>shilled on Veeky Forums for so long the reddit invasion thinks its a scam
>attempts to advertise it on reddit are discarded as pajeet shills
this is going to be the most hilarious rise in all of crypto
Shilled on Veeky Forums for so long the reddit invasion thinks its a scam
Other urls found in this thread:
it's a scam though. sergey is at a thai beach partying with ladyboys as we speak.
I'm strapped in for the ride over the next 12-24 months
I honestly love it. Someone posted a LINK thread there last week and got replies like "Oh look, Veeky Forums is here, not buying your bags".
It's the best case scenario.
This is a meme coin
I absolutely love that you have to put in some time and not be a brainlet underand LINK. The genuine LINK fud only proves how many legit stupid people are on here. I remember the first time ChainLink truly and fully dawned on me, it's a crazy feeling and now I've go 100k LINK, 90% of my portfolio and I've never felt more comfortable a portfolio ever. It simply isn't debatable, LINK is THE best investment in crypto at the moment, by a mile.
>majority of biz holds link
>link cant even pull a x3 and maintain its value
really makes me think
Keep em moving boys. We got room for a few more boxes.
A massage to FUD section. I need you on 25/7 watch. Reddit seems secured. This means our boys on the red line are doing their work.
Biz needs to clean out the newjacks.
>Link article gets posted on r/cryptocurrency
>Veeky Forums heads over
>Spams post with comments about Link being a Veeky Forums scam.
>OP thinks that Reddit think's it's pajeet shills
This. We are trying to accumulate, don't need unnecessary shilling and hyping for this glorious token
>focuses on short term market movements
>thinks they're going to do well long term
Veeky Forums newfag here but I’ve lurked Veeky Forums for a few years now. I’m so happy I found Veeky Forums for crypto. Used to like ethtrader but it went to dogshit after the summer. I’m sorry to invade but link threads on Veeky Forums are the last bastion of intelligent crypto talk. Anyways Assblaster said Link will go parabolic when the media starts shilling “smartcontracts”. I work at a Wall Street banks and of course a lot of people are talking about crypto and trading crypto but honestly most of them are retards.
They have no idea what smartcontracts are dead serious. These are people that still shill the meme “I like blockchain but I don’t like the coins”. The singularity is coming fellow Linkies. I bought crypto as a hedge against my job becoming obsolete but Sergey has shown me a whole new possibility. Hail Sergey. Btw ama on what Wall Street normies think
Do you know any who have done any kind of DD about any crypto? Does anybody understand that bitcoin was designed in part to subvert the fractional reserve system that keeps wall street afloat?
stop pretending to be human, pajeet.
>it is bitbay all over again
this is a scma coin be aware
lots of shady delings you can find through googling.
actually team is whell known scam team in china look for some these china articles in the translate. all very very bad things like staling people money from their hands even in the street but also telepohne scam and thing of the sort.
anway just i know ppl seem like this coin but i warne you, just stay safe. in fact i wouldnot be surprised if the coins acually have virii in them to hijack ur comps.
nex time just buy something safe like bitcions.
Very very few. The prevailing thought is that crypto is a new asset class rather than a complete overhaul of society. Personally I lean towards the asset class argument but there’s absolutely no doubt that Satoshi Nakomoto kicked off a paradigm shift.
The due diligence people do is predicated around that thought then. Aka let’s put “x” on the blockchain and in some instances I see decentralization as a good feature but we don’t need to put fucking bananas and bike rentals on a blockchain.
if bananas were on the blockchain you would know which came from ecuador versus guatemala. right now those fucking beaners are just switching stickers around. it needs to stop.
your typos give you the pajeet vibe and make you non believable. otherwise it's a good base. Correct dat grammar, minimal amount of typos and try again.
Oh boy it's going to be classic, again reddit homo fan boys loss to Veeky Forums,every fucking time, never use reddit because came to Veeky Forums first, thank fuck. Fucking shows they clearly do barley any research.
