Vericoin looking extremely BULLISH!

at first i thought i read Vertcoin

thanks for the TA

AMA tomorrow and Binance listing

>AMA tomorrow and Binance listing


do you think it'll rally soon?

Its premise isn't unique aside from its double blockchain gimmick. The fact that they have to justify their blockchain by comparing it against the slow ass BTC is not a good sign


bla bla bla
check out the OB
and buy
satoshi lite is in this. you don't think he'll tweet about it?

fine taste in women OP
fine fine taste
thanks ago for your TA
do you think you can help me out with TIX. i'm not sure how the chart is looking at the moment but they will be releasing their app in a few days. i was wondering if i'll be transferring VRC gains there and then buying back VRC

>fine taste in women OP
>fine fine taste

Fine taste in women, fine taste in crypto ;D.

Cannot say much about TIX unforunately, all I can say is that Vericoin is in the run up to rallying.

a fellow cigar smoker as well


Have to enjoy your crypto gains somehow ay, Cheers :D

fuck you
dude we need to hang out

Thanks for the daily vericoin reminder threads op, are you the same faggot that did the TA in the article?

I've been trading for a decade and I don't understand how faggots could have clusterfuck charts like that and make sense of it

Heh thats right, just the right amount of weeb without seeming too autistic @:D.

Nah bro, but I have been shilling Vericoin here for more than a month :D

This is the simple versioin.

get yourself some trips dude

The time to celebrate is coming soon :D

so in crypto soon means a few hours or a day!
you da real MVP BRO!

i want to go to the gym for a few hours but i don't want to miss the moon mission if it starts

As long as the momentum keeps up I am staying on my computer lol :D.