Who else fell for this shit

pic related

I bought it at ICO. Sold 40% of my bag, made 3x on my initial buy. The rest is long-term hold.

fomo bought and down 60%

bought early on ED, sold most in profit, holding 2k long term. if you're smart you can't lose in this game :^)

Sold @ x10
Good luck bagholders

x12'd 3/4 of my investment, then dumped the rest during the crash. Feels good.

I told you niglets not to buy it at $1.
Buy you always listen to the hype man.
Stop fucking doing it you cucks.
You listen to people that bought like $300 dollars worth and think they're genius investors. They're probably kids.

Was an undeniably solid 15x if you got in during ICO. Project can still take off to at least 2-500 mil market cap if they hit milestones.

Bought it at 0.00055 ETH. Is this over?

This is why I don't trust crypto kids on twitter, they only shill their shitbags.