Is the wall street money coming or not? We thought they would use their bonuses, but apparently not.
this is a scma post be aware
lots of shady delings you can find through googling.
actually anonymous is whell known scam team in china look for some these china articles in the translate. all very very bad things like staling people money from their hands even in the street but also telepohne scam and thing of the sort.
anway just i know ppl seem like this poster but i warne you, just stay safe. in fact i wouldnot be surprised if anonymous posts acually have virii in them to hijack ur comps.
nex time just read something safe like buzzfeed.
Will you join the Hall of Chainlink insiders, with tripcode in tow? Would be good to have line up of ears on the ground in Wall Street
I'm genuinely confused by its low level of growth. Do people think it will fail or won't work? Just don't get it? Or just don't care?
Bonuses for shit tier banks probably got paid out. This is bonus season but we FIND OUT how much our bonus is right now but don’t get paid it until late Jan early Feb. if you’re smart you would just borrow against it and pay off your credit card later but most normies on the street don’t think that way. They like to have the cash in their hands it’s a psychological thing because from day one in uni we’ve been taught “cash is king”
Honestly i genuinely don’t know if Wall st analyst money is coming but if I were a betting man I would say yes
Blockchain is just a decentralized ledger, banana logistics and bike rentals don't need a cryptocurrency, but they will definitely benefit from such technology. Right now we're in the phase of those who are in the know desparately throwing their ideas to anything that sticks and praying for 'test runs' and 'partnerships', rather than companies adopting new technologies themselves.
There is no hype to sustain demand. That's it. Thank Sergey for that, if you watch his interviews, you can tell he is a lot more interested in the MacDonald's good life than he is in shilling his shitcoin.
lmao if reddit doesn't like it you really don't get it do you lmao?
Serious question for the long term holders: Assuming all goes well and this moons as you all expect it to, how far will it go? Is there, say, NEO level potential in this? What are the upsides of holding for so long only to 10x your folio, why couldn't you just trade other shitcoins and make the same profit but in a smaller time frame?
No. Not because I’m larping but because I genuinely don’t have any insider info. Trust me I’ve tried looking through our intranet and mailing lists for “smartcontracts” or “chainlink” but I’ve found nothing. And the team I’m on would never interact with blockchain or DLT related groups. I’ve hopped on video conferences between our bank and investment clients or internally to talk about blockchain but it’s truly primitive. They could be cookin something up with smartcontracts but I wouldn’t know
How do you, or how would one of your colleagues, DD a crypto? What do you think about Chainlink's prospects should it do the job it promises?
How do you see crypto reshaping the economy, banking, governance if at all?
Not everything needs to be decentralized though. If you trust the governing bodies behind food safety then you don’t need a blockchain for it. It would probably be slow and inefficient. Listen I’m all for decentralization but not everything should or will have it’s own blockchain. Chainlink could change that with “digital” representations of that asset/product/whatever but that requires hiring talent that understands blockchain data structures. There’s already a dearth of talent in crypto and they’re not going to existing F500 companies if they can join the next Eth and become gorillionaires
bike rentals could actually be a good implementation
Count on it desu. I’m locked and loaded with 35k bags and you autist fucks will be the first to know of any info I get
Generally speaking if biz is the only place that likes something it's probably bitbean teir
This. My bank announces bonuses this week. But we don't get it until our mid-Feb paycheck, around 2/15. But I think any banker who really wants to get into crypto would've just maxed out his credit already. That's what I did back in May last year when I heard about ETH. Best decision I ever made. I'm going to use my bonus to pay off the debt I still have, not put new money into crypto
Again, just because the information is decentralized does not mean it's completely decentralized or lacks regulation.
Personally I look for a couple key items when researching a project (I modeled it after watching a vitalik devcon video) 1. Level of decentralization 2. How secure is it 3. Does it have a compelling governance structure and 4. How scalable is it. Imo if Chainlink is successful banks will be able to cut their risk and compliance departments immensely. It becomes so much easier to present regulators a smartcontract on a public chain vs having an army of compliance staff to hunt down info on a trade, offering, etc.
