This thread will be a gift to patient people and those that DYOR and newbies willing to put in effort. Lets discuss:
ICOs and how to get them.
How to find what exchange your ICO is/will be on.
Trading strategies.
Why PnD discords are scams, etc.
Why FOMO is bad.
This thread will get slid quick so if you want to learn bump it and read the arguments, as theres always something to learn
This thread will be a gift to patient people and those that DYOR and newbies willing to put in effort. Lets discuss:
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Forgot to add you should be organized, have a plan. "Im going to hit 10,000 dollars in four months"
Execute a plan with no excuses on how youre doing it, add a why for motivation.
Anyone who says on here its easy and its just a golden ticket all you have to do is join the discord, or hey just buy this ICO trust me is a LARP or dumping their bags.
Heres a gift for some of you
I turned $90 into about 3500 in one month, doesnt sound like a lot but im not LARPing about my $600k gains in a month. Now imagine if i started with 3500? HODL isnt a meme its a legit strategy. If in doubt HODL.
Research what youre getting into. Mostly everything on Veeky Forums is a pump and dump. Does it have a legit whitepaper? Why will it go up? Is it going to ever rise again or die? (TRX looking at you) Is it going to bleed out horrendously like REQ?
Following bunp
"Buy the rumor sell the news" is one of the most true things that can be said. Unless the news is that good. Also FFS learn to read candle charts, or at least start with learning what an inverse hammer is, learn your meme lines of course too
Are you invested in REQ? Just curious
So, according to this diagram REQ will allow me to mail lightbulbs and microwave telephones manufactured in the 20th century, and possibly even print a car. Well, I'm sold. Just bought 100k.
Yeah learnt my lesson on those pump groups.
Yeah REQ has made me quite upset lately, while I know they only do biweekly updates, their lackluster performance, tied with a coin that is bleeding like a shot soldier, is worrisome. It makes people feel if they can only do a 140 character update worthy of nothing more than a tweet, are they really going to put effort into their real project? The outsource thing is plain FUD for retards though
So what this diagram is actually showing is how REQ and the internet of things will interact. This chart alone could sell REQ for people who know what theyre looking at.
For example ten years from now everything is going to have technology at minimum like alexa or a fitbit connected to the internet. We are heading for that future that conspiracy nuts are scared of, why not be rich in that future. So to explain it is going to be like your "alexa" bot says "John you have a heat bill request pay now?' *Yes alexa pay current bill" And a lot of modern tech will be able to have automatic bill pay setup so it can run quietly on the request network in the background and just be deducted from your account in any currency you have set.
Almost every single ICO is a scam.
You are being played. They do not represent technology, only advanced marketing teams. They are selling you vaporware. Most of these "projects" do not actually need blockchains, few if any actually require their own token.
I am monitoring this thread.
Correct, thats why you immediately sell when they are released, but only the legit ones, or legit looking ones will make it passed one cent. If you have a shit ton of them ICO, and sell off when it hits a few cents youre doing good. In fact, any real usage token sub one dollar is a steal if it shows promise, big gains can be had for sure
To reiterate REQ is quite a unicorn, it is such a weirdly behaving coin, it hit over 1.10 and now slowly bleeds out, probably sitting at about 47 cents right now. REQ has the potential to be a flop, but if this next release (mainnet Q1) is succesful and adoption starts, im not going to throw numbers but its potential is monstrous, super monstrous. I really dont think people understand how big the internet of things and REQs background integration is. Plus you do not need to own any REQ at all to use their program. Its kinda like apple or microsoft or google. REQ was an ICO that wasnt a scam, you have to find these gems.
You are a pawn.
You are putting up REAL MONEY to buy worthless tokens while the devs and their close friends make them from thin air. They assume no risk and maintain complete control over the market. They are freerolling. And people like you are enabling them.
Yes, you can make money chasing pumps. And you can also lose money chasing pumps. Don't think you're unique, there's a thousand other people just like you. Why even play? It's a rigged game.
If you want to gamble go to the casino. At least the casino is putting up real money when you walk in the door.
What about HODLing?
K you probably said that when bitcoin was about to take off too.
HODL is a great strategy, do you REALLY know what youre looking at when it comes to charts and TA? Does any of that shit even matter in this wild west unregulated market, that is only on the internet, traded by millions worldwide? Not really. It can but its more of the spur of the moment, being realistic. But HODL is good because panic selling and panic fomo is the worst thing.
Sell every once in a while. If bitcoin hits 20k, or any coin hits a new all time, you fucking sell and then sit on a comfy coin, for me thats ETH. LTC is comfy but may moon super fucking hard soon. Anyways HODL because if it starts dipping and you panic sell, but then it hits bottom and shoots back up now youre gonna panic FOMO back in. Why would you do that? Especially after seeing the month of January, super volatile, everytime you go back and forth like that you lose money, its better to get some iron hands. Only super lucky or super pros can properly day trade, most people like us get burned.
The "internet of things ON DUH BLOCKCHAIN" is complete vaporware.
