>be me
>canadian eh
>gradudated a year ago with b.sc. chemical engineering
>no work experience
>been applying for months
>GPA is not the issue
>getting sick of applying to jobs and getting no responses (i've gotten my resume and cover letter reviewed and have rewritten it multiple times and personalizing it for each job posting)
>still no job
>went to grad school because fuck it I'm not giving up on this shit
>realize I am paying for shit that will not help me get a job and I am still competing with other fuckers for the same entry-level engineering position
>there are simply too many graduates for the number of jobs available
>tfw I basically wasted the last 4 years of my life
>fuck this degree
>fuck the educational school system

What the fuck do I do biz? Give me the cheat codes to life. How do I win this game (cant invest in crypto with no money. need money first)

kneepads and chapstick sweetie

>Be retard
>Wait all your life for an employer to give you miserable money to survive
> Get mad and blame the system, the competitors and the degree for being irresponsible about your life plans.
>Proceed to shit post on Veeky Forums

You need experience you nigger. In college you needed to have some summer internships working for an actual company. I got fucked with this 6 years ago and spent 2 years interning for my job placement as entry. It fucking sucks, but you need internship experience now because the market is saturated with bachelors. In order to increase my wealth by x2 I need to do a graduates, but I'm trying to skip it with just experience and connections. So far, it's going well and I'm wage cucking that entry level for 2 more years until I can get into a comfy position in the future. Of which, I'll put all my gains into my GF, who is amazing, my divorcement lawyer, and crypto.

if I knew getting an engineering degree would be irresponsible I would have just done comp sci

Ur just figuring out this now? LMAO maybe if you weren't such a brainlet you wouldn't have wasted so much money and time

Nah you faggots, you just need internships instead of spending all day on Veeky Forums during the summer. If you actually had a shit job and invested in cryptos two year ago, you still could've made it, but now it's like, how much can I afford to put into cryptos. I actually am in the position with my pleb position to hire seasonal and internships, and the first thing I look for is job experience.

any tips on how to get the internship position? So many students doing the same thing so how do I stay competitive despite no relevant work experience

Op. I was in same position as you. Also Canadian.

Know what I did?
I threw in the towel and got into a trade.

Now 31. Own house, car, six figures.

Sometimes you just gotta change it up.

What trade user? I'm in the same position but I'm thinking of going into elevator repair

Students? If you're still in college, you need to find a professor that is doing research on the side that you need to learn about 100% and offer a research recommendation that can land you a spot during summer. If you're like me, and didn't do that shit. You need to go towards private companies and give them, not only your experience but methods to increase their business from time spent at home researching or at college. If you're like me, you dogged through simple positions, but did extra. Like I showed my past internships I'm capable of not only GIS, but GIS analytics and was able to mark down every species of tree from maps instead of manual labor (going out to every tree and marking them.) That got me a leg up for my next internship, which I then helped them out of what they needed, graphic design and GIS. And now I have a nice job in NYC, which I'm currently doing the same shit to skip graduate and get that graduate salary (around 100k) for doing shit that I learned on my own. When I read peoples resumes, I look for what they have done, not where they came from. My boss looks from where they come, but they have a lot of downturn, so that's why I was chosen for this year's job selections.

lel, and you gave chinks and pajeets a warm welcome and Trump sent them to Canada, right? What did you expect? They studied much harder than you, after all.

>aying for shit that will not help me get a job and I am still competing with other fuckers for the same entry-level engineering position
>>there are simply to

this is why school and society is stupid. it's more rewarding to get good at trading shitcoins and living frugally.

I'm 24 and making 70k a year in comp sci. I graduated this april. I'm also Canadian.

Would you say it is worth it to go back to school to get a comp sci degree if I already have a b.sc? I can learn what I need to online for free. I've asked a few comp sci students about this but I get mixed opinions

>He didn't work as a student in a big company while finishing his undergrad and then grad school

>Not getting hired immediately on full payroll after graduating

It's like you want to stay poor lmao

Transport refrigeration.

