I'll start - I swear 1 out of every 3 college kids on campus have one of these overpriced wastes of $1000. Then they wonder why they're poor.
Why are normies so bad with their money?
I'll start - I swear 1 out of every 3 college kids on campus have one of these overpriced wastes of $1000. Then they wonder why they're poor.
Why are normies so bad with their money?
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I bought one for $50 because a store was on it's last day of liquidation before it closed down. How does this make you feel?
canada goose fur i'm so cold burr
thats like bitching about people who buy lambos. who gives a fuck what they do with their money
Hay faggot. I love my Canada Goose coat. I get smiles and winks from every cutie that walks past me on campus.
Sounds like you are an anti social incel.
Wash my Yeezy's nerd
not the same. people that buy lambos aren't typically bitching all the fucking time about how poor they are.
How dare people buy nice things for themselves.
But really, it's a crappy jacket.
There are better quality high performance jackets, for that money.
Name one fag boy
just bought one, pritchard coat ayylmao u jelly poorfag
Scarcity vs. abundance mindset
people tend to learn about scarcity one day, better to do it while young and then get rich with your wisdom
>not buying an eddie bauer jacket on clearance
eddie bauer has lifetime guarantee. when it gets wrecked they will replace it.
Which ones? I really need a jacket.
>Why are normies so bad with their money?
They're retarded, that's all.
See That's how a retarded normie think. And then he ask for handouts from the State. Literal parasites /cancer to society.
>muh nice things
>I NEED to buy expensive irrelevant shit to feel better and then complain
press machineeeee
I personally have a very nice LL Bean parka, 1/3rd of the price. No complaints.
canada good has lifetime warranty also.
I dont have a canadagoose i hated ppl who have em cuz everyones the same now considering meh might as well buy one cuz all the asian qts have it.
Absolutely not fag.
Nice strawman, shame if anything were to happen to it
Canada goose jackets are a good investment fagboi.
>lifetime warranty
>looks nice
>fur trim triggers veganfags
Share price on that company has doubled since August 2017.
i hope someone sees you wear your faggy jacket and skins you alive and uses it to make a belt
arcteryx is superior.
Warranty covers ware and tear. For life. Goose shit does not.
It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job user, keep up the good work
>not wearing fjallraven
This is why you dont get laid wearing canada cuck
What you and they do with their money impacts society in the deepest way possible
You're fucking braindead
it amazes me, are you pressa?
How does it feel to know you paid $1000 to look like a rich asshole?
lmao wearing fur in 2018, get with the times grandpa.
>thinks they're fighting global warming
>trying to save the polar bears and poor arctic animals
>wears $1k+ parka made with real coyote pelts
Enjoy getting shit for wearing fur after it's been blown up for the past 30 years.
Pic related, people that wear Canada Goose in NYC get stickered by random activists when they aren't at a protest.
give me them yeezys fo i whoop yo lil white ass
>wearing yeezy's
ok nigger lover
>not buying superior Mackage with your crypto gains
fucking normies when will they learn
when you see fob chinks wearing it you know it's time to move on
I do what I want. I am not breaking the law, you are.
I've only heard or read about these jackets in passing. If I seen someone wearing one of those in the OP pic, I would just assume its a normal priced jacket. After googling, some of the ones Nordstrom have for sale look alright. The patch on the side is okay, kinda nazi'ish which is hip right now.
I spent money on a shitty s8 because I wanted something nice for once in my life. It keeps cracking over the smallest shit and the chargers keep dying on me. What's a good cheap Asian phone?
why would i need a jacket when the heat from lambo engine melts all the snow in a 50m radius
Canada Goose is too pricey for me, but it's cold as fuck outside user, a good winter coat is needed.
Because they have to fit in
>LL Bean
>very nice
LL Bean has a mail order catalog. get out
I actually love my arcteryx Gortex shell. But my Canada Goose coat actually looks classy when I am in a casual or more dressy situation. My Arcteryx is for when I'm just shitting around in the woods.
