Mfw bitcoin going back to 12k

>mfw bitcoin going back to 12k

another weak rally. we will be lucky to breach the pitchfork median around 12, and luckier still to reach the top of the channel at 15k, where we will collapse again back down to 8k.
BTC will not go on a serious rally again until all hope has been shattered and the bulls relinquish all their holdings in total despair.

>mfw it immediately dips back to 9k

>mfw trades sideways for the rest of the year

This is consolidation. Do you retards think coins moon and floor non stop? Thats what you learned from these TA fags?

Unironically yes. I've been doing this shit for over a year. Every single bitcoin on the market is wildly manipulated and volatile, and they'll all continue to be until there's more regulation.

Yes, but BTC does not moon or floor 24/7 there where weeks of slow downward or upward trend. This is happening now. In two weeks, we are in clear.

>not breaking the trend line.
>no Tether printed.

Long story short, we're going back to 9k, hoping that the support hold.

i really, really dislike this soywak

>tfw tether is looking shaky