

am a PHR holder longtime. this shit is so under the radar it's beyond me

Let's shill it together. Easiest x10 moon this year, pic very related.

Veeky Forums only buys coins when they've gone 50x
buying low selling high is a foreign concept to them

im pretty sure PHR will become a permanent shill, like Monero, after goes $50. That low supply really speaks for itself.

I'm pretty wary of investing on anything privacy related when Monero is a thing. But that cap is really stupid. So about that marketplace, what happens with taxes?

they literally have their own in house legal team to tackle matters of compliance and taxation
>30m mcap
you'd be really stupid to not invest right now before the next leg up

never gona make it

>thinking that outdated and wasteful PoW has any future now that PoS is being adopted
are your GPU bags getting heavy soyboi?

Yes, very
Unlike the integrity of your piece-of-shit blockchain lmao

>admits to having bought expensive and soon to be useless hardware gear except for playing Crysis 8
>resorts to name calling
typical miner cuck. meanwhile, holders will be compensated with your very block rewards by doing virtually nothing lmao

i think your first argument doesn't hold up very well. By that logic most coins shouldn't exist due to Bitcoin existing.

Bitcoin isn't a privacy coin

by that logic zen would be a much better decision

>51 attack
>centralized nodes
>bad signatures
>the byzantine problem
>no cryptographic power besides trust

Yes, totally soon to be useless goy
Obviously a brainlet like you wouldn't even know what the fuck I'm talking about

not my point. If Bitcoin is a store of value, then why are there hundreds of other coins that are just a store of value, PoW, sending transactions on decentralized public ledger. Bitcoin already does it.

just because Monero exists doesn't mean there wouldn't be other possible privacy coins

Looking at top50 coins i found already 4 privacy coins alone. combined market cap of billions. even when Monero is a thing.

Why are decentralized and private marketplaces so afraid to list "illegal" items? They are missing out on a big market by doing this.

literally the exact same for all scenario as they are under PoW except a different consensus mechanism where people are even more protective of the chain as it's their primary investment and just marginal block rewards
PoW literally BTFO

because the size of the legal addressable market is order of magnitude greater than the illegal one. Amazon and eBay will always be far larger than any underground marketplace organization by a large margin.
also you can't have both. either you go full underground or you eliminate any traces of illegal activities if you want to play ball with global regulators
these people know what they're doing

To tamper with a pow blockchain, you need all the hashing power, and to freeze it you need 51% of the hashing power. That is impossible

On the other hand, you just need 33% of masternodes to completely fuck up your shitchain. This may be costly, but someone will do it if it gets too hot.
Anyways, are you some treehugging faggot who believes in global warming?

>doesn't realize the hotter it gets the more expensive masternodes become
what a literal brainlet
also maternodes don't verify blocks, staking does and you'd still need 51% of the supply

I'm talking about bad signatures goy, you can double spend and the only thing your shitty chain can do is slap them in the hand after they have done it
>doesn't realize the hotter it gets the more expensive masternodes become
>implying more than 51% isnt already owned by 1 entity
>implying you can scale a blockchain without computing power
>implying Bitcoin won't fork into a pos/pow hybrid model after the 21mth

Why not serve both legal and "illegal" markets? The whole point of decentralization is to get away from centralized gov't/laws and the people deciding/governing. In the case of a decentralized marketplace, the users should be able to decide what they want to buy/sell otherwise its not even truly decentralized.

>I'm talking about bad signatures goy
again, the exact same scenario under PoW. if a block isn't accepted another one will and will be found very close to the orphan's timestamp
> >implying more than 51% isnt already owned by 1 entity
how in the name of fuck would that ever even happen you mouth breather?
> >implying you can scale a blockchain without computing power
>he thinks processing power for on chain transactions actually comes from mining

they are actually planning on doing just that but primarily focus on the legal market naturally. the idea is to officially claim that illegal listings cannot be taken down as it's fully decentralized, and at the same time have their centralized search engine ignore such listings once flagged by more than a certain number of users. pretty fucking clever if you ask me and seemingly perfectly legal too

So is PHR worth all inning on or what?

>again, the exact same scenario under PoW
>he thinks processing power for on chain transactions actually comes from mining

you're an actual retard. mining doesn't provide the processing power needed for on chain operations, it simple validates blocks. Bitcoin doesn't actually need all the hashing power that's thrown at it, it's only there because of increasing competition between miners wanting to get their block reward
Bitcoin was perfectly happy with a very low hashrate in the early days before anyone had even heard about it, computationally speaking.
fucking educate yourself before you spend your food stamps on GPU rigs lmao

>Phore is actually working towards legal compliance with the authorities
>other shitcoins aren't and will get rekt
>Phore is actually working on a product that will allow you to use PHR on real world commodities and thus solve the "cashing out" problem
>other shitcoins aren't and will get rekt
what does your inner investor tell you to do? kind of a no brainer decision desu

You basically just said we (pow) don't need all this resource consumption, as a means of promoting a proof of stake model
>b-but your gpus are useless ahah xD
just look up on ebay how much I will sell them for after they mine a shitton of actual useful coins

Tell me again how unbreakable your encryption model is? Oh wait you don't have one

literally what the fuck are you even trying to say here

>pow is bad because of all the trees we cut and all the electricity it uses!!
>actually, pow doesen't need all that energy consumption, it's just the difficulty that can be increased until only finland can afford to mine

Pick 1 nigger

there's no contradiction there you brainlet

>Calling someone a nigger on the Internet

Disgusting fuck

