I told you fags that Ven was shit


vechain has

>glabal advertisements
>government approved

need i go on?


alrdy did lol

VEN is up 400% in under 30 days.

i agree very much
i try tell them yesterday but no listen
i had more experience them all them
i tell them sell but they not listens

oh no, it dipped a little before it moons again. Shitcoin confirmed.

ever notice how vechain shills can never tell you anything about the tech?

air project.


this smug chink is hated very much hear in india
that should tell you some about the project
india a good test of character




Is this a good reason to buy it now?

>hated in India

Nobody cares who or what you hate pajeet. Go have another street shit you low caste poo

I actually think it is over for VEN, they are based on RSA encryption, which has been around forever, and still has very limited use cases. The hype brought it to this level, maybe it will change once they rebrand. I hold VEN atm

i agrre very much actually with your points
the tech is lack in many respect
i see price fall drastically in future

I think this also user
Tech is old
Time to sell find new moon

heard the same shit with TRX, we all know how that was

> hurr durr haz padnorshibbs
> hurr durr protegee of vary inpurtant
> hurr durr haff celeb in team

Gook over exaggerating over 9000


It's all their HQ with two CEOs. The biggest classification society on the planet is moving everything over to VeChain. Try to FUD that away.

>hurr durr it's all vaporware
>a massive supercorporation is just LARPing
>I hate money

Don't bother talking sense here. Bunch of salty shitcoin-gamblers holding 90% actual vaporware and empty promises.

literally nothing to show for

all this fud kek
stop bullying the weak hands and stealing their coins

doesnt have a product tho

If you actually invested in TRON your opinion has no value.

Friends beware. ICX Going down soon. Nothing happen no mainnet. Not real. Korea ban soon too. Bad deal. Buy VEN. Tobacco on blockchain. No other coin have. Get free if you hold. So much free I need build shed soon. I get smoke with beverage free. Good fun twitter fun. Leaker too. Guarantee

thanks just bought 100k worth of blockchain tobacco

>price still up in bear market
Why are we apologizing again?

thx bought marlboro

mainnet happened
korea announced new restritcions. no bad. trading to resume in a few days.

>actually fucking stupid

Ven does not have any point at all
partnership made of thin air
I suggest you avoid user

I not warn you all much longer. No one listen. I try many day now answer called mean name. VEN has tobacco on blockchain. First ever. Have wine too. Drink and smoke same time good time. You regret when VEN go antshare. I want friends make money without VEN have tobacco on blockchain and is first ever. Guarantee

Street. Shitting. Faggot.

>not seeing the obvious larp
white people...

I am also a cuck so i agree