This place has become reddit

Where have the /b/ - /pol/ -
Veeky Forums oldfags migrated to this time? I need to go there too, I'm afraid I can't stand this shithole anymore. I'm not even having fun anymore, it's just depressing watching all these normies take over tbqh.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just keep spamming that what used to be the norm. Start reddit and ''xDDD'' shaming.

It just works if the volume is great enough.

does not commute
those places are the most reddit boards on the fucking site

Ironic coming from someone using "normie".
Now piss off normalfag

You clearly do not know what I'm talking about because you're a cancerous newfag.

/pol/ and /b/ and unironically the 2 most normie boards on Veeky Forums

>reddit spacing

This is so retardedly idiotic, I wonder if it's bait or legitimate newfags applying their "knowledge".

You ARE the Normans if you think Veeky Forums is anything but an urbanized /g/ colony.

Acceptable other boards include k, wg, oldr9k, ck, his, int, lit, mu, sci, sp, and x.

Especially /x/. They were discussing crypto back in 2010.

Name 3 boards more normie than those. I'm all ears

Veeky Forums

Good lord. I only got in when the Trump train blasted off during the primaries, but even I'm not as ignorant as you.

They're legitimate newfags.
See, this is what I was talking about in the OP.


Now go back to /b/ or /pol/, in creating whining non-topic threads like this you're part of the population shitting up the board.

fucking this gtfo REEEE

No, you're the one who's using reddit space. You are the cancer and you are the one who should fuck off.

Also if the opposite to your definition of newfag is being a whiny weeb-posting buzzword spouting teenager obsessed with his sekrit club hidden away from all le normies like you, I'd take the alternative any day.

Why do you feel the need to come here and ruin everything? Isn't your r/cryptocurrency or whatever the fuck its called enough?

Someone post that chart showing web traffic over time. 100 million users added because of the fappening and 2016 election. And a large increase in phoneposters.
If you were here (Veeky Forums in general) before 2012 you are now in a group that is ~25% of users. In other words, 75% of users have been here since after 2012.
There’s probably only 1% or less survivors from pre 2005.

OP is talking about the OLDFAGS. You know, the people that used to habitate those boards BEFORE they became the normie infested shitholes that they are now.

>Reddit space

Literally snorted with laughter, now writing readable paragraphs is "reddit", I give up.






This /pol/ is cancer, constantly having to virtue signal to each other

You'll never believe me, but I'm the Redditor who started this meme.

Veeky Forums is not as normie as you think it is

People don't even remember /g/ being anything else than technology anymore. It's depressing.

Yeah, whatever
Eat shit and die you fucking low test beta faggot

I've poked in over the years. Not a shitload of crypto back then. Not that I'm saying I'm an old fag by any means. I barely was convinced to get into crypto before the boom.

2006, and oldfags always complain, Veeky Forums isnt bad, people always think it was better back then, lot more gore thats for sure, lots more cp aswell... so yeah i dont know.

And you'll never believe me, but I'm the guy who invented cheese whiz!

It’s readable without making it lengthy.
Kind of like this. Do you find this difficult to read?
Probably not.
All you’re doing is taking up more vertical space than necessary in an attempt to make your post suitable for readers who can’t follow sentences.

Yeah, I'm a newfag in the conventional usage of the term (big wave of new users circa 07-08).

It's sad that people who joined in the last year think that fucking /b/ is the """"oldfag"""" board (and /pol/ jesus christ). Anyone who has been on here for even close to a decade has nothing but disdain for them.


/a/ and /x/ are more reddit than /pol/ though


W8, are you meaning to tell me that /a/ has something else going on besides waifu wars?


/a/ literally hasn't changed since the beginning of its creation
Just because /pol/ is doing their best to invade literally every board and doing their best to claim everything they like for themselves, that doesn't mean that everything that isn't /pol/ is reddit. Half of it is underaged anyway

>waifu wars
It doesnt even happen anymore. The whole board is just all generals and shounenshit

It’s really simple. You don’t go extremely in either direction, you format a post reasonably. Just observe how everyone else is posting.

