Is this one of the best HODLs of 2018?
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yes it is when you like to get scammed in the ass
Try the entire fucking decade more like
Not until Sam posts picture of his new fresh cut
Is there an exchange announcement coming up soon? Thinking of buying in as it's been dipping
I can't believe this coin is at ICO prices still, thank god for this bear market. Reinvested a little bit of VEN profits into this guy. Who else excited for Feb/March/April bull run?
>Got in at .4c
>It just keeps dumping
>Meanwhile OriginTrail hits Ether/Idex and is already mooning immediately
Fuck my life. I just can't win at this shit.
people dumping their ico bonus bags. imo this will go up soon. exchanges and partnerships coming
>tfw i'm in both
Should be announced at the end of the month on the 30th or so, highly likely to be Kucoin but not confirmed, certainly will be a major exchange. Partnerships (or at least 1) are confirmed and should be announced roughly the same time.
No just sell it back to them, check their account history
Every coin dumps when it hits kucoin
> t. carVertical bagholder
While KuCoin's looking pretty likely based on the hints, Sam did say "exchangeS". And even if he announces KuCoin, how long would it be until we're up on the exchange?
easiest hold ever
Coins only started dumping in succession on KuCoin after the "crash". Coins were mooing in succession previously.
DataDash will make a video about BlockArray before february is over. Screencap this. I have inside information.
Also, partnership are not UPS or FedEx (you didn't expect them to be able to partner with the biggest guns right away, did you?)
LOL implying it's not a shitcoin
Your loss. My holdings got even more comfy when I found out this, and I even added some more. This is 100% confirmed. If you don't believe me it's your loss.
you can dump when it hits kucoin at the end of the month and then buy the dip
Whats a good long term ROI that we can expect based on current prices?
At least 20-30x
Noice. Any word about master nodes and such? Or is it strictly running as an ERC20?
Oops, meant for you.
why make this thread moron? You know the drill.
shut up
delete this
keep fudding
fill your bags before normies
why shill this now
because I don't give a fuck about whales
My bags are full.
where is this on ed?
Not anything I have any info about right now sadly
Who here hyped for that UPS partnership announced on the 31st? Fuck the moon we going to mars boys.
there is no ups partnership you mongrol
Who here hyped for that Fed-Ex partnership announced on the 31st? Fuck the moon we going to mars boys.
>UPS is partnering with two high school friends with literally zero business connections