>study, lift, invest for self improvement and to get rich
>deep down I know it's so that one day I can show her what she's missing out on
Study, lift, invest for self improvement and to get rich
>tfw she won't even care
she will love me when i'm rich r-right?
I feel you user
fuck ((them)). we only got one shot at life and we should enjoy OURSELVES.
Hold me brah
It's rough
this isn't Veeky Forums dudes. if you care about things that aren't money you've missed the point of this board and haven't achieved degenerate gambler status yet
>tfw women are so irrational they won't care as long as they have someone more handsome and of a higher social status than you
Don't worry, we're gonna make it, user. Crypto 10 trillion marketcap 2020 screencap this.
We'll laugh and cry together in our lambos
Literally why should we even care about women if they only see us as walking money bags. That's what women must feel when we only see their body.
>study, lift, invest
>get rich, Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums
>get her
>reach true loneliness as i thrust into her, realizing that we had no deeper connection behind her seeing myself as the most materially and socially beneficial mate
i just want to take the fucking blue pill but you can't find it anymore
This is so pathetic. Get over it you fucking cuck
These greentexts never fail to make me chuckle.
>he doesn't realize that staying fit increases intelligence/brain power and therefore improves trading ability
I'm sure everyone here has a "her" but we can't chase bitches or else we will be cucked.
Why will we be cucked?
>it's a men buy women with money episode
fucking why? you'll end up with entitled whores who don't even love you for who you are
just keep waiting for sex robots to completely eradicate the need for millennial women
>tfw you are me
>He thinks this is buying woman
It's to become a perfect man or at least better than whoever your oneitis ends up with
>spending money on women in 2018
lmao you'll never make it
Still dream about her sometimes.
Fuck off, this isn't r9k. If I want to feel like shit for not having gf I will go there
i gotchu bro
Am I the only one that doesn't give a shit about women or constantly think about "the one who got away"?
ive been in your shoes user. and i can tell you, if you keep this up for weeks, months, years...
when you're there you won't care what she thinks or cares.
>make money
>provide for her
>spoil her
>then loose her because she is “fickle”
You can be /bizfit/ but there’s always another branch for her to swing too that “might” be better. Cock carousel until she’s a used dried up whore.
Post a picture of her from facebook you faggot
>he thinks trading has to do with intelligence
>he missed the entire fucking point of my post
I'm not telling you to stop lifting dumbass, I'm tell you to stop posting these stupid fucking blogs about feels on our money making board
you already have your own board for this trash
Same fucking shoes user.
find a qt buddhist grill. not memeing you
I don't feel like shit for not having a gf I feel like shit that I will never experience that first love again and all future relationships will never be the same since I have a better understanding of women.
I feel like shit that I could not foster a a lifelong relationship with an innocent girl that loved me deeply because I did not know how to be a man.
Now I don't even know if she even was a virgin like she said and I don't know if I can ever love again. I used to get crushes on girls and think about them, now they all seem the same to me.
Going back to her only to realize why it ended in the first place. Ouch.
Don't ever go back you fuck.
Dont know if she was a virgin wtfck what does it matter
You gloomy INTJs virgin nerds who live with parents at 30 and can't relate to other woman because you are all social freaks like to stick to this nonsense of being innocent and virgin because that is all you understand about , all woman older than 17 in 2018 that is still virgin is an obese ugly shit or has mental/ patologies / brain damage.
Grow up. Get a life.
Because if she wasn't she lied to me for the entirety of the relationship. Why would this not bother me you fucking cuck.
You can get over it, user
I had a harsh falling out with the only girl I ever loved. It took me 5 years to get over it and in that time frame I only went on two dates.
The worst thing you can do is the same old. It will be so much more empty.
Go see what else is out there. Wander -
even if aimlessly - into better opportunities.
Who I loved was a girl that is very good at heart, but a terrible matchup. I was too immature to realize most of what I was doing at the time.