Like we’ve all been saying if link taps in to the global derivatives market this will be huge. It’ll probably go on to be used in bond offerings, loans, mortgages, interbank transfers, stock certificate transfers (i kid you not we still deliver physical stock certificates to other banks on rare occasions) the possibilities are endless but I don’t think anyone can know the amount of impact it will have of finance banking governance etc but it’ll be huge. It’s like a gut feeling ya know? Idk how big it’ll get but I just want to be along for the ride because I know it’ll be a good one. How good? I don’t think any of us know yet
Anons, what is the oracle problem? what does link actually do, and why does it need a token to do it?
Is there anywhere I can read up on this?
Agreed but right now for bananas to be on the blockchain is the equivalent of going from primitive internet protocols to smartphone apps. It took us a long ass time to get there. We’ll get there though
DYOR cucchat
Think of smartcontracts as Neo. All powerful does whatever the fuck he wants in the matrix. But he has no purpose. He got redpilled and joined Morpheus but still no purpose. Once he meets the Oracle he understands why he exists and what his purpose is. Smartcontracts are great but without being fed information on what they are supposed to do what’s the fucking point
I get a boner everytime I think about this.
Same desu. Personally I envision central banks creating digital fiat but we’re gonna need chainlink for those digital representations of dollars to exist on chain
Only x 10, try x100 another, also you day trade to get your x100 if you like and get raped by the tax man.
I hope you’re balls deep in link desu. Anyone working on the street with some intelligence should be able to envision the impact of chainlink (nothing directed at you. Just speaking in general)
>a double reverse troll
Really making me think
Can't wait to see Plebbit when the first big announcement comes.
Is DCA a meme in crypto? a-asking for a friend
Right?! And the logo isn't even real, its literally just a low res PNG 56kb image.
I am. LINK and REQ are my biggest holdings after BTC/ETH. I hope biz isn't lying to me. But I'm also holding a bunch of alts that I think have long-term potential. Not PnD shit, but stuff like XLM, ICX, XMR, VEN, QSP, QASH. Don't have the balls to put a huge % into one coin. My portfolio is big enough that's I'd prob shoot myself if that coin goes to shit
I can vouch, Wall Street doesn't know what is coming at them like a train. Been networking with folks I meet in NYC.
At this point and time, Its very clear what direction the market is heading.
I would put all my holdings into ETH,REQ,LINK,VEN. Seriously.
Absolutely not. DCA is time proven to be effective. It’s less stressful and removes you from the violent waves of a market. It helps you take a step back and consider everytime you put money in: “have the fundamentals of my thesis changed? Is the price being effected by just macro issues right now?” Etc
Because the majority of people who trade shitcoins for profit don't go 10-100x. The people that go 10-100x trading shitcoins are the only ones trading shitcoins that you hear of and therefore look like the majority. Why would anyone go out and tell people how they lost 50% buying some random shitcoin?
But dca is predicated upon having an actual investment thesis. Most of crypto is gambling right now but few projects are actual “investments” dca into those and I’d bet you come out on top in the long run. But don’t dca into crypto overall like putting x amount every paycheck across y different coins
In the city as well but haven’t done that much networking outside of my own social circles. I know people with lots of money on exchange they have no idea how wallets work etc.
I only ask because it seems like things move at light speed in cryptoland. Thanks for the reply famalam.
What do you mean? That I should drop BTC completely? Aside from BTC/ETH/LINK/REQ, most of my alt positions are a pretty small % of my portfolio. An amount that I wouldn't care if it goes to 0, but would turn into a lot of it moons in 6 mths - 1 year. So not really worried by holding those. But I am starting to get worried about BTC. Think biz may be right that ETH will overtake it
nice tripz
Based on the coins you hold and the fact that you got into eth in May it doesn’t sound like you should care what Veeky Forums says about link. You’ve done your own research. You’ve made you bed and now you can just be comfy. When you make it are you gonna continue to work in banking/finance? I’ve definitely thought about giving up the whole thing. I’m pretty jaded to most of finance now
Sorry user the orange id was me connected to another WiFi. But I agree a week in crypto feels like a month but that gets stressful real quick especially if you’re still wagecucking. Dca instead and let Sergey deliver you to greatness
Bitcoin will always hold a special place in my heart. But you need to follow the money friend.