Basically satellite controlled, diesel powered refrigerators. They are 53 feet long and hold millions worth of meat, cheese etc. When they break they must be fixed asap.

yeah I definitely fucked myself by not landing solid internships during the summers

still funny how people boast about their engineering degrees
so many engineering grads i know didnt quite get that "50k starting job" :)

If anything, this is a warning for people that are thinking that once they get an engineering degree life will be set (like I did)

Yeah gotta land just one internship and give it my all and see what happens. Need that internship tho

Why hire you instead of Pajeet?

Just teach yourself to code enough to make a few shitty github web apps and you'll get an entry level position easy.

Seriously considering this

>he fell for the chemical engineering

oh noooooooooo hahahaha

you poor thing. I dropped out the 1st year and did something else and got a job instantly. all my friends who did chemical engineer don't have jobs as there is very little industry here in Australia, it's literally one of the wrost engineering degrees you can do imo. all my friends who did civil have found jobs within the first few months of graduating.

You're intelligent, so you shoot for the stars in terms of a career/job. You get the education but the jobs don't follow. All this after you waste thousands of money you don't have and spent 2+ years obtaining this degree. Meanwhile, you can learn a trade in about a year. And depending on the trade, you can make really really good money. But here's the thing they don't tell you. There's more trades that are in need of actually intelligent people than you can imagine. If you're smart, and you're a fast learner, and you're good with people, you will move up so fast in any real trade. Im speaking generally, so this obviously doesn't apply everywhere to every trade. Some places need smart men in certain trades more than others. Honestly. You would shit yourself if you knew the intelligence of some of these tradesmen that make 80-120k a year. I don't knock em at all. Good for them. I just find it hillarious when kids cry about not being able to find a job when I know for a fact, there's high paying trades always looking for new smart young lads that work 2-3x faster than the old farts.

It's probably cause you're ugly or shy or not good with people in general. Getting a job is all about them social skills. Most work environments are childish places.

This. Trades is the best way to go imho. Every guy and his dog is getting a degree. It's the new high school certificate and so many of them can't get jobs and realized they wasted so many years of their life and money just to get a shitty entry level job.

My brother is a plasterer. He's 19 and makes 60k+ a year. He's starting his own business next year to do small jobs on the side. University is a meme unless you have a great network, connections and you're doing a degree that is in demand like Comp Science. If you have cousins, brothers, sisters or parents in companies this is a huge help, otherwise suck it up and stick to a trade.

You should've taken all that money and bought a whole bunch of masternodes.

Hindsight is 20/20

Any particular trade you recommend I look into? Never considered trade desu but if the paycheque is big enough I'm willing

comp sci is far far more saturated user, especially by pajeets that will work for peanuts

can you make drugs with that edumaction? I would be making drugs

Why the fuck do I get such mixed opinions on this

>be canadian

That was your first mistake. Best to an hero and hope for a better re-roll.


pajeet pls go

couldnt disagree more than uni is a waste of time tb h

uni really isnt about learning 3 years worth of textbook trash, it simply opens your mind to that further critical thinking that will stick with you for the rest of your life

if you did a degree just to get a job at the end, you did it wrong
if you did a degree to explore and, cliche, find yourself, then that is the correct way
thats why all these "useless" art degrees exist

absolutely no degree is a waste of time, really
its for self improvement, not improving yourself for the first employer who will take you on

Wish I knew this all those times I decided to study instead of having fun


>graduated business management.
>23 years old already managing an insurance inbound call office.
>work with tons of people who have graduated university spending 11k a year
>college I went to was only 3k a year

feels good

>haven't even taken into account crypto gains

>Chemical Engineering
So one of the few serious degrees. user, if you're not even getting job responses despite holding this (and GPA shouldn't be an issue in this discipline) either you're aiming unrealistically high or you seriously need someone to read through your CVs for you cos you're clearly monging them.

Whenever you're trying to sell yourself you got to go above and beyond. I know for a fact, that your resume shouldn't look like the word shit they give you at college.
>same shit
>same type
>same layout
But you have to get a designer or learn how to design your resume and then provide key points in how you can achieve more. Everything is cost efficiency man.

Do you really believe the bullshit you're typing? lmfao

did you go to uni to suck boomer dick?


