pieces of slav shit i interact with everyday, do come back and keep your dirty genes contained here please
Don't buy that FUD. Seriously just take a break from politics for a few weeks and you will feel better, there's no civil war coming and even if there is, it is too far out to accurately predict with any certainty. You should know this is true from crypto
russian gf, easier for me to find a job in Russia than for her to find a job in yurop. it was an interesting experiment, but it's time to pack up, leave, and never apply for another fucking Russian visa ever again in my life
>knowingly comes to a foreign country
>expects everyone to learn his language
should I come to america and speak russian to everyone and then be mad that they don't understand me ? lmao at what kind of a fucking retard you are. Yes, russia is a shithole, but you don't deserve to live even here. You don't deserve to live at all. Neck yourself
Porbably Brazil.
poccия 24 taught you well, good job diverting the discussion to an argument that was never made.
stop watching cnn/fox/russian propaganda media outlets and move to sunny state like Florida or California.
God, it is just as they say on tv - americunts really are THAT fucking retarded.
t. russian citizen
>an argument that was never made.
>deluded human garbage that is absolutely incapable and unwilling to learn a second language
>you will have questions no one can answer because no one speaks your language
what a fucking brainlet
fuck off "citizen"
>can't vote for change - one tzar for past 20 years
>no unbiased media - all communist stalinism putin cult controlled
>no healthcare - highest death rate on the planet
>no education - worst nobel award ratings since 50's
>no physical safety - corrupt mafia kgb in power, police raids kill prison anyone they want, citizen firearms not allowed
>no future - population is declining since 90's
>no next generation of change - 13yo kids gets hunted down beat up and imprisoned by police when come out to protest
>points out inferiority of a population for not achieving what any other 1st world-grade population takes for granted
>"hehe get a load of this dumbass"
лaднo бpoтaн
Agreed. I'm slowly learning Russian and I know I will always be a foreign devil here. It's delusional to expect anyone will speak English.
Germany and Sweden are amazing countries though?
>implying most of the burgers know any language besides english
нe бpaт тeбe, пидap
don't move to russia, don't fall for the pol memes. I'm out of this shithole as soon as I have my tax free $1M in crypto
вы пpocтo нe пoнимaeтe. жeнщины - дepьмo зa пpeдeлaми Bocтoчнoй Eвpoпы и Poccии
oни вeздe дepьмo, включaя poccию