lol ppl will buy Waltonchain bro, still better ROI.
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WTC has patents and partnerships with company like mobiues that has cutting edge patents on rfid, technology. Can't wait for SK Group and WTC to go to the moon
It's funny you say that because Ven will probably use WTC for certain customers as a sub-contractor of sorts.
Those partnerships are literally nothing compared to what Ven has though and there is nothing wrong with that. It's still a strong and viable technology it just doesn't have the same connections.
DNV GL just by itself makes more money than McDonald’s you stupid shitskin kid...
I actually agree with out, VET and WTC are going to be top coins. I could see VET on the WTC blockchain
A lot of companies make more money than mcdonalds lol your point? So does some of WTC partnerships
It's ironic all the friction between the two when in reality they are going to end up stacked on top of each other and used together.
That girl took a beating
Good taste in porn and altcoins user
Quite a beating
Ah, well look at her now
her story is what makes it hot
her vids are shit
Rebellious little whore
I don't see VEN getting shilled by people with military connections. And no WTC has high level people in the industry of RFID itself, they don't need no accreditation or accounting firm to reach thousands of companies. Also WTC has a advantage that will adopt blockchain sooner Korea and China. We also have SK Group connections. I wouldn't say VEN is better in this area they just do it differently
vids would've been good if they'd finished with her decapitation
You are right it isn't being shilled by people with military connections. It is however being shilled by people with high level Chinese connections. I know you are going to say "MUH BREYER" but you would literally jizz yourself if he were to be backing WTC.
It was shilled on CCTV is working with NRCC to reach it's customers and is partnered with Chinese Tobacco. It's connections run far deeper than anything WTC has. Literally anyone can see that. I can admit the technology of WTC is better but you are crazy if you don't see how much stronger Ven connections are.
jim breyer picture is out of context, but go look at all the media outlets that will be covering WTC.
One of the media outlets is a beijing own state tv, with at least 10 - 18 + other media stations and outlets i forge tthe number.
Nah VEN connections are not fake, they are impressive but can't say they beat WTC there. In some sectors of industry VEN wins for now and others WTC takes the cake
I just wish she went full time, user. I can only imagine.
The thing about VeChain connections is that they are STATE connections. WTC seems to be doing a lot in the commercial market but Ven seems to be getting government contracts.
Also the photo is absolutely not out of context. No more than a guy who works for WTC shaking hands with someone who works for the military.
hahahha wth are you talking about. China Mobile is state owned to , a lot of business like telecom and other industries are state owned.
Please learn about china more user.
Waltonchain has more government contracts than VEN. I never said Tan Shusen and WTC have a military partnership, but WTC has more government connections in China and business's also. VEN get's the 4th largest Telecom, WTC chain get's the largest in the world. Let that sink in.
there is 100% no point to ven only lie
buy other coin anons there is no moon it will fall down and you will have 0.01$
thanks just bought 100k
>Joining an Alliance to work on IoT with others is a direct partnership
Ven is going to be the blockchain of China. You can deal with that or you can not. It's up to you.
I know you are going to do the same thing you did when Ven exploded in the past few weeks and just not show up in any threads. PBoC is happening and Vechain IS going to be the state choice for blockchain.
I expect to see you admit you were wrong when it happens.
watch this if you doubt vechain
VEN them self disproved PBoC partnership I guess you don't even read up on your own coins hahahha you dumb ass , I swear VEN holders are just fomoing retards
if that were the case then iota, ven, cisco, bosch etc would be in direct partnership
People keep spreading FUD because they want to accumulate. You can either become a weakhanded bitch and run or a rich gentleman like the rest of us. Pick one.
been holding WTC pre china bans, lol haven't sold shit, multiple GMN holder, and millionare. A smart trader would take those VEN gains and buy WTC during it's moon
who is this
I don't know her story, tell me user
A fellow GMN user
google kelly baltzazar, not sure the spelling, also known as mayli, or amelia wang there are 3 lovely videos of her being a chaste proper women
who are you user ill send you a pm
faggot walton cuck who posts in every 4 chan thread related to wtc or ven, every single day, obsessed with degrading and degenerate pornography - you want to be in the same coin as this guy or pic related? who would you trust
>Ven disproved it themselves
No they didn't. You know how I know? Because you just said they did instead of posting 22 Links to the information where they disproved it.
So unless you are willing to provide a source which if you had one you would have then you are talking out of your ass.
lol who the fuck wants to trust a homosexual and a guy who think's billionaires and millionaires are the smartest ppl on earth. Normally when they say buy they bought way before you and you our buying their bags. Anyone experienced in crypto knows you buy before the hype cycle.
Breyer even looks like a fag. Homosexuals are the bottom feeders of the world
because I read their announcements retard go even ask ppl in the reddit, telegram
I don't keep track of ever post by vechain to disprove your moon kid community.
Simply ask noah of vechain himself
I got your ROI right here
Aka you have no evidence. Don't even fucking pretend. It's been asked before and they don't respond to it and none of the announcements even mention it.
You are a fucking autist. If you saw a post where they denied the PBOC rumor it would be all over Veeky Forums and you would have spread it. You would have six pictures about it from various social media sources.
td;lr you are a lying sack of shit.
kek, WTC made some rich ppl if don't know some of those people took out some insurance polices.
Yea that is some great ROI
if u want to fud wtc at least meme it right
KEK, Jim Breyer's VEN portfolio is bigger than your networth cuck
It was in one of sunny lu's post about dnv-gl I am not your research, if your to lazy to ask offical staff in telegram your a dumbass
Again I stand by my point. If you ever saw that you would have taken pictures of it and you would have a thread on it RIGHT NOW fudding VeChain.
I've literally never seen a thread about it or claims to the contrary and people like you would have exploited it by now and you WOULD be exploiting it right now.
You can argue a lot of things but you cannot argue if you had something to sink the PBOC rumor I wouldn't have to ask you to post it. You would already have done it.
cool bro and he bought way early than now cuck, it's called OTC trades. you think he bought in at 8 USD? cuck lulz . You think VEN will be the only blockchain soultion cuck
Someone's net worth doesn't mean it makes it a better buy. Go buy what CNN tells you to buy meh Ripple at 3 usd
buy high sell low biz
Why would I fud it? I don't scream bullshit like ven shits do. I gave some well documented facts you can dyor.
I swear to god I knew this girl or one who looked identical
It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job user, keep up the good work
They are so well documented that I have never seen them and the only person to do so is a the infamous WTC poster.
You have nothing. I did my research and it's horseshit.
>cuck cuck cuck cuck caw
would you two hens fuck off to the hen house and lay some fucking eggs with each other already? christ.
i don't think ven holders can have original thoughts
typical ven holder throwing up that V
If you are not at least 20% into VeChain you are retarded.
i gotta feeling walton is gonna stay around 35 or so for a good while. in 2 weeks i think ven will be ~$12, its gonna be a steady growth. i would sell wtc now if i had some, and get into Ven now.
hens cant lay eggs senpai
lol love how the CMC finally got updated with coins in the supply. I don't think most VEN holders knew the coins on CMC was less than the true supply. Got to love there are only 24 million WTCs and half locked up in GMNs. (total of 100 million ) a healthy supply look at NEO