we all got NIG'D
We all got NIG'D
I'm still up
bought 500k at 82 sats... should have waited
end of Feb estimates?
Just chill, .10 easy Q2
mfw bought at .89
if this crashes to 10 sats then that's it for me
dhd hsfdhf hd hdf
new announcement in Q2 Q3 , that's like 10 yrs in crypto .
Everyone needs to chill out.
It's been a week. The VALUE of this coin even at this stage is between $0.05 - $0.07, just wait for the market to adjust and stop being a pussy.
By summer if everything goes to plan, we're looking at a $0.20 - $0.30 coin, so once again... CHILL THE FUCK OUT or stop investing.
Even the hand in the banner is a nig claw
how fucking stupid do you have to be to think this coin is going 20 to 30 cents anytime soon.
I'm just hoping it goes to 1 cent this year or it is a pump n dump at some point this year so i can get my fucking money back
ive been holding for so long and i just cant anymore. bye friends
This is what happens when you listen to Veeky Forums. I swear you guys will never learn
It isn't even a week old you mong
I'm sorry op but you bought into a sheckelcoin best of luck to you.
The same kind of fucking stupid that bought ETH at $30 when everyone was saying it's going to crash... only to break $300 three months later. Or the same kind of fucking stupid that bought BAT at $0.12 when everyone was dumping... which then smashed $1 just 4 months later.
I'm not saying it WILL be $0.20 - $0.30 in six months time... but I'm sure as hell putting on record that I believe it will be worth that amount. If we enter another bull run and the partnerships are announced it will a damn sight higher too! Give it 18 months, TEL will be in use throughout Africa/Europe/Asia.
Unfortunately fuck heads like you seem to put everything down if it doesn't "M00$$$$$00NN" and 100x in the first month. Give me a break man.
>waiting one and a half years for a 20x
>just hodl xD
>hodl to die xD
>Q1 hodl xD
-the thread
I said in 6 months I think it will be 20x. BUT can we just clear something up here... even if it was to be 18, you think waiting 18 months for 20x on an investment is a bad rate?! Your delusional.
In 18 months, it's going to be mass adopted - at least the business model will be, it just makes sense.
>Cnd 20x's in a month along with a bunch of other unmemorable ones
yes. i do.
>Give it 18 months
18 months like 50 yrs in crypto yrs.
Hold until it goes on Binance.
>mfw bought 1BTC worth for 110 sat
Bought 133k at 65 sats. Not worried in the slightest to be honest.
Looking at the sell vs buy offers, this is the most dangerous heaviest hold ive ever seen.
If you hold this and it moons you have graphene hands.
And if you got in on that, congratulations. Maybe you jumped in with $50k and became a millionaire.
But those kind of gains are not normal, no matter how many memes you see.
No it's really not... but good look on your venture.
Get that pos shitjack outta here.
Sold ya mine!
Going to rebuy at the low 50's
It's over, you lost the battle. Just give up
One week ago is already 4 years ago pls die in my sleep already ;_;
This shit reminds of me DBC before the moon, granted that was during the ridiculous alt coin bull market where you couldn't fail. I was researching DENTs price movement since its a similar concept and I'd say gains are definitely to be had in the near future. Those sell walls are just price suppression until the whales are ready to let it run. Lots of potential catalysts coming up soon enough I'm sure. 700K strong currently.
>Those sell walls are just price suppression until the whales are ready to let it run.
Seems to me like whales already have a most of the coins. Maybe they are waiting for another bitcoin bull run to pump it?
>invests in niggercoin
why op?
>went 75% in on this
>5 mins later I read the team
>oh my fucking-
>rush to sell
>already down 10%
>im going to have to HOLD this...
Holding anything doesn't really require anything but common sense and following the #1 rule of investing of not investing what you can't afford to lose. All these Veeky Forums posters talk about normies doing x, normies doing y, etc. in a denigrating manner, but they don't realize they act just like normies do, buy high and sell low.
I bought $250 of this when it was at 11 cents. It's halved in value since then. However, I completely disregard money I have in investments as being part of my financial resources. I don't consider investments in cryptocurrency as assets because the market is so volatile. When you consider it an asset that you are risking losing, is when you fear losing it and start making stupid decisions like buying high and selling low, just like the normies that a lot of you guys criticize. It's complete nonsense, and I find it hard to believe some of you guys don't see that (not that the poster I responded to made any comments of that nature, but the attitude in Veeky Forums towards normies is pretty much what I stated).
If everyone was like you tel would be 3 dollars by now
No that's literally a shitjack
I'd agree for the most part. I think the whales need a small catalyst now. Lots of people have been JUST'D the last couple weeks, so some might be hesitant or holding elsewhere.
Usually bitcoin bull run hurts alts because they cash out to ride that train, once its over they return with their profits to alts. Literally any news will start this up back up and I see no reason it can't hit at least half of DENTs current price. It has twice the current circulating supply. I think we could see a run to 0.15-0.02 rather soon.
tick tock... Your time's is running out Eternal bagholder
55 sats Lol.
>Nigger running the show
Yeah, this one will go far. Fucking morons.
if this shit is a scam i will start posting on /pol/ and accept white supremacy into my life
This is starting to get REALLY spooky on both sides.
The whales are getting assfucked by their own greed. Just let it crash 100% and pick up after they've left
its almost its starting point?
surely it cant go lower than that
now why did you have to go and say that?
Just hold, i mean it. They're pissing their pants way worse than you
you got dumped on
At least when that competition was running I could say just wait until it's over
Now what do I tell myself?
>"/pol/ is always right"
Wait a month.
nothing will happen in a month though, we'll all be lucky if we can make back what we spent on the next moon. the market is too bearish to be invested in shit coins