At the end of the day, if I could go back in time and change anything, I wouldn't. If I could choose between the girl I obsessed over for years and what I learned - either in spite, by trial and error, or mildly sociopathic and desperate long-shots of effort to get attention - I would choose the latter.
Hone your potential, travel, wander. May it lead you to enlightenment, better things, but above all peace.
So waiting for a good girl to come into our lives - and using this dream to better ourselves - is something only 'virgin social freaks do', and fucking a gold digger or a STD ridden slut is now good? I'm... Starting to think /pol/ is partly right about the whole degeneracy thing.
That said, don't get rich or ripped just because of girls, OP. As said above love can be a fuel for your self improvement, but keep in mind that self love is also important. Don't rush things and don't try to be someone you aren't, and you'll find some qt deserving of you eventually.
t. poor Veeky Forumsman who was lucky enough to find love very early on life
fucking oath to this brah
>not putting your experience points in charisma
>not selecting the facade and manipulation perks
>ignoring that normies are purely social animals
You're going to have a bad time.
>lifting won't fix my ugly face
Guy lost his girl and now wonders if she was a virgin or not, as if it matters if she trully loved him as she said, if she had any other experience before.
What I am saying here, is that you people like to think superior because you remain virgin and " pure " for longer time, but that is not because you are waiting and looking for the right person, because everybody is, but because you lack social skill or usually tend to despise social interaction ,even with woman you find interesting , because any contact demands a social skill a virgin nerd lacks.
So you like to hoist the flag " I am a virgin waiting for love " , bit that is jus am ex use and I lie: fact is vou Just find it too difficult to approach a girl. This girl he talks about Loved him as he Said, and was a good girl. Probrably lied to him and said she was virgin because she was afraid of his judgment ( and se know how INTJ nerd virgins judge ) and afraid he would reject her because she loved him.
There is no degenaration in that.
But a guy looses the girl he said was the only one for him, and he is more concerned if she was a virgin or not before meeting him than the future they could have together and never will. That is very Clever.
She said she was because she knew vou were, and sue wanted to make vou confortable and equal to her. A lie os Always a lie, but lovers do shit when too imature and fearfull of losing the person they Love. Also she knew how you would judge her as a slut, feel jealous if you knew she was not Virgin, and she didnt want you to walk oh this path of jealousy, or to judge her bad.
She did it to protect you. Not to deceive you or harm you.
If sue truly loved you, may be she felt like a virgin with you, because her previous experiences felt like mistakes when she found you. And it happens that a person can feel like its their real first time um Love, because um face of true Love, past experiences seem like they have never happened.
If she lied to foi about being virgin, may be its because she just knew you to well to tell the truth .
A lie is a lie.
She makes a mistake for Love.
Its better than a mistake for pride, or jelousy.
So, dont stick to the " she lied to me "
People are clueless and act shit when Blind um Love and fear
Goddamn dude I was just lamenting the loss of my first love and my innocence both of which I am never getting back. I wasn't a virgin with her and we were friends for a long time before we got together I wouldn't have dropped her if she said she wasn't a virgin, I was just making the point that looking back on the relationship it wasn't what I thought it was at the time.
My post implies that in hindsight I wish it worked and that I was the man I needed to be to make it work. I don't know why you jumped on the virgin aspect and started projecting all over the place.
I spent last night with a girl that Veeky Forums would blast for how much of a whore she is, but I enjoy her company and don't judge her past because I've been a fuck up also. But would I pick her to raise my children? Definitely not, and I don't care if it makes me a hypocrite.
INTP btw
Woman are all about projections, sorry to pour mine all over the place
Hope you cam find a funny good girl mother to your kids
Ow, its a P lol sorry
>This thread
>12 hour shifts, any time spent between that and sleeping is lifting/reading/trading - mind is busy
>Crawl into bed every night and my mind just drifts to her
>She's had a new man for a year now, wish I could forget her but my heart betrays me
I don't even know what I don't know anymore
She doesn't care bro
She'll be just as happy with some broke guy who's only skills involve alcoholism and playing 4 cord songs
>tfw that actually looks like the only ex I've had real feelings for
Damnit I came to this thread to read some feels and have some keks not to feel the feels
While you browse Veeky Forums she’s getting railed by a giant BBC. Probably making her eyes roll back as she takes the orgasmic pounding.
