h3h3 is scaring gen z from investing. Making fun of us. Calling all cryptos a scam. We're fucked. Dumb money has stopped.
H3h3 is scaring gen z from investing. Making fun of us. Calling all cryptos a scam. We're fucked...
ok faggot.
leave the investing to the real men faggot
How can anyone watch this cunt after he punched Hilga in the eye socket?
Oh no h3h3 fans dont like crypto!?
What ever will we do now? Guess it's time to pack it up boys, it was a good run
thank god
the man who saved crypto
wow wtf i guess bitcoin is dead now
>kikes fudding crypto
are you actually surprised OP? kek
fucking kikes
>Using Bitconnect as an example to trash the entirety of crypto
Typical jewish tricks.
Him and Pew are the voice of a generation. Without them the fresh blood will stop. It's over. Sell. Everything.
that nigger is not getting a single BAT from me ever
Good, let the market grow at a some what normal pace, also their just kikes trying to corner the market like usual.
what is the deal with these youtubers letting themselves go?
When your job is doing nothing their is not much incentive for improvement, also probably just Jewish genetics
You dumb cunts are holding the wrong coins if they rely on dumb money, invest in coins that have industrial money coming in.
h3h3 prob went all in on hey hey heey wassaa wasssaa BITCONNNEEEEEEEEEEECT
Wew, why would you such an antisemitic cartoon on Veeky Forums OP?
>the voice of a generation
God I hate millenials almost more than boomers
why are jews so ugly?
why are so many of you fond of watching jews on youtube?
what kind of retard names himself h3h3?
so many questions, none of them worth answering
>stupid jew
Do i need to say more
Ironically, H3fatnerd is Jewish.
Does that dame have some kind of health issue?
She acts like she's on a fistful of downers.
His fans have $78.21 all together. Nothing will happen and he's hated for the most part for being a virtue signaling faggot, racist, degenerate and hypocritical.
holy shit a literal fudding jew
Get this kike rat and his child killing whore out of here.
who gives a shit about this unfunny kike's opinion?
They look so gross
Who exactly are these people?
She was an israeli soldier. She looks dead because she found out she's on the side of the baddies. She married her patient as she was his personal support worker so she could escape with what little intel she stole from the mossad. Her looks have changed for the most part, so youtube is still relativily safe as she's been off the jews raider for years.
She's on lithium
lmaoing at your life
>implying their average userbase demographic isn't literally underage redditors who have to ask their parents every time they need 10 bucks
lol ok senpai
Elite faggots that got rich of youtube videos and now don't want us to get more rich than them off crypto.
>slams bitconnect
>says positive things about bitcoin
>making fun of us
>calling all cryptos a scam
>we're fucked, dumb money has stopped
>Calling all cryptos a scam
Wait, you want to tell me this wasn't a scam all along?!
>gen z
Uhh so 13 year old? Do they even have money to invest in crypto?
>Buying us more time to accumulate before mainstream adoption legislation locks the market
wtf i love youtubers now
>Jewish, water downed, unfunny version of Sam Hyde FUDs crypto
Is there literally any jews that don’t fear crypto? I thought this hivemind shit was just a meme but i guess not lolol
This is a tell-tale-sign for what's coming in the future. Albeit the fud is subtle in this video, it show an important sign of what's to come in the future. More scams like Bitconnect will cause youtubers to scatter in fear, and cause mass FUD. Sell now. Becoming rich in crypto is no longer an option.
This is genuinely a good thing. Crypto is finally getting its long awaited media attention, and in this case people are brushing it off as a joke. Dumb money is still coming in from some normies since they’re aware, but not too much to make the market explode. It was their flavor of the month in December, now it’s being blown off as just some ponzi scheme.
In due time, people will start taking it seriously, and normies will dump their life savings into it. Once it gets to the point where we see mainstream newsites display crypto prices daily, THAT’S when we know the bubble will pop. We’re still in for a bear season a little longer, but that’ll be over soon. One or two years from now crypto will stop being a joke and the end will be near.
actually I LOVE this, still in time to make some 2x and 3xs before the normies invade the market again. The next time will be big tho, prepare for a 1 trillion mcap.
Why do people even listen to these sickly looking yids?
Why do (((they))) literally have to fuckin ruin everything?
the jew fears the crypto
is youtube still a thing?
>Listening to Jews
>Once it gets to the point where we see mainstream newsites display crypto prices daily, THAT’S when we know the bubble will pop.
this so fucking hard
anyone who thinks the crypto market is as good as over is fucking retarded, this is just the beginning
>Making fun of us.
No, he's making fun of Bitconnect
>Calling all cryptos a scam
No, just Bitconnect
tl;dr go back to /pol/
why does anyone care about what these filthy jews have to say?
yes, sell all your crypto goy
BitConnect was legit though? I think they are gonna resume business next week
why are you the way you are?
It's over dude, give it up. They got your money and left you with the bags, that's how schemes work.
WHAT did you expect from jews?
a jew with a hat and youtube channel is still a jew
Anything (((they))) can't correctly control must be destroyed
Nah, normies are moving over to dTube now. I'm on Tron web 4.0. I'm breeding/trading crypto puppies over there making 1000% / hour. 1000% a day is for keks.
This. You could tell me Jews sank Atlantis at this point and I might actually hear you out.
Same thread was posted yesterday, you dumb fucks are feeding his views
fucking jews. why h3h3 is popular is beyond me
The Jew screams in pain as he hits you.
cryptofags will hang
I don't get it. That has to be illegal. Why would they go to jail instead of continuing to make themselves AND others rich? It seems like the easy fucking option here
Normally I get a chuckle out of the H3 vids, they're way better than most of the trash on Youtube. But this video was so click baity. Never even explained how BitConnect was different than other actual cryptos and left so much up to interpretation. Oh well, normies come normies go.
With Jews you loose etc...
The US promotes Jews even when they look like homeless people
>tfw you pretened to think h3he is funny because of rule 1 and 2 and not showing you power level in front of normies
America everyone
It's not illegal, they returned the bitconnect coins to all the people. That's why the price went down.