Sell me this man.
Sell me this man
Other urls found in this thread:
was he in on the scam?
of course he was
i hope he was
because if he wasnt i truly feel sorry for the guy
lost all his money
lost his reputation
laughing stock of half the crypto community
wanted dead by the other half
He's doing fine
he works okay maybe
What musical theatre was he in?
wassa wassa wassa wassa wassa wassa WASSUPPPP
no no no
Thanks, just bought 100,000.
>when the bit connects
"For Those Asking, Me And My Wife Are NOT Divorced. However We Are Not Talking To Each Other At This Point For Reasons I cannot Make Public Also, For The Person Who Keeps Calling My Accountants Number Shouting Bitconnect on Different numbers, Please Grow Up"
This man is the ultimate meme. I think he'd actually make a good mascot for a product.
It's a fake account.
Oldest tweet was made 13 hours ago.
That only makes me wanna track down the real Carlos and shout "Biiiiitconneeeeect!" at him over the phone at all hours of the day from spoofed numbers.
has he shutdown his youtube?
I found it the day bitconnect did its thing and it had recent videos but now theyre all gone.
send him some kys