Call off work sick

>call off work sick
>not really sick

>call off work sick
>don't even have a job

OP you gangster you

what a mad man

>tell boss I'm working on it
>I'm not

>call into work sick
>not actually sick
>boss says wow you sound really bad wishes me a speedy recovery
anybody else master manipulator without trying here

I got fired for doing this every friday boomers want you there everyday of the year

absolutely devilish

Show your faces and I will. You’re still hiding from me, not the other way around.

>call off work sick
>Actually sick
>Boss thinks I was lieing and cut my hours

>always go to work when I'm actually sick regardless of how bad it is
>use sick days for special events
This is the pro play

>parents think i have a sustaining job but lives in the other side of the country
>just trade crypto and sell magic mushrooms i grow myself on the DN.

This, always this.

>cough as loud as possible into every possible direction until they send you home

Rough shit man.

The way the policy is set-up at my workplace, I could theoretically call off at least 9 and potentially up to 27 times a year before they would fire me. I guess technically, they could fire me anytime for calling off sick, but I'm betting they won't because they wouldn't be able to successfully contest my unemployment benefit claims.

But seriously don't do that. It's all politics man.
You gotta draw attention to yourself without making it look like you're drawing attention to yourself. Make sure everyone knows you're sick but you're here to finish the job.


>I got fired for doing this every friday
>every Friday

Ive called off 8 days in a row.. Still wont get fired because of the lack of people willing to do my shit job.

Master satan manipulator

All of you are degenerates who will be living in Brazil tier multi-tiered city slums while the rest of us enjoy the pleasure domes

I worked at a factory where I was supposed to start at 8. I showed up between 9-11 every day and they didn't even say anything to me. They didn't give a shit.


What job?



>call in to work sick
>boss says i cant have the day off
>tell him im REALLY sick and cant go
>boss says he REALLY needs me to work
>call him a faggot
>boss laughs
>mfw i am the boss

>mfw I did this on purpose to get more time for crypto

>boss tells me I have 2 hours to finish a 200 word report
>tell him "yeah, I am gonna need a bit longer than that"
who else /psycho/ here?

>he can't type a 200 WORD report to please shekelberg