XLM | Stellar - General

If you are not all in on XLM, you are really fucking up.

Benefits of Stellar:

- ICOs
- Smart-contracts; just not Turing-complete
- Faster than all other networks
- Decentralized (fuck you autists)
- Transactions cost next to nothing
- IBM running the world-wide network nodes and shilling Stellar (dashboard.stellar.org/)
- Can easily replace Ethereum (Ethereum cannot handle real world transactions)
- MOBI+KIN chose Stellar over Ethereum (medium.com/kin-contributors/kin-stellar-sdk-initial-draft-839afcaaf55c)
- AERON testing Stellar over Ethereum
- Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s tx / second (global scale)
- Importantly, Stellar forces the use of its coin, XLM, as the cost for using the network
- Inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (lumenaut.net/)
- XLM is still not yet on bitfinex or bithumb

Other XLM/Stellar Use: Lightyear.io (for profit arm of Stellar)

- lightyear.io - Worldwide remittance (soundcloud.com/automatadigital/stellar-lightyeario-co-founder-brit-yonge)
- lightyear.io has 15 bank partnerships, several tier 1, and tier 2-3

Recent News:

- stellar.org/blog/Q1-2018-stellar-and-state-of-crypto/
- twitter.com/alexisohanian/status/955531298902228992
- Ternio newest ICO on Stellar (ternio.io/)
- (((Weiss))) Crypto Ratings

Upcoming News Related to XLM:

- 25 January; Road map
- 25-31 January; FairX beta news (alleged)

Still not bought in, nigger?

Other urls found in this thread:


All In Evidence #1


All In Evidence #2

>Singapore largest FX hub in Asia
>Stellar seeking hubs that take Fiat -> XLM

i only own ICX and XLM, I'm gonna cum for 29 days straight in February.

All In Evidence #3

Only own 2k XLM got in around $0.20 - $0.25 and was on vacation when we mooned and hit $0.90 wish I would have sold half my stack so I could have bought more during the dip but we were already back under $0.50 when I got home. Still bought more XLM during the dip but I will feel better when we break $1.00

All in Evidence #4

Also OP you forgot to mention Stripe considering adding support for Stellar and Reddit founder shilling Stellar

Look again sweetie, Stripe thing is ok, but ill add it.

Poor fag, went all in and only have 150 XLM. I bought in at $0.47 so far so good. I hope it keeps going up so I can invest some of it into some shitcoin and hope for a 10x-100x increase

Not all-in, but huge part of my portofolio is XLM. So much potential.

5k XLM here, it's going back to $1.00 tomorrow

dubs confirms

I would shit
I can't wait for XLM to explode this year

Insider here who had a look at the roadmap. This coin will go to $5 very soon

Bullshit detected.

Fag who likes to stay poor detected

Thanks OP just bought 100K

When will we hit $5? I'm gonna screenshot this and post it all over when the day comes and it's at $1.25

t. Someone who's portfolio is 100% XLM.


>10b mkt cap
>100b supply

enjoy your bags. this thing has almost no potential to get any bigger

please leave nigger

I'm scared about this. I'm thinking if it hits $1 to sell asap.

No fucking way.

Stellar will be #1 in 2 years with 3x the current BTC marketcap


aye guys come on, is $5 even possible? A dollar seems pretty good but I'll be gutted if I sell for a dollar and its $5 in a few weeks


Trips are better

>he doesnt remember the xrp moon mission

Aye fair enough, maybe I'll hold for now


roadmap coming tomorrow is fucking exciting

Can't wait to sell the news then!

>selling tomorrow when ripple got to $3.50 with 2x the circulating supply

makes me think

XLM Top volume on bittrex

At $1, this shit will dump harder than a trucker in a Walmart bathroom.

>we arent even on bitfinex or bithumb yet

oy vey cant wait

if it hits $1, its going way higher than that idiot

Stellar was $.0004 in 2016
>but it's still e-early rrr-r-rrrright??

Is it tomorrow us time or is it in 5 hours because of the company being based in Singapore? The time zones really got me

it is still early, its pump to like 0.90 last month was based on no news, yet we got lots of new to come

guys whys it dumping? can this coin just go up one time and stay there without it dumping?

You should already be a millionaire off this shitcoin. If not you fucking missed out big time
>$.0004 in 2016

pretty sure main HQ is San Fransicko

It was $.0004 in 2016. You realize the %gain that is? $5 isn't out of the question but you will not become a millionaire buying this shit now.

>mfw I always ignored it, assuming it was a shitcoin because of the rocket logo

you and me both lmao

IT WILL COME BACK. its all very small sell orders being placed. probably more manipulation. it will be a wild ride due to whales tryin to shake the normies hands, but im almost sure after nonstop browsing of Veeky Forums for 2 months that xlm will moon..someone please reassure me

you are correct, remind yourself what said

what ya mean? i need to hodl or sell? at 1$?

Sell you are permanently poor

in an ideal world you would sell an buy the dip but since you seem a bit clueless, Id hold if I were you

At one point I had 18k lumens. I'm down to 5k now. How much will I regret dumping those bags?

Drop your snakey memes niggers

Quite a lot, but don't feel that bad.

We warned a lot of other people like you who didnt listen.

so to ur logic, buying bitcoin at $100, $200, $1000, $2500, $10000, etc

would have been a worthless investment choice? But u do know if I did buy it at each of those trades , I would still be up %+

are u just stupid or poor?

im going to go with poor since you are dealing with cents instead of dollars.

You know how you can become a millionaire with Lumens? You spend $1 milllion today and get $5 million by the end of 2018.

Too bad ur poor to realize the difference between early adopters when its cents, and being an early adopter before mass adoption takes over

because it is a turd


>"we may add support for Stellar (to which we provided seed funding) if substantive use continues to grow," Stripe product manager

talk about a major player in Q1