You stupid fucks realize quantum computing will make cryptography obsolete right? Or are you too busy putting your life savings in memecoins?
You stupid fucks realize quantum computing will make cryptography obsolete right...
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Gee, thanks OP, no one has ever thought of that!
quantum computing is years away
still lots of time to make it
1 year in crypto is like 10 years in stock boomer world
Because quantum computing will be mainstream soon, right?
noob thread
let me guess you fud tether too. OP is a geenius
>quantum computing
Top kek.
Many Cryptos are becoming quantum resistant gtfo op
Wrong. They did the math, if you spent billions on quantum computers (that don't even exist yet) you could maybe crack one Bitcoin address in a year. It doesn't make sense for anyone to do that.
You could 51% attack bitcoin for much less then that
The AI capable of building the quantum computer necessary to crack open your wallet and suck out the precious bitcoin would probably rather use those qubits for purposes we couldn't understand.
Yeah just waiting for quantum phone to ship from amazon mars so i can pair it with my quantum car and listen to carl sagan quotes on youtube red through quantum bluetooth while i go through a quantum drive through for my quantum tendies. Should be any day now
You're not a genius, we got that you peon.
OP, you're fucktarded. Issue has been addressed 1000 times. Some coins are implementing quantum resistant tech, and others like DAG are naturally resistant.
shit man
op's right
quantum computing will break cryptocurrencies
how could we have not seen this coming
it's not as if the field is filled with computer scientists, or that we're dealing with forkable virtual assets, or that banks, airports, hospitals, power stations are way more exposed
god damn op you're a genius
time to marketsell my eth on gdax for euros
And even assuming that quantum computers with half a million qubits become a reality, fixing this “problem” before it potentially becomes critical would be a matter of weeks, if not days.
Our entire national security is based on cryptography. If this becomes a real thing, it changes the entire world and could easily lead to WW3.
Yeah you can easily through an upgrade change the cryptography of Bitcoin to be exponentially much harder to crack.
Cryptofags btfo
Quantum computers have been mathematically proven to only halve the time needed to break symmetric encryption which I assume most if not all disk encryption solutions use. Only a weakness in current symmetric crypto algorithms will break current available solutions in the next few billion years. Online communications on the other hand. Well don't do stupid shit online.
>people dont know that quantum computers already exist and will in fact reach the 50 qbit threshhold where they become better than regualr ocmputers at certain tasks in the next 2-3 years.
In 10 years qunatum computers will be all over the place.
>turns out OP is a stupid fuck and sucks dicks
Nice just bought 100k memecoins
>u realize when this technology that will change the entire world comes out, your current activity will be obsolete
we got a genius here boys.
Can you also tell me what else will be obsolete? Please I want to stop doing all those things now and just wait for quantum computing
Can i watch porn user?
"Why it's downloading terabytes of vids of people plugging and unplugging cables?"
>You stupid fucks realize teleportation will make cryptography obsolete right? Or are you too busy putting your life savings in memevehicles?
Thanks user. Bought 100k QuantCoins.
nocoiners are so salty they would prefer the entire world go bankrupt rather than have us get wealthy
If they mine all the coins in a couple days what's the problem? The supply is fixed
LOOK MOM and DAD! I’m in another Alphabet BREAD!!!!
Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but if you are then you're a complete retard. Do you not realize that a fork is essentially a firmware update?
Better buy ODN
>Do you not realize that a fork is essentially a firmware update?
Yes I do, that's exactly what I said you retard.
>Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but if you are
Sick reading comprehension, dick lick.
If you had a brain then you would have seen that my posts in this thread have been debunking OP's claim.
Lets give in to your BS argument and pretend that you're right. Lets say quantum computing poses a serious threat to BTC and other currencies.
What do you think that means for literally everything else? What about your fiat bank account? Your passwords, your credit card info, your email? These things are far, far more vulnerable and easier to crack than BTC addresses. Like, multiple orders of magnitude less secure than BTC.
I'd be far more worried about everything except BTC.
IOTA is quantum resistant
Quantum computing will only make our chain blocks stronger
It's real, you cunt. Still very far from publicly available, but real nonetheless.
even now, you could technically crack it. You're gonna neee like 500+ qbits to efficiency crack a sha256 hash, and the current tech with wallets would have to stay the same. The most advanced verified quantum computers have less than 10 qbits atm. When public wallet address changing per transaction becomes the norm (cuckbase already does this), that'll make it extremely difficult. It's almost a non-issue, but anything is possible in the future.
Meanwhile you can buy Intel i7 for 700$ lmao retard
Sorry, I don't look through every single id in a thread like some sort of aspie.
That's why 55% of my portfolio is in NEO.
You can click the ID to highlight all the posts of the same poster, newfag.
Actually that's not why, but it's nice knowing this won't effect over half my portfolio.
