What is margin trading and how does it work? How would I use margin trading to turn 1 btc into 5 btc?
Explain it to me like im 5
What is margin trading and how does it work? How would I use margin trading to turn 1 btc into 5 btc?
Explain it to me like im 5
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metamask isn't looking very good right now
too round of a fox
It is very unkind to be rude to people who are trying to learn you spergtard
You get fucking lucky over and over until you dont
>coming to Veeky Forums for advice
This isn't reddit faggot, you're only going to get fucked up here. This is the best advice you'll ever get here. Now get out.
If you have to ask biz what margin trading is, you are months/years away in trading experience from when you should be trading on margin.
google bitmex testnet and find out.
the trick is to use 100x leverage every time.
And this.
Do 3x leverage on Bitfinex. You can make good money off the stable coins and the chances of losing your position is relatively low
Use Gunbot
basically does automatic margin trading
Would be awesome if I had the scratch. Maybe one day...
Margin trading is trading with money you don't have.
If you have no problem with counter party risk, you could deposit the whole amount of bitcoin and use 1x leverage, you will RARELY get liquidated.
Or you could buy/sell the same amount of contracts for 1/100th the price to you at 100x leverage, but a slight movement in price risks your entire position being liquidated.
Gunbot is good if you don’t have the time and patience lol...or if you have to work
It’s always good to just do it manually though
Why would i trust a bot to do my trading and not fuck up and piss away all my money?
1. find the tiniest coin in the universe on an exchange that supports margin. like 2 BTC market cap
2. put up 0.5 BTC sell wall
3. make a bet that coin will drop, get paid 100x the amount it drops
4. if anyone buys your sell wall close trade and kys
I work nights without internet access so that's why I need a bot. I want to retire before 2020.
Gunbot is the only trading bot you should be using. You could code your own but one screwup and you'd be fucked.
Look up some gunbot reviews I guess
And how much does it make you daily?
I only have like 0.80 BTC worth of alts in binance and I make at least 0.04 daily. Somedays I'll make 0.1 but that's only in a bull market.
it depends on how much you want the bot to use and what coins
I make a solid $400 daily with my baby fun gun
how big is your stack though and % are those gains daily
>$400 daily
How are you making so little?
You need to take risks more
>there are actually traders on here without gunbot
The absolute state of Veeky Forums
I make 5-6% doing localbitcoin and localalts.
So yes, there's more than one way to make money. :)
How do I margin trade coins which aren't even listed on Coinmarketcap?