>she finally notices your gym gains and crypto gains
>tell her she's too old for you now
>better all around than him
>she's clearly more into you than him
>pretty much begging you to make a move so she can leave him
>too beta to make a move and look stupid so she stays with him anyways
What's the point money won't stop me from being a spineless cuck. At this point I just want money because it's the only way to keep score in life and prove to myself that despite being a cuck I'm still better than everyone else.
Good news is that once you're about 35 even a middle class income will get panties wet.
Bad news is those panties are haggard 35 year old roasties.
Have a crack at it and your spine will grow. The more you get at it the faster it will grow.
I feel like a spineless cuck sometimes but then I think about how much worse it used to be and things look bright again.
That image made me feel.
>God damnit user...
Your exchange was hilarious
But more importantly bitch I'm an entj and since you have all the answers tell me how to get my bitch back (infj). My plan is basically the same as op
Beta KEK personefied
>tfw she's currently working in a lab for the CDC
>tfw I'm working a mid tier position at a fucking hotel
I just regret fucking up so bad, she's one of my only regrets. I shouldn't have been so blind and emotionally tone deaf. Shouldn't have let her slip away...
I miss you Rebecca.
Anyone else getting gray hair from the stress?
Feels fucking weird being 27 with gray hair.
Having grey hair is better than having no hair
This, fuck me
>ex gf is now a model
>meanwhile im broke and alone
Its over
plus size models dont count user
You know deep down that Germany should have won the war.
Doing it "for her" is the most pathetic mentality.
Do not study for her.
Do not lift for her.
Do not invest for her.
Do not improve yourself for her.
She will ruin you or already has.
Do all of the above for yourself. Never for her.
Forget about her, forget about love. Become the man you should be for yourself. You should be doing all these things for your own benefit, not because you're pussy whipped my dudes. She doesn't deserve the thoughts and effort. She is not worth your time. Never ever do it for her. After all....she wouldn't do it for you. Odds are you could tell her you did it all for her and in the end she would still reject or cheat on you. Never put pussy on a pedestal because chances are you will end up with a lifetime of regret if you put in so much effort for a woman and end up wasting all your time and emotional energy waiting for the big pussy payoff. You'll look back and hate yourself for it.
I agree, as gay as it sounds. I want a real connection with a woman. I don't want women who want me for money, sex, or even my personality. I just want something real for once. I think feminists want the same thing deep down, but they don't know how to fix the problem.
>implying she isn't studying, getting fit, self-actualizing, and investing into crypto as well
>be in 6 year relationship, only relationship
>dumps me
>dad dies months later
>miracle i made through
>4 years later I still haven't seen anyone, I've tried but I haven't gone out of my way
>been getting Veeky Forums lately
>can't bring myself to go about dating even though im feeling lonely and wanna be with somone, start a family, yadda yadda, but know its all a meme
im a slavshit so ima just cash out at a certain point and find a slav waifu with my american passport. i figure since i was birn back there and speak the language i can actually find a chick that isnt just looking for a green card
This is exactly why I never had sex with my long term girlfriend. I knew our connection wasn't much deeper than what was on the surface and sex would've made breaking up with her that much harder. Still looking for the right one.
>same boat man don't even want her back just >want to have one last run in 12 months >Visiting some Random Euro shit city
>Looking like a Cancuck gaelic god suited up
>"glad yu ended it, now your turn 2 resent me"
>damn green txt hard, thanks for holding muh bags
>he thinks trading has to do with intelligence
Going all-in on DeepBrainChain had a lot to do with a lack of intelligence, tho.