>epic meme trumpers Xdd make america great again dae /r/ledonald
fuck off you are the worst cancer that has joined this board ever

Kys you fucking obnoxious cunt

>/a/ literally hasnt changed
did you even visit /a/ like for the last 3 years? Its not even /pol/'s fault if you have retards who are actually using tumblr image files. At this point, /a/ is becoming more and more tumblr

Polcucks who have been here since late 2017 claiming they are old fags... what the actual fuck?

You mean like
is posting?

Yeah, paragraphs make your post better, and whining about one extra vertical space is definitely a sign on being on the spectrum.

>This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Nice thread related to business.

Veeky Forums getting more shit every year is an enduring meme but the hordes of american redditors who joined /pol/ to be edgy has ruined /pol/ completely and spreads to other boards

>Reddit spacing

/a/ has very active Mods that actually do their job.
It's still a good board overall.
I think it's because normies generally don't like animie.
And animie that's on the Lewd side scares normies.


You do realize that tumblr filenames are usually just taken from google and aren't edited upon being saved, right? In a board where most people go straight to google as they don't have a picture of every single anime character in existence, it's retarded to assume everyone isn't from the board because there's a tumblr filename. You'd have a point if it was a legitimate tumblrshit picture, but not 'this guy has a nice design' before plugging his name into google and taking the first picture without giving a shit.
The one and only difference between /a/ at its creation and now, is that there's simply more mainstream/popular anime/manga to discuss, so there's more 'generals'. But even back when it was created there were generals, they just didn't have the name 'generals' at the time.
Actually, no, second difference - people think they're allowed to leave their containment board to try and corrupt /a/ in the name of The Drumfxd and then get immediately banned, because the mods in /a/ actually do their job.

you havent got the slightest idea newfag

OP, same problem here. Oldfags should be at 8, but i can't stand the layout.

I'm not familiar with all the subrredits of this site.

Do you know when/pol/ was created and why it was? No? Then stfu newfag

/a/, are you serious? Try using reddit lingo like normie over there and see how quickly you get banned. Weaponized /a/ is a thing of the past but when it comes to those who have used imageboards for a length of time, /a/ will be the attractor along with /jp/ -- basically every japanese centric board

Tfw here since 2011

>Defending Tumblr posting there ya go, hop in buddy :]

>implying i was talking about that shithole

Just when I finally feel like I've accumulated enough wealth to masturbate to high-class anime characters...

>using google images
then use fucking pixiv you imbeciles.

>Where have the /b/ - /pol/ - Veeky Forums oldfags migrated to this time?

real life
why the fuck would we want to talk to the next generation of spergs online?

Would like to hear some example of "reddit lingo" pls

>being retarded on purpose
I bet you think reddit spacing isn't just an 8pol meme too, newshitter

>being an elitist about a search engine
>when the search engine also takes pictures from pixiv

i say we start gore posting that shoud work

/a/ is dead, its the jannies who are newfags, sakura fish is banned

oh look your new is showing

Unironically kys faggot.

Can anyone whos been here for about 3 or 4 years since the start of the refugee crisis tell me what has changed about /pol/ since then?
I never touched it until everyone started complaining about /pol/tards taking over the whole site but wasnt it always edgy nazis?

>using pixiv unironically for anything other than niche porn

They're all millionaires now and don't visit this board anymore

O mu ck

You have to go back

Fucking this. I’ve been here since 05, and stopped browsing a few years ago. I’m only back because of crypto.

/pol/ was always shit. It was a containment board from the sewage leaks following the old stormfront and other similar raids. As with everything, Veeky Forums always pulled a little bit of everything they touched back with them.

just go to the reddits Veeky Forums sub and see what buzzwords they like to use now. I strictly remember 4 years ago the word normie being brought to /r9k/ then those subhumans spreading it all over the internet. I believe using the word fag would be considered hatespeech there so they relied on a safer alternative to the common term normalfag used here

You have to accept change or dont and just move on. What you considered the highlights of /a/ to someone else it could be considered /a/'s decline

Been here since 07'. There was a time when I didn't hate anons, when I wanted to discuss things and communicate. There were anons I could relate to. . I liked coming here because I talked to anons I couldn't imagine. Back then anons were just text. Maybe he's not really into traps? Maybe he doesn't jiz on birds? He's probably not in mumbai right now. I don't know. Now I can't pretend the anons I'm replying to aren't people I hate. Fucking pajeets and children and nignogs and...I've been left here to realize this. I should have moved on like everyone else.