Blockchains are not magic. They are shitty databases. Their only interesting property is decentralization which affords government non-compliance. The physical world is centralized. And the physical world is subject to regulation. Attempting to bridge these two worlds will never work. A decentralized system is only as decentralized as its most centralized (weakest) link.
No. If the government disapproves of this they will target the car. They don't give a shit what your little meme tokens claim.
The "internet of things" might prove useful in the future but it's not going to be run on the blockchain.
This just tells you don't know what you're talking about. Just calling this guy out for anyone new to crypto. Some of the advice is legit for sure, but this guy is either shilling his site or is just plain stupid, or joking around. Sorry mate, but I had to do this, biz is going down hill
Volk means folk in German.
Volk means wolf in Russian.
Adolf means Noble Wolf.
Vitalik confirmed for dismantling international kikery with ETH
>If you want to gamble go to the casino. At least the casino is putting up real money when you walk in the door.
This is now a FUN thread.
OP you sound like a faggot
coins arent investments Just lmao at your life
congrats on making money during the bullrun like everyone else
If i was selling a site I would have linked it..right? Ok so wrong assumption.
And you completely misunderstand what this whole thing is about. It is obviously a speculative market at this point, but the whole world is running to "the blockchain" this has been in the works for 30 years man. The government will love blockchain. Every transaction and currency, if all digital is traceable, controllable and exchangeable. Governments and banks LOVE THAT. The american dollar is only worth what is, hell any currency is only worth what it is because everyone agrees on it. The fact that theres BILLIONS of dollars and other world currencies in the blockchain renders your argument trash.
No coin faggot spotted
I think you did? Not going to mention it again tho? Will you? Thanks for trying if you're genuine. DYOR like you already know
Whether you believe in the blockchain or not, is not why i started this thread, there are money making opportunities to be had, the world is going this way, you can deny and FUD or hop on the train and make some money.
For my conspiracy friends this was printed 30 years ago by the economist, check the date, Rothschild owned this mag.
Ah completely forgot about that link and I can see how thatd shoot down my argument, google other ICO watchlists then, dont have to use that site. Believe me or not. But there is money to be had being the first to come and the first to be served..get it?
You're wrong.
You fundamentally do not understand what "the blockchain" is nor what it represents.
Digital payments are nothing new. We've had them for years. This is not what we're talking about.
Cryptocurrency is fundamentally anti-government. Governments might adopt their own digital currencies to co-opt the movement but they will be faux-blockchains.
if you had 5k right now, how will you invest it?
The government wont let you have it in the sense you think. Pic related. But there are gems in this pile of shit and if you find them you can live quite comfortably. And thats what i was trying to discuss, make money off this while we can. 2018 is going to be nuts, and possibly the last year to really have "moons"
I sold on YOUR ass newfag
good luck
Some are decent advice, some are crap. Why do you think you're worthy of giving advice with one month experience and less than the monthly pocket money a 12 year old gets in a month as an investment?
>Any currency is only worth what it is because everyone agrees on it.
That is wrong. Inflation differential, public dept, politics, wars, logistics of the central bank and printing patterns, whether currency is backed by tradable goods are some but not all the factors. Cryptos are more free-floating financial entities but not completely(some of them are close to become ones, see zerocoin protocol coins).
Stop giving advice if you haven't even read the first chapter of any financial book ever, people might listen to you.
If your only purpose is to make money with high risk and a small capital(which is probably why you're buying ICOs), which is a logical goal, buying low mcap coins off ED is safer, faster and more secure than buying ICOs as long as you sell them fast enough.
Depends, i dont trust exchanges outside of binance and cryptopia. 5k isnt really enough to crazily diversify, i personally try going all in on moons that I know are coming. And no im not talking about what you see on Veeky Forums thats too late already, you must find out what causes moons and then start finding out when a coin say REQ is about to have an update, go all fucking in the night before. LEARN TO USE STOP LIMITS etc, you can actually sleep. DONT BE GREEDY, sell before mostly everyone else is. Yeah it may 3x, but ill take that 2x or 2.5x knowing i aint getting dumped like a bad ex
I feel im worthy of giving what worked for me because I feel 90 dollars into over 3k in a month is not bad at all. Would you feel better if I LARPd and sai oh yeah i made 5k into 1.4 million in two months? come on
good advice, but news events are risky as well. i guess i need to put stop loss for those type of situations
so whats your advice then? curious
My advice is at the bottom of my post. Also, treat this like the stock market on steroids. The "bubble" is far from over(it's not a bubble but resembles one, especially with all the blockchain unrelated unregulated ICOs getting huge fundings), so it depends on your capital and your end goal. I gave you a short term strategy, a long term is an index fund with the highest mcap coins(minus a few obvious bad choices like XRP, TRX, USDT all for different reasons). We've yet to see large scale futures on most coins and various other financial services we see in the stock market.
If you're willing to risk a reasonable capital for bigger returns, you can be a whale with some low mcap coins with as little as 100k.
My advice depends on your endgoal.