U never thought of the idea you could use the same fucking computer to secure that shit omfg.
>quantumcomputers in every city
how can OP be this fucking retarded
No shit dumbass, who the fuck checks that every time they reply to someone though? I've never encountered someone as retarded as you.
im honestly worried about quantum computers being able to hack crypto wallets but i also know that quantum computers can be used to make crypto more secure so im not that worried.
>very far
No shit you idiot. Not everybody has an absolute zero temperature controlled super computer available at their own hands. Not even mentioning the withdrawal people will have even implanting systems like that into their trading algos. You're such a faggot if you think that shit is going to influence the crypto market right now. You stupid fucking SCI channel listening nerd faggot.
Do you idiots realize that software will develop at a faster rate than hardware?
Quantum will never catch up
>half of your portfolio is in a completely overpriced coin
Yet if you ask any quantum computer engineer they say they find that unlikely. Btw I know better than to trust this board
What is it, 2011? Blockchain is out. DAG is in. Peace out OP.
ITT: people worrying about quantum computing without understanding quantum computing. The AI is going to take over too, isn't it?
1. Have you ever wondered how come electro vehicles are so much more efficient than the gas ones, but are hardly being adopted despite the technology being there for at least a century? If crypto becomes big enough, (((they))) will make sure q computing never sees this world
2. Q computing may be alike to a nuclear power: very frightening but never used as a weapon.
Nukes are just scarecrows. Everybody knows, who owns em, using it with other nuke powers is too dangerous and using it in local conflicts is kinda pointless and gives other nuke powers a leverage on you.
This could be the case for q computong: a whole institute could be required to mauntain one. Its activity would be tracked internationally. And any attack on banking systems would be regarded as a crime against humanity.
I'm still waiting for a patch for Spectre and Meltdown but I'd take a supercomputer instead.
Sweet, even better, you can steal the private key directly from the RAM !!
>What is Veeky Forums X? - newfag
>He doesn't know about Devs already making their protocols quantum resistant
>magic tech that literally doesn't exist yet for any level of practicality
>if they do, only the highest of the high level scientists/military will have access to it
>it will cost a fortune just to keep the particles at near absolute zero for any amount of time
>these scientists will use this money and power to hack me, an idiot that posts on a Mongolian basket weaving hentai forum
Shit you're right I better sell it all
Buy BZG. Also OP is a faggot.
joke's on you, I have no life savings
You don't know anything. Your post reeks of pseudo intellectual dribble. Shut the fuck up
Quantum computing is a meme. No working products and tech is too far away from being real.
when did you realize you're a raging cock sucking faggot?
I'll just keep my coins on a dark web wallet then. Problem solved.
I just won't tell anyone my public or private key... they'll never get my crypto then hehehe plot foiled
>Timetravel will also make crypto obsolete. \biz hasn't addressed this issue yet.
None of yall recognize the exponential growth of technology yet? just as quickly as blockchain came up, so too did computers, internet, silicon, cars, and all that other good shit. one day, so will quantum computing. it will come out of nowhere and displace everything, just like bitcoin did to the us dollar.
You do realize that quantum computing is literal vaporhardware right?
I think most of them do, they just like to spread fud and shitpost
Funniest shit ive ever read.
>muh exponential computa technologies.
Meanwhile we have been stuck on i7s for 12 years. God at least you retards are good for an ego boost and a few laughs. I seems brillant next to you cucks.
wow if you get past the conspiracy theory stuff, he just keeps talking and it's very illuminating, very educational. the most i've learned on this board yet. wow i'm bull on btc again. what talk is it sampled from?
so are you too young to remember life before the internet?
it will, when people realise that quantum computers could crack a bitcoin wallet key in minutes just 10 years in the future.
ITT op doesn't realize that elliptic curves and factorization is not the be all and end all of cryptography
study some numbers theory op, you might be able to leave your brainlet status behind
quantum computers will protect said wallet as well
your point? this tech wont be "released to the public"
its currently at a black out tier top secret - you wont have it in ur laptop in a decade kid, sorry
no one here has actually explained WHY quantum computing will destroy my bitcoins
please, ENLIGHTEN me
Technology can't increase exponentially forever. CPU manufacturers are already hitting walls in how small components can be made while still functioning.
it's supposedly really good at cracking that type of code
Same thing was said 10 years ago and they still went from 90nm processors to 7nm in this time frame, I think there's still room from improving a lot
a quantum computer could crack both the private keys from wallets AND the proof-of-work algo
Quantum computing are still uncontrollable, idk if a they will ever control complex systems of qubits.
But they will be/are good at cryptography, some cryptographic algorithms will become obsolete, but for sure new will become the new standard.
So nothing to really worry about.
this coin is already trying to prevent this. Not even shilling. I have zero verge. 100k verge time?
this is the most retarded thing ive read this week
and im constantly on Veeky Forums