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Tfu tfu
wahhh literal faggot degenerate pervert is mad because he can't post porn on a blue board
How do they get all the hair off like that? I try to shave everything and it never works out.
fagz get out
Shave then nair. Wax too if you have a big bear bf to help you.
Waxing? Getting your nuts waxed hurts like hell and it grows back in a month though.
you're welcome
You are literally a gay man.
Come to terms with it instead of fighting it. You'll be much happier this way.
t. a gay man.
This is straight up faggotry
Mentally ill faggot i hope you fucking die bro
Traps are not gay.
I mean it, they are not.
Dont bro me alright
what the fuck there's like a ton of extra skin on the end of his penis. What kind of deformity is that?
wow these girls have some nice cocks
super easy with this
Blue fucking board, fuck you /b idiots
That is amazing, thanks for sharing user
The MODS must love these TRAP threads.
PUSSY = instant BAN
i want that top