have you ever talked your way into pussy? meaning by charisma alone you got laid
Have you ever talked your way into pussy? meaning by charisma alone you got laid
I told some fat girl I sold 4 bitcoins and I got to shove my penis in her blooper flamingo chong feet
extravagant vajonas brother
Used to. But it's been like 2 years now.
Yeah lol high school was a blast and you have to almost try to not get laid at uni
Yeah, in college plenty of times. I was a broke 18-20 year old student of course I did. Everyone I know did.
Yes, it's not difficult. I'm not sure why alot of guys have such a problem with this.
I have no charisma i am arrogant annoying selfish realist etc women hate me after 5 minutes talking to me
Yes I used my words and told her I'd give her $300 to fuck her in the ass
Holy fuck Veeky Forums is truly fucking dead.
how could you possibly know?
For sure, alcohol helps but is not necessary
Yeah but that was when I was much younger and had more game during my high school days. now that I'm 23, it's become harder with each passing year.
Not really. I'm already good looking. at least I am/was in my school, work, small town, etc. So Ive had opportunities where I just have to not fuck it up by spilling my spaghetti.
Other times I've fucked girls that were enormous sluts that happened to be drunk and in the same room as me so I don't think there was any chance of me not getting laid.
It's called having a girlfriend. You get to have sex whenever you want and also get a companion to care for. They care for you back as well.
You should try it sometime!
might as well rename this board /normie/. this thread is disgusting
ill be the first here to admit no. what happened to Veeky Forums?
How else do you get laid? I don't think I've ever not talked my way into it.
>newfags show themselves again.
Get out you newfag fucks.
Been on Veeky Forums since 05 faggot, /r9k/ is your containment board.
what year did you get here?
I got here about 2 weeks ago from a link my buddy at work sent me because he said Bitcoin might be a decent investment for 2018. I've been kind of an expert on meme culture and funnies from reddit and 9gag for at least 2 years though so I get the jokes and adapt quickly. It's obvious not everyone else here does though huh. Basically I'm just a fast learner so I'm an "honorary oldfag" on /B/. BIZ is totes my home board though.
I am a newfag 4channer and I unironically love browsing reddit and Veeky Forums. Except for the casual racism/misogyny, you guys make me chuckle.
Yeah, but we were drunk, so it was literally saying "ay bby, wan sum fuk?" to her.
cmon user you can do better than that, wew laddy
and you've probably only been on Veeky Forums for the last few weeks. sad!
Funny you should post some bait faggot:
fuck of faggot nigger cunt
As opposed to...?
i dont have it in me user
"Do you like sexual intercourses?"
almost every time you end up fucking a stranger it's due to talking/charisma, I mean how else would you?
unless you're talking about situations where the girl clearly wasn't into you or thought you were straight up ugly? but you talked your way into sex anyway?
I dunno, charisma/humor can definitely make up some ground but the number one factor is attractiveness. Women are kind of binary with partners, either you're in the fuckable category, or you're not. Then there's varying levels in the fuckable category - if she has say 5 prospects that night you can climb up to the top through charisma/humor for sure, but if you're not in that category to begin with then no amount of charisma will help you.
im 28 years old and i've never approached a woman
are that many people on this board actual NEET virgins?
I'm not 6 feet and I'm only a 7-8 in the looks department so I have to try to get laid.
Guyts don't understand how you look smell sound and act in the first few minutes of meeting a girl is so important if you want to fuck her that night.
if you're 6 feet and above 5.5/10 face wise you should have relatively easy access to women
It has been years since i fucked a pussy, i dont even try anymore, i could not give a flying fuck about women at this point. All i want is financial independence and to hop out of worklife to live a life of peace and solitude ultil it is time to leave this jew infested shit planet
Jesus the virginity on this sub is even stronger than I thought
If you are below 5"11 No girls above a 7 looks want you unless you are a 10 of 10 face with a 6 pack.
I know tall men and one of them lost all of his hair at 18 and he finds women easier than me and I wake up with saloin quality hair and have silver/blue/hazel eyes. It's all height.
Yes, 100% user.
Don't ever let anyone tell you that game / charisma can't get you laid.
I looked much worse 1 - 2 years ago than I do now and I got laid at least 4 times alone from Charisma in person / over IM.
Now I look better than I ever have, and because my Charisma and confidence just isn't there I may as well stay inside and give up.
You are correct, height plays a ginormous role. Even in stats for around the world, the overwhelming universal is women dating men who are older/taller than them.
its literally the only way i get it
Can't wait till she pays the toll either with her life or as a single mother whose kid will end up in jail.nAnd to answer OP's question; Yes.
height but it's just one of many factors
women want providers of some kind, this means they want physical and social competence
for physical: height, hand size, jaw size, shoulder width, agility, coordination, well-aligned bite
for social: status, humor, likability, intelligence
you have to have some of this at least going on to be attractive to women
no one is attractive to everyone though, and probably most people are attractive to someone
Women only fuck me because of my looks. I don't like being objectified. Since everything came so easy to me I never developed depth in my character. I blame my good looks. Thanks universe.
I agree but it's basicly impossibled for men to pick up girls in a frat party/club if you don't have height dominance. Just the way it is. The only guys below 6 feet in a club have gigantic muscles to compensate. It's actually funny because often they still go home alone
Wow, if only you knew what your problems were so you could work on them.
Ive talked my way into pussy about 72 times, the one thing that gets you laid without much effort is guts.
I won't tolerate shit from anyone and Ill say whatever comes to mind even if its edgy or bizarre, and Ill always go for a kiss and the vag when I see a good moment.
Ive even played with a girls vag right in the middle of the park with everyone around me watching. I got nothing to live for so Ill do anything I want
Honestly just be yourself without any restraints and you will get laid
First 20 pussies i slayed roughly.
Although dancing is often a huge part.
>itt: Veeky Forumslets try to act alpha and out themselves as betas
the moment you have to talk your way into pussy, you've lost the game