Are coding bootcamps a scam?
Dont want to fall for colllege meme, dont know where to start teaching myself
Are coding bootcamps a scam?
Dont want to fall for colllege meme, dont know where to start teaching myself
Absolutely a scam
Depends on the company hosting them. Could teach it all to urself tho like most do
if you can't teach yourself how to code with the resources available to you (the fucking internet), you'll only amount to a mediocre coder at best.
Also, you have to be autistic to be a good coder. It's something they don't teach you.
was afraid of these answers desu
>Dont want to fall for colllege meme
when it comes to degrees that lead to decently paying, and tons of job placements, saying this means you're just a lazy piece of shit trying to get in as easy as you can until you're found out.
The consensus on coding bootcamps is they produce people who are able to pass interviews, but not program without having their hand held from A-Z. Normal junior developers only need their hand held from P-Z. At my company, and many of the companies my friends in the industry work at, boot camp grad resumes are turned into paper airplanes and kamikazied into the trash.
Self teaching was easy for me.
codeacademy is a fucking meme. OP just pickup Learn Python the Hard Way, and follow it completely and do some more indepth research into each of the exercises and you'll gain much more knowledge and insight.
What about self taught people?
it's a meme
Either that or pick up a 30 year old C textbook and then another to learn about OOP.
Then you just specialize in the language you want to learn.
If you know how memory and conditionals work then you're already halfway there.
Not as much instant respect as a college graduate, but more respect than a boot camp graduate. Self-taught people ought to have an ample amount of projects - fairly impressive ones (for the skill level) too. While a college kid might be able to land an interview with a CRUD web application, a self-taught person would probably need more - something people have used, or is a published app in an app store (that isn't just tutorial-product).
What's good about the Learn Python the Hard Way program?
It's a solid book, not much to say about it.
Just try to stay away from more academic textbooks, 90% of learning coding is by trying.
>a published app in an app store
pretty low bar, i've done that and i can't program for shit
I think Java is a bit easier to learn from than Python, but Learn Python the Hard Way is a great book.
Freecodecamp pajeet, for God's sake don't pay shit until you need an expert mentor to help you
Java isn't ideal for starting to learn.
Ideal is C/C++ then make the step to C#/Java + a scripting language.
For a first language you should definitely go with Python. Java is completely object-oriented which tends to confuse new coders.
>whats a main method
>whats an access modifier
don't listen to this idiot
This is to get an interview, not a job. For a self-taught person, creating and publishing an application on the play or app store shows they didn't just do 2 Codeacademy tutorials and throw an application at us.
We'd usually check the app they made out (~5 minutes) to gauge if it's total trash/an obvious tutorial product.
I could see the OO model confusing people - might just be bias because I learned with Java in school. Switching to mostly using JS/Python had me confused about data types.
There is generally one good coding bootcamp in each major metro area that reliably places grads. Ask around your target city to figure out which one, and only do the full time immersive program.
But a college degree is more valuable anyway, not intrinsically but due to signaling theory and the sheepskin effect.
Are books or online courses better for C++?
Is this the one where you progrma the little yellow dog to fetch
I did that for a while but lost interest because I felt like I wasnt learning anything directly applicable
You can learn everything yourself. If you want to do something easy like web developement collage would be a waste of time. If you want to do something more interesting like AI collage would be nice because of the math. One thing I noticed about codeacademy is you only need to "remember" something for a couple minutes and everything is spoonfed, so you don't retain much information. I've only heard negative things about bootcamps both from employees and employers. As a coder learning things by yourself is half of your job so I would suggest you start now.
If you're motivated and bust your ass they can be worth it. A friend did App Academy a couple years ago and now has a 6-figure job in SF with 6-figure stock options vesting. He's comfy af.
It's better to learn procedural first then OOP so you get the fundamentals of stack vs heap.
Also Java is much more abstract so you'll miss a lot to do with memory as I said.
I'm not a fan of online courses, but it doesn't hurt as an aside I guess. As long as you put in the work.
What's your problem exactly?
The truth is nothing comes easy. You'd be naive to believe you can learn to code in 3 months. Autistic guys are good at solving complex unemotional tasks and that's why they excel in this profession.
thanks for these answers
I'm an extrememly mmotivated self learner, dropped out of HS and tought myself lots and yes I dont do well in school and want to make my own route
thanks for suggestions re: learn python the hard way, will check it out for sure. was frustrated with online programs because i felt I wasnt learning anything directly applicable, i know theyre trying to lay down fundamentals but if i'm not jumping in the deep end i tend to forget it all immidiately
To be honest, learning the fundamentals is very very important in this field. Leaping right into the 'directly applicable' with GUIs and whatnot will cause you to not know what the code you're writing does, even at a basic level. You won't be able to figure out how to tweak tutorials to fit your needs.
It can be a pain in the ass. You'll be confused. You'll be embarrassed when you'll spend 2 hours on something that 'should've' only taken 20 minutes. You just have to keep going.
>dropped out of HS
because he's extremely motivated
local college was spamming me about coding boot camp, $8k for 1 month. I imagine it consisted of showing you where to go online to find information
because my schooling was getting in the way of my education and i didnt want to spend my youth on a treadmill
I've been a developer for years and still constantly run into shit that's a 5 second/one line fix that can take hours to figure out. It happens to all of us.
> I think Java is a bit easier to learn from than Python
Literally retarded. You know Java is lower level, right?
well if you want to work in this society, you're going to need to adapt to some social norms. so while i agree that some things are not always the best use of your time, you need to deal with it. also, the fact that you provided a non-answer likely means you're lying and are some freak weirdo that's never going to make it. sorry.
"from" being the keyword here retard
Let him dream while he can.
How is Java lower level?
Both Python and Java operate on virtual machines.
Lol, what is that level you're talking about, enlighten us user.
is it possible to just get a low level comfy IT job? I just want to have my own office to play vidya/shitpost/trade crypto and get paid to do it, maybe occasionally install adobe reader for some dumb bimbo. do these jobs exist?
bootcamps are for retards
if you have the time to go to one you have the time to teach yourself the same exact shit
if you're not stupid you wouldn't pay thousands of dollars for this information. spend $50 on a textbook on [meme language of your choice] and read the entire damn thing and make any examples that you can. you'll learn more and have more to show for it. and you won't forget it in 2 weeks like you would if you went to some faggot bootcamp and were forced to code on a team with ramjul and samir for 7 hours a day.
Yes. Work for a bank in IT.
You could try get a cleaner job in an IT company. You'll likely have your own room, small but comfy though.