Cryptographic currencies (BTC,LTC,XMR) have a place in the market as just that. A currency to be sent crypto graphically. Big financial institutions realize blockchains have a real use in monetary transactions, but they also realize Bitcoin cannot do the job due to its stubborn nature. So they are looking else where....
This shift in the market is very obvious.
I've been tutoring people on how to use wallets and the basics how to invest. I also approach folks in bars when I hear them talking about Bitcoin. These bankers seem to be stuck in the past and keep saying that Bitcoin is valueless. They're so used to being able to print as much "money" as they want.
They have no clue how to actually trade crypto themselves because the idea of a person managing their own money is so foreign to them.
Do you think we’ll end up in a future like what NEO envisions? With digital representations of physical assets in this case fiat money on chain?
Lets say my thesis is "smart contracts are the future". You mean to say I should DCA into the smart contract family like REQ QSP LINK under that thesis, opposed to just dumping into one of those? (say ETH)
I'm planning on giving my 2-week notice once I get my bonus. Right now I'm in the process of paying of debt and cashing out enough crypto that I know I can live of for a year. Just want to make sure I got everything straightened out first, like getting crypto off exchanges, onto hardware wallets, keeping stuff backed up etc, so I feel safe. Quitting your job is tough for someone who has the "career" meme ingrained to his head. But I know I'm not gonna get a chance like crypto in 2018 again, so want to focus full time on it. Willing to live like a poorfag for a year or two so I can make it long term
And its also worth noting that every shitcoin and the company tied behind it will be rendered bankrupt in 3+ years, having only survived this far due in bag part to the bull. People will realize these shitcoins have no real advantage as a currency because of two things
1.Nodes generated
2. Adoption
The Ethereum network will render these shitcoins useless in time. Count on that.
>With digital representations of physical assets in this case fiat money on chain?
Not for a very long time. Fiat is here to stay. Especially in everyday shopping/ hand to hand transactions.
But digital transactions? peer to peer data transfer? We are just getting started baby.
It’s an interesting thought and I can’t give you a concrete answer. But imo if your thesis is “smart contracts are the future of economics and governance” then just dca into ETH
That’s a based move user. Wish you all of the luck
Got it. Yeah I lost faith in ETH after it got destroyed by BTC from Aug - Nov. But I'm starting to realize over the last month that smart money is moving to ETH. I'm slowly increasing my % of ETH relative to BTC. I agree with you that smart money biz autists are moving from BTC to ETH, but still think that a lot of big money that are new to crypto (hedge funds, institutional investors, wall street types etc), are going to start getting into crypto by putting a lot of money into BTC. They still think crypto = BTC and it's the digitial gold. So not sure BTC is done yet. But I will be watching the BTC/ETH trading pair closely
Like I said, Bitcoin still has a rightful spot in this market. Too many nodes and still largest adoption. These things take a long time to change.
I don’t know how much I buy the whole “smart money is going to eth. They hate btc”. Btc is still the granddaddy that kicked this whole thing off. Sure it’s dinosaur tech compared to eth but it has real network effects. The bitcoin blockchain itself hasn’t been hacked and has been up and running for almost 10 years now. Think about that for a moment, it’s still very young. It’s also the first to decentralize “money” away from governing bodies or institutions and that’s a profound thing that people still like. I think smartmoney will always hold some btc. ETH could absolutely be the top dog by eoy’18 but I don’t think that means btc is going away
Yeah also keep in mind that a lot of institutional investors getting into crypto don't really think like Silicon Valley venture capitalists. They don't care about the tech. They're just looking to invest in a new asset class that is uncorrelated to the other traditional ones they invest in (equities, fixed income, real estate, etc), and can potentially outperform those by even a small margin. I mean they invest in shit like gold, which has very little real world use case. It's just a hedge against their other investments.
And these guys have a lot more money than the 25-35 year olds on biz. What they put money into can really move the market. That's one reason I really believe in XMR, because once they realize BTC isn't really private, they will start pouring money into a crypto that is private. There are a ton of wealthy people that put $trillions into offshore accounts etc. there will be a huge market for privacy coins, once these people figure out how to get their money into privacy cryptos
This will eventually bite the retards in the ass, when no one will buy it, thinking it's a meme scamcoin.
