We're early adopters

>we're early adopters

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Google searches are customized based on you, even when you aren't logged on.

Google is a botnet, they can seize all your cryptos anyday

same thing is happening on all my work computers (5).. only 1 other coworker is into crypto

I did it on incognito mode

google knows you are using it because cctvs and webcams

'early adopters' is the dumbest shit ever

on a night's out I see so many people talking about crypto or browsing blockfolio

You're in your OWN little bubble pal. Crypto is mainstream. Test it out on a public PC and you'll get very similar results.

What else would people saying with the string “how to buy ____” ? A car, house? That shit I known already.

As far as the tech goes, I think we're still very much in the Early Adopters stage. In regards to the financial bubble though, dunno. Where in the adoption curve did the Internet stock bubble pop?

I would say nearing the end of early majority

This, so much. Crypto is the new Pokemon Go. Everyone and their grandma are talking about it and most are also investing. Not just the top coins, but they are in every single altcoin already. And if I had to guess the same thing that happened with Pokemon will happen here - the masses will lose interest, move on and leave the market behind burning.

Except theres real money involved. So it wont go away like pokemon

>crypto made some waves in the news
>buying crypto is unconventional
>people are more likely to need help to buy it rather than just about everything else in the world
>"hurr durr this shows bubble"
let me guess, you also think "white couple" on google images is evidence of a covert plot to genocide white people

Looks different for me.

u forgot buy idiot

>get away with a murderer
cute and romantic i think

well if most normies get JUSTed buying tron and XRP....

People on Veeky Forums never fail to amaze me
this isn't your shitty video games.. it's evolution of the economy.

Around when 50% of American households had internet access.

Thanks just sold 100k

They'll buy back in a month later.
All it takes is a few clicks and you have the same capability with crypto as a Wall Street day trader.
It's like saying the internet will die when normies lose interest, it's just fundamentally addicting.

bitcoin, eth and a few shitcoins are mainstream. but not hidden gems like LINK :^)

As far as tech adoption goes it's still the innovators phase.

The Bitcoin bubble is dead, the next phase of the bubble is going to be in 'smart contracts' and 'dapps'. Because it doesn't sound like a ponzi (buy bitcoin because it goes up!... store of value durr) this one's going to have hundreds of billions invested from financial investors, which will to inflate the total market cap into $xx trillions.

It starts after ethereum switches to (hybrid) proof of stake and media start talking about staking ether for dividends. This causes the flippening to happen, media go crazy about ethereum and smart contracts. It's going to be insane. At some point within the next two years ether is going to have a higher _price_ than btc at ath.

Myself I can't wait for the schadenfreude, because all btc maximalist cucks are going to be left holding their bags of shit while the price drops into oblivion.

In the interim I predict either stagnation or a bear market. The flippening may be accelerated by random events, like ether deliverable futures and/or eth etf.

i unironically believe this, BTC is dead, eth will be what actually takes this market to new heights.

Most of my friends are university educated people between the ages of 20-30. Only one other person in my friend group is invested in cryptocurrency. The main reason people are put off that I've been told is it is awkward to buy and hard to understand. People also get put off by the fact they don't understand how bitcoin/blockchain technology works.

From this I would gather we actually are early adopters.

Overheard old people at my job saying buy the bitcoin dip
Talking about ripple
My ex called me asking for picks

They know
It's almost Pokémon go levels


Yeah biasboi