Kyotes are actually considered an overpopulated pest in Canada, nigger.
>someone touches me
>knock the shit out of them
heh nothin personnel kid
personally i just buy whatever i want and usually it doesnt have to be because of any particular brand but usually i go for hugo boss, jean paul and gant
Oh man a violent response to a non-violent action, how expected of someone that would wear one of those coats.
since when did Veeky Forums turn into Veeky Forums you fucking faggots
kek. Toronto fags?
Absolutely based
Buy real leather, eat bacon, punch a snowflake.
who /brampton/ here?
the goat city in the GTA
This. Nobody that's wasting money on some trendy faggot college kid clothing to call attention to themselves deserves to make it.
>literally one thousand united states dollars
We want the nigger market.
I wear an EMS jacket. High quality with no labels. The best dressed people never wear clothing with logos. Never.
let me guess, you're a pajeet?
WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! I see these all the time in the city. Had no idea what they were thought they were just some fad. I literally thought they were like $100 maybe. A thousand dollars? Are you fucking kidding me? Goddam people are stupid. Why would you buy something that looks like you bought it at fucking Burlington Coat Factory. I'm gonna go throw up.
These coats are alpha because they have real fur on them.
I bought a jacket for $1000. It was from Bottega Veneta though. And I get to wear it the entire year. Kys.
dafuq would I wanna live somewhere cold enough that I even need this shit
>being racist in Canada
go away yar
All the warm weather cities are shit holes think about it
ew brampton pajeets invading biz
idk west coast titties are nice
I only ever see chinks wearing Canada goose, I thought it was the latest China meme.
pajeet confirmed
stay poor faggot. you sound like a commie go back to /pol/
It's nothing at all like it you stupid cunt
People VOTE with their money
What they spend their money on impacts everything
Go back to Twitter you dumb fuck jam sandwich
Those coats just scream "Rob me!"
If you are going to spend 1k on a jacket, at least look somewhat unique unionmadegoods.com
so what are you voting on when you buy your dragon dildos? enlighten me
If you're ever going to wear something like that you better at least be 6'3 at the minimum
fucking deluded chink.
quirky Chad reporting in, actual name is Brad
You're kidding, right?
wow what a bunch of overpriced, gaudy garbage
I feel like only asians wear this shit
How much would you pay to be impervious to winter?
A Canadian chink meme coat being shilled on Veeky Forums and a bunch of pajeets from Brampton weighing in on the matter.
This is what happens when we attract Redditeurs, I guess.
>not going to costco in september
>not buying whatever top end jackets they have for $50-$100
>not stocking up on the glorious BC Clothing work shirts that are under $20
>buying memery clothing at full price from the "manufacturer"
it's like some people aren't even trying at life.
Being white is priceless.
My wife keeps begging and begging me to get one of those jackets for her.
Will someone explain to me what's so special about it? I'm serious. My wife begs for a lot of shit.
My wife is Asian so maybe.
Seriously someone please explain what the deal is with this jacket?
this guys mad as shit he's a dreck incel
>being retarded virgin
>not just falling the moment they stick something on you and threatening to sue them for damage,and wages lose + emotional stress like a chad
>t.virgin gives a day of pain, chads ruin lives
>buying nice things for yourself once in a while is the same thing as asking for sustainable living wages
incels will get the wall and i will personally do it myself
>buy all my shoes and hoodies at costco
>mother fucker k-mart shit has outlasted anything of brand
>My wife begs for a lot of shit
tell her to get a job ffs
I dont buy dumb shit you fucking autist or watch fagnime or other shit plebs do
I forbid her to have a job. She wants one. I said no. I'm paying for her to take some online degree thing instead.
yikes, you are trash too.
never knew I'd find a pressa reference here of all places
Sup dweebs, your memecoins are stupid and gay but I just couldn't help but notice these repeating digits. Checked.
Is this a bot? This thread isn't even about memecoins
I own a barbour jacket idgaf