Where are my FUNchads at?
Where are my FUNchads at?
Getting ready to dump my xlm profits into FUN
I'm 50/50 XLM/FUN myself. Considering dumping XLM for FUN after the next few days. Both are going to have gains in Feb, but FUN will have more I think.
thinking of quickly jumping from ven into fun while ven does it crash then buy back in.
Fun is really stable right now and sitting at its bottom.
That's one thing FUN has going for it. Stable and upper 800's is definitely the floor.
i hope this coin unjusts itself sooner or later
Already 1k below initial investment
February is /ourmonth/ just hold for 30 days and you'll be fine. Easy 2.5x.
45k funlet reporting. February gonna be dope as fuck.
FUN bro reporting in yo'. Sitting inside a pennant. Long term hold, iron hands.
Just got into investing and got 5k FUN as my first pick. Ready for that long term hold.
all in on FUN
ITT retards think a nothing coin is the best way to vapour their memebucks
150k reporting in
Funfair has hired alot of people lately, up to 50 people working on the project right now, exiting times incoming
>says the retard who also invests in vaporware
Wait, hes in Vegas? Doubling investment
Exciting, dont scare me with exit
If I buy back into FUN right now, when will I start having FUN? If it's February then I think I'll just wait for now.
Best coin in the coinosphere.
Might have been a freudian buy low sell high kind of slip, my bad ;)
We still in the low so dont worry
It'll be in the next two weeks or so. So yeah, February.