Erik says he grew up on Veeky Forums

No joke, periscoping riight now

Other urls found in this thread:

kek apparently im blocked by him for calling his peter schiff video a cringefest

that guy is such a massive fucking faggot holy shit

No shock the guy is pure 100% cringe

he looks like a cuck

god fuck this guy. he dosent deserve to be rich

Is he, dare I say, /our/ guy?

no rich piana was our one and only guy


Jesus Christ this guy is one of the most hideous cuck-looking faggots I've ever seen.

he grew up posting memes of himself on reddit and now he is trying to damage control

guys a fucking normie


get out of here

Erik Finnman is a true alpha MALE with a humongous horsecock that can satisfy females, unlike you virgin NEETS.

im friends with him on FB

what do?

this desu


represents you soyboys perfectly

If he truly grew up on Veeky Forums he would know the value of ANONYMITY. There are people here richer than him from crypto but you don't see them parading themselves around because they're not fucking reddit newfags.


I'm unironically richer than this faggot, and he didn't even do anything to earn it. That soycuck literally just bought 500 BTC when they were $2 each with daddy's money and sat on it for a few years.

In fact he actually managed to LOSE money somehow in the process.

Reminder that he is working on launching an ICO so we will see more posts here linking to his social media and news storys for awhile.

>having a twatter account
what are you, some kind of nigger?

here is the periscope, congrats Veeky Forums you made him a millionaire

Is he a jew? Looks like one.

We did it!


He grew up?

>He looks like he got hit in the face by a hot shovel

if dubs this becomes OP's husband