How are you venlets doing with your bleeding shitcoin? Meanwhile Walton is busy taking over the world

How are you venlets doing with your bleeding shitcoin? Meanwhile Walton is busy taking over the world.

He's not wrong

Jusst need 27b market cap to hit 1k per coin. That puts it in #4 with our 550billion total MC. Shit is gonna be 1k in a year or so

I hold both.

Vechain devs just printed more VEN and almost doubled the market cap, knew this was going to happen, im sure they are the ones dumping now on brainlet vetards.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BUT CHINESE GOVERNEMTN BIZ YOU SAID THEY PARTNER.


Vechain isn't even from china, it's from Singapore.
WTC is Chinese Korean
The commie chinks will always back their own.

it sucks walton threads are so dead
i wish venlets came in here

Vechain JUST'D

walton true chadcoin


FUD, CMC updated circulating supply to accurate numbers that were known and announced by VeChain ages ago. Just retards and pajeets who do 0 research that are dumping. Just means Ven in on sale.

VENturions are busy doing real life shit, and aren't actually worried about your shit. This dip was predicted and anticipated by people who actually give a shit about the future of the market. It's literally your last chance to get on the VEN train.

if ven idiots would be "busy doing real life shit" they wouldn't spam VEN shit nonstop literally everywhere

VeChain thread: VEN partnerships discussed.

WTC thread: VEN price discussed.

What is wrong with you people? I hold both. Guess it's a basement nerd thing... just like PS4 vs XBOX vs PC shit.

Its because venlets are the biggest offenders in this coin war so we must laugh at them at all times.

I know this might be haram, but you should check out the VEN subleddit, everyone and their mother predicted sellouts after the announced partnership stream, then a steady climb in the following days.

Maybe you should stop being such a brainlet and start learning your economics 101?

It's our turn. Once that sell wall at 3400 goes down we are taking off bigly.


But rabbits prefer the leaves...

Yet if I bought WTC it would suddenly drop. I know it would.

are you stupid

i said nothing about your shitty dip

WTC is not here to take part, it's here to take over

I'm afraid you're the stupid one.

>printed more VEN
didn't happen and you know it
CMC just updated to what the cap actually was
they're coming for your coin next

Had 1000 that i sold at like $27 fucked up now i have 5000 MOD though

Venlets are the ultimate form of crypto chads. We don’t give a fuck about FUD, we accumulate more VEN after FUD to build up to a bigger node. When the time comes for VEN to moon we’ll be sipping margaritas in Cancun with a harem of Latina whores making wagecuck salaries off our Thor

MOD is a shitcoin. Sell it for WTC or VEN immediately.