CCR it's time to step down

Hi all you biztards

Xtrabytes isn't looked favourably amongst this board because the "co-founder" CCR (a guy who was at the right place at the right time) is incapable of running a vitamin online business let alone a great new company.

Lets see a show of hands here who think CCR should step down.

I would like to present this to the board after it get archived.

Agreed. Time to go you fat prick

What is he doing wrong?

he will never step down, don't waste your time

XBY has come a long way. Why would he step down.


For the good of the project. Things will be revealed in the coming weeks.

Where has CCR been the last few weeks?

>still believing in xby

Is this the guy you idiots are investing in?
What the fuck?

Correct but not in CCR. He will single handly drive this into the ground

nah that's the marketing guru

Got all his skills from the used car business reeeee

Instead of focusing on main net with static nodes, ccr has scammed you with a new useless X fuel token, waiting for patent pending status, useless tester logs that are pretty much bitcoin core logs, and now actual shares in the xtrabytes community corporation

Yes, the poor static holders have been waiting since JUNE and have received nothing. Over 1M in the tx wallet and no mention of sharing between early investors. BUT static holders are first inline to BUY shares.

Will....u are becoming quite the sore loser.

Will, the xby resident Fudster/fuck Is back.

Carry on people. Nothing to see here but a little boy throwing a tantrum.

it's weird cuz will's got a large portfolio, having done well for himself on other coins, so i don't know why he's so salty about xby, yes its a shitcoin but he is incredibly emotionally invested in it despite not having any

Will left the project long time ago. We have the discord crew in here now

He sold just before the big moon. It was inevitable he would make this mistake.

Yes, everyone who criticizes xby and ccr is willdono you retard

Im sorry to say, im not Will. There are alot of people to dont like CCR

Hi will.

Blow me bich.

These threads are nothing but a joke and have no basis behind them. Same shit repeated over and over and anyone with half a decent brain can see right through them...LOL

Make sure to load up on those xby shares faggot

Bahaha go cry to mumy

Guys the tech is very close but the point of this thread is CCR and his AWOLs

Load up on XBY, so CCR can dump on you.

Yeah dude seems a cunt. Other people with power in the discord are nice though. Replace CCR with Elon Musk

CCR is omnipotent. CCR is everywhere and everything. He is XBY. He is everything.

His off banging his mom somewhere in canada

Do not insult your master.

Exactly, CCR is king of us all.

That's a compliment for CCR

When board rotation?

Step down CCR

Bikerlenso is a faggot too. Drop him off the cliff alongside his puppet master

lmao CCR does not even matter. it is all about borz faggots.

Your jealous CCR butthurt is gonna stop you from getting millions. bitch!

I hold 5M faggot and can kill the price anytime I feel like it

Do it pussy, you won't.

Do it you faggot

do it bitch

I could but why the fuck would I you brain dead cunt. CCR is a germ but im not going to give millions away. BUY MY ORDERS SMARTARSE

KEK fuck off you little shit

Stay poor faggot

Speak English nigger

This will never happen and you're retarded for even thinking it would be an option. Move on.

I call BS.

Stay poor Cunt.