Who else fell for this shit

pic related

I bought it at ICO. Sold 40% of my bag, made 3x on my initial buy. The rest is long-term hold.

fomo bought and down 60%

bought early on ED, sold most in profit, holding 2k long term. if you're smart you can't lose in this game :^)

Sold @ x10
Good luck bagholders

x12'd 3/4 of my investment, then dumped the rest during the crash. Feels good.

I told you niglets not to buy it at $1.
Buy you always listen to the hype man.
Stop fucking doing it you cucks.
You listen to people that bought like $300 dollars worth and think they're genius investors. They're probably kids.

Was an undeniably solid 15x if you got in during ICO. Project can still take off to at least 2-500 mil market cap if they hit milestones.

Bought it at 0.00055 ETH. Is this over?

This is why I don't trust crypto kids on twitter, they only shill their shitbags.

Bought 2 eth at ico and sold 90% for 10x

>fucking this easy one up

Bought in at $0.50, shoulda sold after 2x but then the crash happened and this thing is bleeding out

any reason for that dump? i already dumped my ico bags a week ago but i am toying around with the idea to buy some back

this coin is a fucking mess

3 weeks after the close of ICO, up 5-6x from ICO, gets labeled as a shit coin.....only on new/biz/

Should've sold at $1 but I didn't want to use the shit exchange etherdelta. Now I see the kiddos that run it and I feel a deep sense of regret.

haha so true man. I love this place.

Because everyone bought in at ICO, right?

Also, that kind of increase from ICO is standard these days.

>>that kind of increase from ICO is standard these days

So is everything that ICO's these days also considered a shit coin? If not, what makes this one a shit coin?

3 exchanges, one being shitdelta
Literal college students running the show
All hype, no source code

Gee user I wonder

Yet you still bought in after it had already 5x'd? Fucking new/biz/ defined right here. Luckily you and others like you will be broke in a few weeks, then we can get back to being Veeky Forums

Vitalik himself called this the scammiest ERC20 token there is out there. Everyone should have seen it coming.

Didn't they hire 10 people recently?

Oh, we FUD the coin so idiots can drop their bags.


anyone stoopid enough to buy in exchange

are you talking about eth or usd price?
i sold mine at 8x eth it was never 10x.