I'm in my second year of college and I know I'll end up just like you, yet my parents keep pressuring me into continuing even though there are way too many graduates and not enough engineering jobs.

Fuck, I just wanted to drop out of college, start a normal job and put all the money into crypto (already 20x my initial investment) but I've been peer pressured by everyone into continuing in STEM in college, by my parents, friends and mentors.

Should I bother with uni user? I'm so fucking confused.

Your first mistake is looking for work in Canada, this is PAINFULLY obvious. What is your ethnicity? What shade of brown or yellow you're on will generally determine the position and wealth you accumulate. Bonus points for being a tranny. GTFO to the US as quickly as possible. If you're a minority don't worry about an heroing, the race war will clean up soon enough.

Get a load of this lefty. Lmao. Have fun with your Gender study degree

Being brown or a chink has nothing to do with it, there's simply no engineering jobs for anyone here in Canada, bad market for it.

The US is a shithole but if it has the jobs I'm also willing to move after getting a degree. Where are the STEM jobs in the US anyway apart from Cali and Massachusetts?

>it simply opens your mind to that further critical thinking

The fuck do you mean? Colleges are the very definition of 1984.

>secluded environment
>muh socialism, communism, left-wing cesspools
>no wrongthink allowed!
>achievements occur in a bubble of "academia"
>THE VERY PLACE that you can even pick up useless art degrees

Through centuries of profiteering, we've invented an industry where you can pay to learn useless information instead of SKILLS. It's 2018. Quite literally the only difference between self-learning stupid shit and a college degree is the degree itself.

retards in here ready for more of mr goldborgs boomer dick

>mfw got a job this year in alberta as an engineering grad and am making over 70k already
>got the job without using connections

lel. i dont know that feel.

You do not understand.

everything you said is pretty wrong
idk maybe you went to a bad uni, i was tempted to say that bad universities arent really worth it..

Start applying overseas

Canadian Computer engineer here. Getting a programming job isn't too bad as long as you have EXPERIENCE, there's a MASSIVE amount of jobs looking for people with 3+ yrs of professional experience. For entry level positions however, it's sparse and the pay is shit. Getting your foot in the door sucks (build up your portfolio in the meantime) but after that, it's smooth sailing.

From my friends who are chemical engineers, it's hard as fuck to get jobs, so you really have to build connections and get experience any way you can. Sadly, engineering is really oversaturated now so your bachelor's degree doesn't count for shit.

>70k cad

So only 56k usd?

Are you actually satisfied with that?

Hey I got a bs chem eng degree too but ended up pivoting to scientific programming / computational sciences. Helps to know CS (casually minored, multiple side projects and extracurrics). If you've been thru thermo and reactors I'm sure you can get through the ocean of free comp sci or software engineering (your pick - academic or practical) material online. Best of luck user

Paying for grad school is a mistake though. PhD programs should be free, MS Chem Eng is a literal joke and can be associated to failed PhD candidates or part-time degrees for people already in industry.

Hell yeah I feel fucking ripped off. If I worked full time instead of college and invested in stocks/crypto in 2010 I would be FILTHY RICH right now.

It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job user, keep up the good work


You have no idea how shit canada is.

Ask around. Feel people out for trades they do or ask if they have any friends/brothers/uncles that do any trades locally. See if they know of anyone hiring. Often times you can basically start right away as an apprentice in certain trades and get an education while you work. Its hard but its usally only a year of school, like i said. And trades aren't hard to "learn". They arent chemistry/physics/calc or anything hard to memorize. Stop sulking about not finding a job in your chosen path and stop being scared to walk a new path. Just be willing to learn something new and you will find a job fast. Just stay away from Networking/IT. It used to be good but word got out how "easy" it is now its flooded with nerds who think its the only viable trade for them. Bullshit. You could be a welder, a carpenter, an HVAC technician, an airline mechanic... Honestly this is just surface level "trades". Theres so many niche trades that never get talked about that you will make 60k-100k in the first few years.

>>GPA is not the issue
k. are you white? it's like you forgot we live in Canada.

are you me? same age, same boat, (actually have a boat)

IBEW electrician here.

really? theres thousands of unemployed civil engineers here in queensland