170 XLM at the moment worth 108.95$USD at the moment. Going to sleep, how much should I expect when I wake up at around noon NY time?
170 XLM at the moment worth 108.95$USD at the moment. Going to sleep...
This is a blue board, fuck off back to /b
you really made an entire thread about your 100 dollar folio? holy fucking shit you are one cum-guzzling faggot.
Would suck / 10
how much Tron (TRX) for her?
Get out. Now.
about tree fiddy
You’re sleeping 13 hours?
i want /pol/ to leave
took 20mg of melatonin since I can't sleep for shit so yeah probably.
Not even once.
ill give all my verge and tronx for that tiny whitepussay
Worst thread on this board by far. The porn (gay at that lol), the pathetic amount of money. Just weak. Making a whole thread for this. Kys OP
20mg ? enjoy death
who is she?
soooo... nice job janitors !
That's a fat cock. Can only imagine how it'd feel in my tight ass.
hmmm I am pretty sure this is gay
when did the traps invade Veeky Forums? i see them all the time now
>who is she?
Just stop
I’ll fight you for it