Train your fucking neck or look like a beta forever Veeky Forums

Train your fucking neck or look like a beta forever Veeky Forums
All the crypto in the world won't help you if you have a pencil neck

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I use this neck harness

>oh no people might perceive me as physically weak
this is a sign of major mental weakness

OP isn't wrong though. You objectively are weaker and less intimidating. No mental weakness about that.

Says who? Being perceived as physically strong is a huge social advantage. Both over females you can attract and men who respect you more.

This is the kind of soyboy argument I used to make when I was 16 and I thought only stupid people go to the gym. Thankfully 12 years on and I'm past that self-harming delusion, and I'm Veeky Forums.

How do I get a bigger neck? Shill me on this.

t. necklet

First it made me physically strong, which granted me respect and attraction. With time I became mentally strong as it gave me confidence I didn't have before.

It may be 2018 but humans are the same animals as 11,000 BC.

Just do shrugs. Works for me. Get sick traps too.


From pencil neck to chad.

Heavy deadlifts and neck ups

I completely agree. The gains that surprised me the most were the mental gains. So much calmer and secure with taking up space in the world.

The neck pill.
Hardest pill I've ever swallow.
Thanks Veeky Forums.

honestly crazy as fug, vitalik has a ridiculous jaw, if he trained his neck he would look like superman

just join the neckcoin ico

>Being perceived as physically strong is a huge social advantage
ok this makes sense, this is a good place to come from, neutral, pragmatic
>look like a beta forever
this reeks of insecurity and weakness


The Chad combo

>bizlets are actually arguing against being in peak physical condition and would rather be a lazy, weak (physically and mentally) faggot
Some people are destined to fail.

wtf is that an edit

>spends evenings shopping male celebs necks

that jaw on the right is incredible


pls stop photoshopping things

He's pumping now.

his face was alter'd in the right pic

I have a neck like a tree stump, grappling is the best thing you can do to cure pencil neckitis.

the perfect human


I wish I could but i'm too poorfag to afford gym membership atm

when Veeky Forums visits Veeky Forums

THE JAW on the left belongs to one of the highest paid male models in the world

Sean Opry

the right looks like a neanderthal. you've got some priorities to manage...

The right looks like penis

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”


Those are for faggots. Do farmer walks, or anything to build up your traps.

I do incline and flat bench neck flexion and extensions with a 15kg plate, and light lateral extensions with a small 2.5 kg plate. Around 2-3 times per week.

DIfference in past few months has been monstrous, although it does "slightly" take away from your V-tape. Plus you gotta stay leanish, no higher than 12-13% bf.

World of difference in suits, shirts etc. Strong neck and broad, capped delts are the true signs of strength

wrong, open photoshop and try it, it's exactly the same, that's the power of the neckpill

But who was SCM hypertrophy. Yeah you can do pulls and such with your neck extended vertically, but for those dominating lines running down the front of your neck, you gotta neck curl with resistance

What are you, a faggot?

Curl with your neck, what the fuck exercises are you talking about? If you can target your traps you're easy for frontal and back lat bulk, which will thicken your neck. Are you saying that those pull ups with weighted headbands are beneficial outside of traps? to build neck muscles?

How you are seen by others in life is extremely important you fucking idiot.

You are like a little baby.

I stopped doing neck isolations cuz I got too lazy for a month now and I can notice my neck shrinked.

>tfw comp sci student
>tfw lift for 3 years
>tfw white and european
>tfw 181 cm
>tfw got into crypto early
>tfw a pol user and still maintain to hide my power level and be that social and fun guy

I am a ubermensch

Problem, brah?

jesus Xhrist

N-no p-problem

why'd you change his eye color lol?

This guy only needs to gain weight and work out A LITTLE (something like some daily push ups and jogging) to be a total chad.


brown eyed lookism fags delude themselves into thinking brown eyes are more manly and blue eyes are femenine

This is a misattributed quote, no citation to show that Socrates said this

You don't need that. just push against your head with your hands.

lmao please tell me people actually use this.

yeah, unlikely Socrates would have said that, since most of his ideas stemmed from his bitterness about being ugly as shit.

personally I use the leg curl machine at the gym, instead of sitting I get on my knees and push the pad using my head

Dude, thats making money 101. You dont want to appear weak. Do you think the firm handshake is a meme too right? I mean, no one would be so vapid to judge you by how much grip strenght you have right? WRONG. Its first thing they do


muh fellow Veeky Forumsizan

People do judge you about stuff like that, but it's not the be all end all.
Focusing on how to be percieved as having value over providing value is like an ugly girl slathering herself in makeup to be attractive on a surface level.
Someone like Gandhi didn't have to worry about being perceived as weak because he emanated strength and leadership and provided real value to people.
Getting in shape is an excellent way to build mental strength and accrue social capital. But it's not everything.

Vitalik still can drop some phat beats though

Fuck off granddad

>Veeky Forums
>the same board that was shilling SS for overall development for intermediate lifters
>doesn't see the sense of targeting a specific area for gains in said area
why am I not surprised

l2 target muscle groups you fat slob.

this is /pol/fit/ now. Still better than /v/ ir /g/ ins

l2 reading comprehension brainlet, that was the exact point I was getting at

/pol/biz/fit/ is the success trifecta. And one leads to the other directly or indirectly.

/co/tv/v/ is the consumer shitfecta. They live to consume the shit the international jew provides. They even go to the extent of being proud, fighting for and celebrating those mediocre products. Star wars day for example.

Consume occasionally, and only if you are well aware you are consuming. Creating content gives the same pleasure if not more. Dont fall for the /co/tv/v/ jew. You know who is stronger between Superman and Flash? The company that owns their rights