Advice Needed

So tomorrow should be a big day for pic related. Normally I would be preparing to sell my stack with the news and buy the dip, but with such an undervalued and relatively unknown coin, I am asking Veeky Forums:

Will this dip lower with the news, or will $3 be the new floor? Should I increase my stack tonight at $2.85?

what's happening tomorrow

At worst it goes back to 2.80, I don't see this crashing unless it hasn't mooned 2 months from now.

this will probably go up after news
also, what is the news - the partnership?

when can i run a node, that's all i care about


The iExec team will be at the Blockchain Connect conference in San Fran tomorrow. Rumors of a new partnership announced. Even if not, massive increase in exposure.

News AI fog computing...


is there node talk? if so, how many units?

$40-50 EOY

That being said, $3 tomorrow?

yes that's the whole point. anyone can run a node and get paid rlc. right now only iexec is running nodes so dapps can start using it. not sure how much stake is required yet.

tfw you put $800 into this a week ago

It was all I can spare. Will I make it?

i would assume it's RELATIVELY low, considering they're looking utilize the power of the computer they wouldn't want to be too restrictive

maybe in 5 years

Have fun dropping 6k then, this shit is going to moon in feb.

Limited supply coin.
Cutting edge technology.
Working product.
Low market cap.
Team of PHDs.

I invested 50k into this coin.

Moon mission guaranteed.
Get in while its cheap.


What are your expectations for price in may and eoy?

My hope is 10 bucks by May.

it better.

I was thinkin 10-15 for may. Staking should increase price quite a lot

It literally went to 8$ 2 weeks back

for about 10 minutes... I watched it pump. It was actually selling on Binance at the height for around $13. $10 by may seems about right. possibly $15

It didn't.
Wrong coin?

Oh wait you mean binance fuckery?
Never mind.

This not node, just classic stack. Dont need a minimum. But you will have to hold a % of the task you want to realize.
Read PoCo article on médium, this is really interesting.