January 2017

>january 2017
>inherit 100k from great uncle
>want to put it all in bitcoin
>parents say I shouldn't, it's a scam/bubble etc.
>tell me to "put it in stocks, it's much safer"
>argue but end up doing what they suggest
>at dad's advice, put it all in disney, coca cola, and general electric
>stock market is doing great yet my dad picked shit stocks
>100k investment now worth 90k
>could have been a millionaire if I bought bitcoin
>even at current btc price now would be worth a million
there is no worse feeling than this, I want to die

With boomers you lose.

>investing in GE
what the fuck, user

Why would you invest all of it?

And why not at least diversify?

NEO increased by more than 100,000% since January 2017. How does that make you feel OP?

>investing in boomerstocks
The world isn't what it used to be anymore, mmm mmm no no no.

>Doing what other people tell you

You deserve it.

>I don’t know what index funds are

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 .08/8

>telling anyone what you’re about to do with your money

Thats what you get for being a pussy and letting other people tell you how to invest your money. Only yourself to blame

>Listening to boomers
That right there is your problem

yo we don't talk stocks here. only symbols for magic internet money. so either you entertain us with 50% losses or gtfo

That's what you get for being a cuck sheep.

its your own damn money, why did you let others tell you what to do with it?

and how much has dad made from all his investments total?

This. It's actually kind of hilarious that your dad just suggested companies that he knew that would have made amazing returns decades ago

it's ok user, you can still put it in cryptos and make a lot this year.

>inherit 100k from great uncle

make your own money faggot thats what you get

Your greatuncle is turning in his grave.

You're not that far down from your original investment
There is still time to make it in lamboland

hope you learnt your lesson to not take advice and instead follow your own will and make your own winnings and own mistakes

daily reminder that 98% of advice is utter garbage

>listening to boomers

i would never talk to them again after that

You should shoot your mom and dad, Menendez bros style

holy shit lmao

Why didn't you just diversify into both crypto and stocks?

>letting your parents pressure you into doing something you don't want to with your own money
Only have yourself to blame.