Kinda getting nervous. Did i invest in a shit coin?
Put more money than I can afford into VEN at .0086
Yes. Shoulda went Walton. Check the charts lol.
Yes sir buy walton
Put more money than you could afford into a coin without doing any research? Are you retarded? Instead of typing for this post you could have googled vechain, click on 1-2 links and convinced yourself to hold this
Look at the charts bro. There has been so much green for this coin over the past couple weeks. I am comfortable holding, but I would not have been comfortable investing at this point. I expect it to go down a bit more in the short term. On the year, your buy was fine.
retard alert, if you're questioning VEN ur autistic irl and dont deserve the gains, sell it and buy DBC or some shit coin
>buy DBC
no product, no whitepaper, no confirmed partnerships, chink, built on hype alone... answer the question yourself
No you did not invest in shitcoin. No it's not biz fault, it's yours. It was literally shilled here for months and you bought yesterday at ath. Then all of biz told you to dump it and sell the news. You complained about "fud campaign". Now ure stuck with bags and will become the new Raiblocks and LTC crybaby calling for floors and moons every single hour just to drop your bags. You will fail. Drop it now and buy something with a potential, like VeChain early December. Fuck. It was all in front of you. And stop shiting up the boards with this old meme logo, no one likes it anymore. Fucking FOMOing retards. Fuck. Pic related : yards who didn't sell VEN at peak.
Yeah. You did.
should I buy in today or tomorrow
you fucked up, brother
im being serious its genuinely probably the most accurate description of "vaporware" in crypto. they have nothing to show for ANY of their claims tech wise
DNV confirmed they were moving their entire assurance operation onto the VeChain thor platform today and would move their 80K customers onto it as well.
Sell now before it crashes.
this. sell it. this is totally not the biggest thing to ever happen in crypto.
This. The moment you see 3+ "fud campaign" threads on Veeky Forums is the second you need to sell your entire stack.
Happened with TRX, REQ and now VEN. Same results every time.
DNV-GL is such a huge fucking company that this will be on normie news soon. I mean holy goddamn what are you people thinking?
Why are you trying to make OP kill himself?
Don't buy bags OP
sell please dont need retards making money, go buy DBC or some shit
Only newfags hodl, never ride shit on a downward trend, setup a low buy and sell.
VEN is a gradual gain with good swing trading in between. Has been for about a month now.
It never went to 86k sats tho, nice fud op
For fuck's sake you noobs, a coin tanks for one day after surging for 2 weeks straight and everyone starts crying? This is still a hyper promising coin with ridiculous partnerships with multibillion dollar corps. I'm not worried and I'm all in on VEN.
i know right. Veeky Forums is infested with complete and utter dipshits. look at advising people to dump a project with the biggest legitimate partnerships in crypto history.
why are people on here so fucking dumb?
Cause when I'm pissed off I say things I don't mean to hurt anyone that's in my way. But admit, that's a retarded question and he should have realized already that sell the news meme is real.
OP, wait for VEN to retrace a bit, park your money in a coin that's stable or has a moon potential for next few weeks. Then look at the price and buy before rebrand to sell the news or hold VEN if you think it's gonna pull off Antshares. Good luck!
listen man
stop trying scam more people with your ponzi shitcoin
> he thinks this is over
lol this shit is going all the way back to $1
this scam coin just doubled circulating supply out of nowhere. complete fucking scam
Isn’t all this shit ponzi mate?
OP, ask for a TA here to get some numbers and hedge your risks
Yea go ahead and sell so I can buy more bags.
If you're making threads like this and you're holding VEN I want you to sell.
If you're holding VEN and youre feeling nervous I want you to sell.
It's so clear that you hate money, which is a fine and okay thing, but parading around biz and showing everyone that you're new to this, from Reddit, or mentally inept is not.
Depends on what you wanted.
If you wanted a pump and dump, then you invested ATH like a nub and you're looking at bag-holding for a while.
If you wanted a long-term HODL, which if you haven't already sold then you gotta HODL regardless, then there are far worse coins to be holding bags for than VEN.
You invested in a good coin that did x30 in a few month. gl
VEN is now recovering - it is unlikely that it will reach the level you bought at soon, but may go back above $8 by end of tonight.
you got in BIZ dump, congratulations
>VEN is held up by announcements and partnerships
>90% of holders are ADHD newfags who'll have spasms if there are no announcements or pending announcements
>VEN runs out of things to say. All the good news are already on the table
>VEN tanks
Gee, who would have thought?
Look at 30 minute RSI
>bought a coin that non-stop go up for few weeks straight
>why am I getting JUSTED guys, guys...?
need this coin to make serious bank. been spending all my money on negronis and baby corn.
>held up by partnerships with billions of dollars of revenue
>a problem