Seriously, last chance to get in for a moon mission. $1 by next 30 days.
Last Call
This is just getting sad at this point. Dump this shitcoin while you can.
Buy TEL faggot
if we have 30days then it isnt the last chance
>Not getting in below 20c
user, this is a 5x opportunity. How the fuck is Veeky Forums so short-sighted?
You'll hold on to some shitcoin for months and it just goes over a dollar, and gets dumped. Whereas this, an AI coin (Which has a fucking huge growing market and demand) is just ignored by poorfags like you.
I bought more today. You can't look at that chart and not buy
5 stages of grief
1. Denial (you are here)
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
AI isn't compatible with a distributed blockchain. You got scammed.
Fuck every pajeet who shilled this coin. Got in at $0.35 and Ill feel lucky if it gets to that within even half a year. I witness fuckers who got in at $0.60 because they got FOMO'd hard. Fuck this shit coin.
I invite any newbies considering getting into this to look at this shillcoins graph for a flawless example of what a pump n dump is
What exactly do you think DBC does? Are you retarded? Do you just hear blockchain and AI in the same sentence and assume its a coin that is supposed to be self aware and invest itself? LOL. go read a book kid.
NEOs AI branch. 1 billion cap by end of year.
Join the brain crew user
I bought in long ago, holding because knowing that we will be rising up! I know this will be 1 buck within 30 days just like OP said.
how many of fucks stayed in because of the food tripfag? I can smell his curry breath from here.
this coins a month old, the only people fudding are the people that bought at ath, myself however got in at 14 cents BRAIN GANG BRAIN GANG BRAIN GANG
this, dbc bag holders
DBC will rally high as fuck
>sold my ADA for this
deep bags
deep brainlet
why sell when bought at the price that is now
You guys are about dumb as the linkies.. shit gonna bleed hard soon. You been warned
Worst than what it already did?
>>how many of fucks
You must be smelling yourself. Nice english!
No mate.
6. Delusion
7. Willing reality to bend to our desire (DBC holders are here)
I have quite a few years of formal education in AI/ML and can tell you this coin is complete trash and will be outperformed by a more generalized platform like SONM. Either that or large companies and researchers will disregard a distributed platform as a whole as existing centralized platforms are already extremely cheap and easy to use.
The white paper is absolute garbage too. Their "mining" algorithm is completely pointless and obviously just there so they could copy/pase the bellman equation to impress people who don't understand the field.
stages of fud
1. Buy at ATH
2. Price dips
3. Sell at low
4. Whine and Cry
5.Fud every thread and cry more
D . O . A.
>> I have quite a few years of being a weak handed fudder. I can tell you this coin made me buy at a high and sell at a low I am being out performed by the people who hold. Now let me cry and whine in every thread about it.
It only moved up because of Btc. This coin is literally on life support and only moves when daddy does. You have to be an idiot to not see this.
Fantastic argument. Please explain to me why you believe DBC should even have a $150m market cap like it does now or higher. Seriously, throw down some facts that made you invest in the project and let's discuss them.
only $1?
>was expecting NEO type moons from this china coin
>>Fantastic argument.
Thank you, now good day sir!
You like saying Daddy huh? Might check that there fetish out pardner.
this shitcoin is being shilled by the same pajeet discord group that is shilling UFR. enjoy your pajeet bags
NEO Dapp, that's all. This their AI branch.
1 billion mcap end of year. Screen cap this.
i invested because it was at only 50m market cap, new on kucoin and about to be listed on huobi. that's a fucking nobrainer, you don't even have to look at the technology
I'm aiming low you know? $2 is more realistic.
this shitcoin is being fudded by the same pajeet discord group that is fudding UFR. enjoy my pajeet bags I sold at low.
fixed that for ya there pardner!
bad ass movie man sucked shit when the hot soldier chick died instead of the airhead bitch. You still right about DBC though!
That guy is an astro fisiscist in nuclear biology science and research into sex bots. How dare you think he isnt the martest thing alive! lol
DBC at it again, is this /our coin?
Bump for interest.
Bump because I just bought 50 for the hell of it
>some pajeet on Veeky Forums goes all in and buys 100 coins at 60 cents
>panics and sells at 10 cents
>can't stop ragefudding DBC for all eternity
I will laugh so hard at you retards when I make 100x on this a year from now.
They truly cant let it go, they just fud and fud and waste their energy and time while we be doin fine.
Interest shown! DBC boyyyy!!!
Are you BrainGangGoodGuy? If not, what happened to him?
shit's getting real
OK You dumb darkie, I'm gonna explain it to you and all of the rest of you motherfuckers:
DBC is a global neural network. That is to say, each node is a neuron in their network. Why, I repeat WHY would it EVER be faster to have a distributed neural network than a centralized one?
your brain has 100 billion neurons. Imagine if one was in alaska and one was in california, why would that be better than having them right next to each other? There is literally no value in this shit coin. It's like hooking up a bunch of middle of the road desktop computers from 1995 and expecting them to outperform the latest iPhone.. It's an impossibility.
This currency is a scam by the laws of fucking physics. Light can only travel so fast you subhuman ape.
thanks bro just sold EVERYTHING.
thanks for the inspiration, sold my bags
I think the overall market just went bullish
who knows for how long
lot of 24h highs being hit right now
Damn you are right. Just sold everything I had. Then bought 100k more and sold again.
pffftt sold 50 billion bought 50 billion as well.
By the laws of physics your brain is in alaska and california and it has to do with the coin that can travel at the speed of light and is an ape.
I just bought into this coin so I found have the pleasure of selling it.
Totally taking my investment advice from someone who uses the phrase "dumb darkie" over one of the worlds leading AI team. They already acknowledged these limitations and explained how they were going to overcome them. But thats not as fun as FUDing is it?
Its part of that vaporware reddit thread that you retards are never able to get all the way through, where the DBC team counters all his points and he conceeds that he was wrong.
Bought at 8 cents
> t. retard who didn’t read the white paper
Fuck your shit coin that is run by a nigger. I hope you fucking decide to chop off your dick and eat it one day
Holy shit you are dumb. The point of the decentralized network is to pool the resources of all who contribute. Instead of one centralized company, it will be every single AI company that wants to join in with the pool. You would have to be a moron to think this is not an incredible idea.
New DBC video explaining how the concept works. Very useful for simpletons.
>how many of fucks stayed in because of the food tripfag?
I imagine he kept people out if anything. I don't think it's a coincidence that the price started to go up the moment that deranged pervert stopped posting.
>the actual state of /pol/jeet tourists on Veeky Forums
jesus fucking christ.