>he's doesn't know what "sell the news" means

>He doesn't know how shit this coin is and that all the faggots claiming this will do nothing but climb until the 31st when they have their stupid fucking meeting are retarded

Wait till all the new fags who thought a mainnet release would get them a 10x start panicking. This thing just gunna tank all the way to the 31st

how new are you

You stupid fucking niglet, it's already priced in. You would had known that if you weren't such a fucking nigger. Kys OP

>where’s the MainNet pump
Uhh, we’re you asleep when it mooned from 6800 to 8350?

It already mooned. What’s happening right now is more accumulation. Don’t mind it at all. If you don’t want ICX, fine. More ICX for me.

The word you're looking for is slowly dying.
ICX is done. Get over it.

ICX is going to the moon. I mean, just imagine the use cases:

Joe Fuckface was in accident and had a dildo speared through his right eye. He was rushed to the ER and operated on by Dr. Chad. Dr. Chad saves Joe's life after seven hours of surgery in Crypto-Hospital.

LaFonda, a biller from Crypto-Hospital, has to bill Anthem Blue Cross of Crypto for services performed on Joe Fuckface's fucked face. Instead of invoicing them through their already established and functional systems, she remembers that some annoying virgin from corporate trained them to use the ICON portal system for all new billing.

She opens up the ICON portal and it is down for maintenance because crypto happened to crash that morning and 12 million NEETs are all logging into the portal. She tries again to open ICON portal. She tries again 45 minutes later. Ok finally LaFonda is in the portal. She types in the billing and hits submit. The billing information is sent through the ICON loopchain immediately and then she realizes she fucked up the billing code. She tries to reverse it but it already went through. She submits another request and pays the transaction fee again with a note that she fucked up the earlier billing submission.

Darryl the hospital accountant notices that the value of ETH dropped 11% while Blue Cross was processing the claim. Blue Cross sends a notification to Darryl that he now owes X amount of ICX to true up the transaction for the billing. By the time Darryl receives this notice, the value of ETH increased by 5%. Darryl tries to login to ICON portal to request another reconciling payment from Blue Cross but the portal is down again. After re-requesting reconciling adjustments back and forth 32 times, Darryl and Blue Cross finally end up completing the transaction with no exchange rate errors to fix.

To the fucking moon, people.

The whole market has been shit this month, why would ICX be any different?

>hurr durr you're going to get dumped
>I-I mean it's not even mooning

Make up your mind, you fucking Pajeet shiteater

Prepare to get cucked

I know it's pasta, but isn't this just the equivalent of "Bitcoin will never go anywhere because nobody will ever pay "0.000034, no, wait, 0.000039" for a coffee?

Well my ID is po00 so disregard me I am clearly a pajeet.

>when people don't read the op or title and think I'm a holder
You retards I'm laughing at all those involved because for so long they acted like they were in an exclusive executive club for a coin that's better than others, but it wasn't. When I told them they were delusional they laughed at me, now it's my turn.

Have fun in the sub 5k sat range by Friday, faggots

This fud isn't even funny anymore.

this is a scma coin be aware
lots of shady delings you can find through googling.
actually team is whell known scam team in china look for some these china articles in the translate. all very very bad things like staling people money from their hands even in the street but also telepohne scam and thing of the sort.

anway just i know ppl seem like this coin but i warne you, just stay safe. in fact i wouldnot be surprised if the coins acually have virii in them to hijack ur comps.
nex time just buy something safe like bitcions.

poo in loo

poo in loo
