Is it time to short platinum at a leverage?
Could make millions in a day.

Dude wtf are you talking about

Platinum. It's at a local ATH and could go down hard. If you short it with a 25x+ leverage you could make some killer gains.

I've never been much of a short guy, it's a lot like playing bs the card game. I was never good at that either.

Much better at playing the up side.

The dollar is tanking though

It's literally the same shit for shortterm.

You're right. It's a good idea to wait a bit and see if it's going to break the 2-year-long resistance first.

Look at other commodities like Oil and Gold. Both are going up. Bonds and Dollar going down.

They're gonig up like crazy. This could either be a new paradigm or we're about to experience a major buttfucking.

When is the ICO?

>major buttfucking

It was in 1200 BC Egypt.

well the S&P 500 could come crashing down any minute and the housing market looks just a litttttttle inflated. US economy crashes roughly every 10 years and the last one was 2008 so.... you figure out the rest

Could be a hot hand fallacy tho. Just because we see a pattern it doesn't mean it will keep happening.

sure that could be true too, but the dollar is tanking, inflation is at an ATH, and you just look at these S&P charts it almost looks like it HAS to happen. Honestly may not be this year but we are due for another correction soon and trust me you won't know when. People were getting humiliated for calling the housing bubble literally a week before it popped

What's Mr. Orange doing about this? He'll never get reelected if there's a major carsh on his watch.

realistically? I don't know if anything can be done, everything is just inflated, the dollar is backed the full faith of the US government LOL. you guys think tether is a scam? If 1/5 people went to the bank today and withdrew their balance completely the entire economy would collapse before your eyes

also he's probably in complete denial since the economy could never crash under his watch. while he bankrupted multiple companies, KEK

>he owns 530+ companies
>something like 6 casinos dipped due to new regulations or some dumb shit
>still has a 99.9% success rate
You have to go back.

Can't wait for his zombie followers to come up with a justification for the crash. Probably along the lines of "it's 5D chess, you see, in order for the market to grow you must crash it every now and then! checkmate haterzz lolol"

>the greatest stock market run in all of history thanks to this man
>people like you unironically think it can always go up forever and always
You have to go back as well.

It's up because Trump's treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin said he was pursuing policies that would lead to a weaker dollar.

I guess you just glossed over the fact that his grandfather started the Trump foundation 50 years prior to that and gave him just a tiny bit of a head start (a forture) damn kucks

This is false attribution, The run started well before Trump was ever in the picture. It just keeps going because the dollar is nosediving. totally sustainable long term i'm sure

hahahahaha I knew it

Linear growth is perfectly sustainable for as long as we don't run out of resources.
What this moron has done however is pushed it into EXPONENTIAL growth, which is absolutely NOT sustainable.

Dollar has been on a downward trend since the Fed started raising rates

And retards like you get a small loan of a couple hundred thousand dollars and turn it into a liberal arts degree, fail at life, come to here from r*ddit for advice on this get rich quick scheme which take 0 effort (and you probably still have a hard time making it).

>false attribution
It's not, shit for brains. Answer these questions:

What is quantitative easing?
How many rounds of it did we have post-recession? (What years did it start and end?)
What happened when it stopped? Were we looking at another round?
If we were, but didn't follow through on it, why didn't we?
That's what I fucking thought.

Protip: The stock market reacts in real time to current events. The stock market made it's bull run two days after Trump's victory was announced. Now ask yourself this: What is this run due to?
>A: After 8 years - regulation spamming, job outsourcing, high taxes, anti-business (big AND small), massive trade deficit, bad trade deal (TTP, NAFTA) making, wealth funneling (Paris Accord) Obama's policies finally kicking in?
>B: Literally the fucking opposite Trump who has brought back jobs/business and slashed all regulations that strangled industry and manufacturing while already cutting out TTP and Paric Accord with NAFTA next on the chopping block, setting confidence levels sky fucking high for consumers and sellers alike.

I hope to fucking god you are not this stupid.
You as well.