Which is actually what is starting to happen now.
I'm pretty sure LINK will gets dumped to 15 cent after Feb. 17 just like like it was after Sibos.
Will be holding these stinky bags forever.
So long ufr then? Genuine question not memeing
Alright, so if I wanted to chase a possible 100x in LINK long term, when do you think the best time to enter would be? Price point?
Apparently, sergey said that system was going to go live by the end of q1 of this year. will this be where the inevitable boom comes from or will it be later on when the financial market realizes the potential of link?
What percentage of the total derivatives market could link take up?
The moment they announce provable partnerships they’ll buy in droves. But I would kill for a chance to buy LINK Low. I would unironically max out my credit
What do you consider low? How long do you think wall st will starting noticing LINK?
who cares. Why wait to enter in at a price that may never come. Buy in now. If this coin can deliver on its tech then theres one thing thats guaranteed: Its dirt cheap right now. And will be dirt cheap for awhile.
Im not well informed enough on ufr to be giving out long advice on it.
Sorry to break intrude with facts, but LINK is in dire fucking shape right now
Check em.
Like Assblaster I hate giving price predictions but I’ll give you my opinion. I think we’re gonna continue to see a bear market through February so I’d dca into LINK but weight it heavily through the next couple of weeks (as in if you’re going to put 1000 OVERALL in do it over the next few weeks) mainly because I think that the singularity is around the corner. There’s a confluence of events going on that I get the feeling it’s soon. I missed out on ETH right around this time. I read a couple articles on it and figured I’d wait till I get my bonus then forgot about it until the summer
>The moment they announce provable partnerships
Which happens never.
They didn't even announce their partnership with zeppelin_os, they announcement only exists on zeppelin's site.
Sergey won't announce anything of post on social media even when they launch the mainnet. No one is going to buy.
I love how we have created an autistic aura that surrounds LINK, protecting it from retarded normies. They can't comprehend what they are missing,and this is, to be honest, the best scenario.
In terms of the “total derivatives market” meme you need to think in terms of the number of derivative contracts made not the total value. For each side long there is a side short. Derivatives are a zero sum game. Link will theoretically be used in the process of writing those instruments so that brings up so many questions. Will larger sized derivatives require more oracles thus using more link? How much will banks be willing to pay to have a derivative smartcontract? At what price point does it not make sense to go with smartcontracts and go with legacy methods etc
Yeah we get it. You made a thread
I mean it’s Low right now isn’t it?
Whether or not assblaster is a larp I do agree that when the media starts shilling smartcontracts and starts going “oooooh this smartcontract thing is going to be soooo revolutionary” is when link will start to become noticed. Then when the normies encounter the oracle problem we’ll have lift off
Serious question, how do you 'safely' get your money into XMR? like if you buy it off an exchange, isnt that traceable to you? so then how is it private? like if i buy 20 XMR off bittrex wont that be as easily traced to me as buying any other coin?
> I do agree that when the media starts shilling smartcontracts and starts going “oooooh this smartcontract thing is going to be soooo revolutionary” is when link will start to become noticed. Then when the normies encounter the oracle problem we’ll have lift off
Wrong. The vast majority of people wont give a fuck about a smart contract or the oracle problem.
It will be the financial institutions that will care. It will be them who need it.
I guess by normies I meant Wall Street normies who watch CNBC
If you buy it off an exchange that doesn’t require verification how would they trace it to you? Can anyone comment? I’m no expert on privacy coins
transfer it off of bittrex to your own wallet. once it's off of bittrex, it's impossible to prove where it went.
I had a dream last night that LINK was skyrocketing and I was trying to buy in but by then it was too late and I got dumped on.
I'm reading the whitepaper now.
I've finished accumulating 3 months ago at 15 cents. Went all in right away.
Don't tell me you fucks aren't NEETs and actually have jobs and steady revenue streams to keep buying more.