>not coming for anime
You were wrong from the beginning. It just took you a long time to realize you were wrong.

Agreed, /pol/fags not only make the site reputation bad, but have to shit up everything with identity politics.
Hell many of us are only here to masturbate to anime titties.
>le ebin /r/muhdonald /pol/fags MAGAXddd
Are the most irritating faggots on this site since GAIA and furries.


there is still one board that hasnt been affected a lot from migrating /pol/tards, and one board that still has got the old Veeky Forums vibe literally untouched by either reddit or /pol/
i'm not going to tell it here because i dont want to shit up my comfy boards :^)

/pol/ started as a containment board.
First, there was gamergate, a debacle that played out mostly over Reddit and twitter, and drove many people in those communities to political extremes. Reddit banned a lot of folks on many boards, and became increasingly authoritarian on certain topics. Due to this, a lot of people migrated to Veeky Forums, specifically /pol/.

Fast forward to the US primaries, many Trump endorsers on Reddit felt uncomfortable or were unwanted on the vast majority of boards, some boards were even shut down or set to private. They came as a second wave of redditors and twitterfags unto Veeky Forums. At this point, the population of /pol/ had changed dramatically, and it was now occupied by more normalfags than any other board on Veeky Forums.

A beautiful example of this would be the topic of Jews. Although /pol/ still loves ragging on the Hebrews, they have for the past two years, enthusiastically embraced a man more in bed with the Rothschilds and general Jewish stuff than any other candidate. Old/pol/ would have lost their collective shit over that, but nu-/pol/ is more preoccupied with Reddit/twitter-culture normie meme bullshit. They're more obsessed with social media, tumblr crap, and ecelebs than any other board by far, and love to push their shit upon people on other boards because they see it as a holy fucking crusade.

you obviously mean /r/
btw can somebody pls cumshop that pic of Jim Breyer w/ Xi Jinping?

No it's not, I'll give you a hint that it's a low traffic board, it's one of the negative things about the board but the discussions are actually good. There are only a few boards that actually meet those standards so I'm not going to give any more hints

Something similar to what this user said
but it wasn't nearly as shitty and full of newfags (as you can see for those who clearly got mad for being called reddit ), I used to lurk around /pol/ for those threads with photos with the wehrmacht, because I love ww2 military history, and most discussions were kinda decent, now it's full of white trash who can't form a single argument, the ironic part is that the sticky has a fucking image explaining the types of fallacies.

Nu-pol is literally 90% shill organizations posting retarded shit to disband /pol/. It worked pretty well, but its still an important part of the internet to discuss right wing politics without getting rage banned

Moon kiddies are honestly the worst.

Lowest form of life on here. Lower than Pajeets.

Big difference between "discussing right wing politics" and worshipping Reddit memes and ecelebs.

Yep, this is true. We were banned on 8pol when we pointed out all the jew connections Trump has and how all his kids are dating or married jews. Not sure how it went down on 4pol, but 8pol definitely had its mods bought out and is/was shilled by Kushner's Project Alamo.

I don't even bother with it anymore. Now's the time to make the money.

>this place has become reddit
Are you nuts lol?
Myself, along with everybody else in this god forsaken joint, takes every available opportunity to dismiss coins that have black ceos and calls anybody who shills a coin a filthy stinking Pajeet.

>/pol/ started as a containment board.
No it did not lol

Does anyone remember when Veeky Forums used to be radically liberal? Where they would dox gay hating republican priests and fucked around with Scientology and made Obama memes?

Found the redditfag

/int/ is hippie pol, reddit as fuck

not really "liberal," it was just doing shit for "the lulz" and extremists were the easiest target.