Who here all fiat?

I cashed out everything today. The bear market hasn't even started imo. Wall street has huge shorts open, and will do everything possible to push the price as low as it will go. Then, all of the institutional money will buy up the coins on the bottom

But tether is defending us, they are going all against wall street keeping BTC up.


I sure hope so user. I have my buy order set at 8100

nah man, im sorry but the bull run is over for months. you can cash out of watch your profits dissappear

I cashed out this morning. You’re right that there is a big crash coming, but it’s never going back up. 99% of coins are shit, we all know this.

Get fiat now while you still can.

>cash out during the tail end of a bear market
Absolutely classic Veeky Forums

>wall st shorts the shit out of crypto
>Koreans pump it, chinks see their chance, they back venchain and remove crypto ban
> btc goes on a bullrun to 50k
>wall st shorts get liquidated
>greatest transfer of wealth in history meme becomes real

>tail end of a bear market
Retard detected. We are at the start of a massive crash. Buckle up, mongoloid.

Not yet buddy or do you believe the Jan 29th hype?

All these bull-market crypto predictions are getting ridiculous.
*teleports behind you*
*BTC goes to 50k*

Some anons here told me that the best advice is do complete opposite of what Biz says to do.

Im up 150k in three weeks through what all these autists called "the crash"

Veeky Forums is retarded. 100%

its over guys. look at the fucking volume. no one is interested in buying these levels. A digital coin that barely anyone uses should not have a 200billion dollar cap

For the last 3 years the lows of the years have been 22-24 days before the Chinese new year. Guess what today is, user?

we got futures now. Wall street is here to ruin the party.

did u really think itd be that easy to get rich?

yess we hear you, but you're scared. This is about weakhands or hodl or some bullshit meme

This is simply about the cycle.

If you're telling me that were you to see a bitcoin price of 8k right now you wouldn't buy, then you are the definition of tail end idiot.

Congratulations on your 'winnings' or whatever, but theyre are more ways to invest then simply pumping and dumping or whatever.

Crypto has seen 9 years of assholes calling it bubble.

They said bitcoin at 10usd was bubble. Now go buy some AAA mortgage backed securities...

Microsoft now is quantum computing scaled up, and will be release Quantum-as-a-Service by the end of the year. If you think any existing crypto will survive that, you have no idea what you’re doing.

Any info on the prices of these contracts?

Explain to me how quantum computing works, user. Because clearly you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

It quantifies the subatomic nano particles in a matrix of hyper-stability, leading to exponential increases of BIOS processing.

Get fucked retard. You and I both know what happens with this story.

>comes to biz to fud
What is your real point copy paste nigger? Where are the flying cars that were promised 20 years ago? Where are the robots that were supposed to take all of our jobs? Sure quantum computing will ruin everything.

Quantum computing is confirmed. Use cases already developed.

Crypto has no use case.

Quantum breaks crypto encryption.

>"Quantum Computing"
>Paste first sentence with big words.

You're a fucking idiot, user. If you knew a fucking thing about anything you would know that quantum computing is still many years away due to the bottleneck of hardware. Quantum computers have to be held at near zero kelvin to function properly, which currently can only be achieve using liquid helium cooling which is extremely difficult and expensive to refine. On top of that, computer scientists (such as myself) have no idea how to program quantum computers yet because it takes a deep understanding of high level physics. So please fuck right off NEET.

>cashes out at the end of the bear market