How do people get away with exit scams like this?

How do people get away with exit scams like this?

isnt it illegal?

whys it always frican americans shilling exit scams

I told biz a million times telcoin was a discord pump and dump



say thank you to the master shill IAN

kek governments are a two way street friendo, so no it isnt illegal

It is 3 faggots in every thread replying to each other, mods should permanently ban them already for starting same thread over and over.


Rule number 1 - Never buy niggercoins

This guy literally looks like an ape. You could imagine him chomping down on some bamboo or leafs or some shit.

fudding for fun and profit hurr
faker and gayer

>Blindy throw money money at ICOs
>Literally playing crypto darts
>Gets lucky
>makes millions
>listen to me guise Im a good investor

I have a mate who had no idea about cryptocurrency, I introduced him and taught him a few basics and in less than a week hes in discord groups and trying different investment techniques. Not to mention he went straight towards guys like in OPs pic.

I watched about 30 seconds of one of his videos and though "yeah this guy can fuck off"


A nigger reviewing the work of another nigger. What could possibly go wrong?

if you shave a chimp, theyre pale white as pink dolphin; google it and try it your brainsize fits

Nice colour blindness, and I'm talking about his facial features, you stupid fucking nigger.

why is biz so racist?
/g/ was never this bad

The FUD here isn't even clever. Its literally nig this nig that. Needless to say the whole team working in Telcoin is 99% non-black, now what? Sure he is CEO and co-founder, but has some experience and the rest of the team has tons of finance experience and telecom connections. There is no factual proof of any of the negative claims. Honestly give me something to work with and maybe I'll believe it.

Y'all mother fuckers must be accumulating or as retarded as you claim black people to be and bought at the recent high which was about 10x the ICO. Lmao Just hold for a minute, we aren't even two weeks in.

It's going to keep dumping, finance is the most racist sector and we see nig we get out

Why so smelly?

Now that I can actually believe. Lmao